which type of quat do you prefer? high or low bar?
High vs low
I switch when I hit a hard stall on one, or start to get hip/knee pain
high bar cuz i ain’t no pussy
I started doing high bar to see more quad development, but haven't gotten that yet. Still look dyel and I'm almost at 2pl8 5x5.
The magic starts to happen when you hit 300+.
Make sure form is good.
You are a colossal faggot.
I prefer low but it kills my left pec so I have to do high bar.
I don't squat because I've never had the desire to be pegged.
At the moment high bar as I don't miss depth there when I get fatigued (long legs and short torso). Low bar is often to parallel and not proper IPF depth unless I really try to sink it.
Because 2pl8 is still dyel
high bar because low bar is basically cheating
Front squats 100%. Helped my posture immensely, and my core has gotten a lot stronger from them.
Thanks anons. I'm trying to recover from being a skelly. Progress is slow but steady.
Low bar because high bar fucks my back even with good form. I do volume front squats for quad development tho.
I fell for the lowbar meme for the longest
>bent over
>bar rolling
>elbow pain
>uncomfy setup
>more stability
>confident solid deep squats
>no bar roll
>easier on shoulders and no elbow cuckery
say no to low bar today
show me a single athlete (not power lifter) that does low bar
High bar because I find the bar position more comfortable.
i hate both
>tfw my wife pegged me last night
was pretty hot ngl
I was doing Low Bar as a beginner until I hit 405lbs (170bw)
Then I switched to high bar. I don’t like it’s less weight but my butt is rounding out better
you do realise that's not a high bar squat on the left right
Just a personal anecdote. I had been training lowbar and got up to a 220kgx5. Then I was having bicep tendonitis issues so tried highbar. I did a set at 200kgx5 and it was easy. A week later I did 210kgx5. So by no means does lowbar make you weaker. It allows more weight to be lifted, but that also makes you strong. It also has the added benefit of straightening your low back and hamstrings much more than a high bar squat does. I went back to lowbar because highbar destroys knees, and eventually my bicep had gotten better. Pretty much everyone should be doing lowbar. The problem is that it is not easy to learn, and almost no one gets it right by themselves, unless they are diligent about it and are willing to work on the form for a few weeks. Either way -- a lowbar squat is simply a more efficient use of training time. It uses more muscle mass, with more weight, so you'll get stronger doing it.
Wtf are you talking about? What do you consider high bar then you faggot
high bar = actual olympic squat ala clarence up there in the OP
Clarence literally has the bar lower on his back than the pic you said wasnt high bar. I think you are retarded and actually mean it wasnt ATG squat
I mean the bar is in the right place but his bottom position is pure garbage so I kind of agree.
>d00ood iTs lIdterLAY jUst Bar pOistion Bro
a high bar squat is heavier on the knees for a reason, the reason being if you do it properly and don't cut depth like you do, you should be going ATG
that's what separates the two in actuality
high bar = atg olyimpic style
low bar = dude i'm quarter squatting a ton bro i'm so strong
you can be as pedantic as you want but you can't deny reality
I find your post shallow and pedantic.
I never back squat anymore and my body/joints are thanking me
kill yourself then me
Honestly if you don't need a certain style of squat for your sport (only ones I can think of are high bar ATG for weightlifting and low-bar for powerlifting) just pick a style and do it to depth (i.e. ATG for high-bar, breaking parallel for low-bar (since that's when the hammies are at full length))
Well you just have a complete misunderstanding of basic physics. An ATG squat is easier on the knees than a parallel squat. The reason lowbar is easier on the knees, is that the lower bar position, allows for a more horizontal back, which places the hips further back, and therefore the knees do not travel as far forward. Knee forward travel is what is hard on the knees, because it increases the moment arm acting on the knees. A hips back, knees back lowbar increases the moment arm on the back and hips, but the lowback and hips can take bigger punishment, and have more muscle supporting them. How does it feel to be such a brainlet with such a big misunderstanding>
Many power-lifters squat highbar. And lowbar is also appropriate for weightlifting, even if it's rare.
LMAO bro you obviously were wrong and are only pulling out mad amounts of bullshit to back up a mute point.
Highbar = bar higher on the back
Lowbar = bar lower on the back
Just got injured for the first time in 2 years I've been doing low bar because I did a dumb program and didn't bloat up enough. I can squat upright now but I can't hinge for shit, so I'll probably be doing high bar or box squats for a while.
Reminder not to just push your limits but to also listen to your body when you have to.
>all these brainlets in the thread
they are two different styles of squatting denoted by the position of the bar
high bar = ATG olympic style
low bar = power shitter half rom style
simple as
where you place the bar on your back does not dictate your depth you dyel brainlet. pls pls pls pls post squat
Post squat. Also you know you can do wide stance high bar (if your hip morphology allows it) and you can go just below parallel, right?
Rip recommends low bar in SS, but I do high bar because I figured high bar works quads harder and I already deadlift a lot for hamstring/glutes. Am I retarded? I also want to try oly lifting at some point and high bar feels better for me.
i think people are making out a few centimeters of bar placement into way too big of a deal
Do whichever doesn't aggravate any of your past injuries and allows you to feel most stable. For me it's low bar since high bar has caused many injuries for me (lumbar, hips, knees).
>mute point
Oh shit nigga what are you doing?
High bar was great for the longest time but my quads were outpacing my hamstrings and glutes and it was hampering my deadlifts. Switched to low bar for the longest time. Now I do low bar on full body split and high bar when I deadlift and squat on the same day so my glutes don't get tired.
You are fucking retarded and nobody outside of your sport cares about "muh proper squat". If you're not trying to catch 405 at the bottom of a clean you don't need the bottom range a ball-tickingly low squat would require. Squat below parallel. Simple as.
High, I switch to low near competitions, but I find that high gives me personally the most squat gains
Imagine hurting yourself squatting
Chad bar, never cope bar
Based. Not to mention it looks better too
High bar
>anything else
>just buy a $400 bar bro
>t. Poorfag
So is 3pl8
This is such a dumb argument:
> So by no means does lowbar make you weaker
Nobody says or thinks it does, you can move more weight doing it, but just because you can move more weight on an exercise means very little and doesn't mean it is primarily targeting the muscle you want it to be, 'moving more weight' is as much if not more about manipulating leverage than it is about being strong, and you can get similar if not superior quad development using front squats over back squats even with less weight due to the different leverages putting different loading/emphasis on different muscles.
> It also has the added benefit of straightening your low back and hamstrings much more than a high bar squat does.
Citation needed. There is no proof that it makes your low back stronger than a high bar squat whatsoever, hell, front squats are just as if not more taxing on not only the upper back but also the lower back than back squats of a comparable weight. Of course it works the hamstrings more, an actual squat, and not a hybrid squat-good morning, which is what a low bar 'squat' is, doesn't involve a changing of the length of the hamstrings much at all.
By involving more hamstring you are using less quad, since the hamstring produces a knee flexion moment antagonistic to the quadriceps.
> Better use of training time
Addressing both this and continuing on that last point, if you want better training economy split up your leg training between upright back high bar squats and train your hamstrings with kettlebell swings/pull throughs, hip thrusts, and deadlifts/good mornings.
> Utilizes more muscles
Yet another dumb argument people make with no proof whatsoever.
You CANNOT effectively simultaneously train both the quadriceps and hamstrings since the hamstring produces moments DIRECTLY ANTAGONISTIC to knee extension.
high bar ATG squats are actually 'less heavy', although that's kind of a retarded way of putting it, just say, less strenuous/damaging on/to the knees than squats of less depth since shearing forces are maximized at knee joint angles of about 90 degrees and less and decrease after that.
High bar
Low bar fucks my elbows
I honestly don't believe there are people out there that think squats are a meme lift