/fph/ thread

No /fph/ thread yet? Gimme your worst fatties!

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First blood

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my prof

guess who wrote that 3 page reaction?

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Transfats are banned.

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I.... I want to murder it (in minecraft)

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And autists are more likely to become trannies. I'm beginning to see a pattern, Yas Forums, and I don't like it.

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I don't even understand what the fuck he's saying. You sure he's qualified to be a professor? He writes like a schizophrenic.

>la goblina
are you fucking kidding me? that was a girl?

>that gun
>that thing
/k/ was right

>implying I know spicspeak past americanized insults or what gender that freak is

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Basically my sociology professor was talking about how society stigmatizes disabled people and certain body types were socialized to be branded as "good bodies" and "bad bodies". When the professor was talking about people with disabilities I was fine with it but then started talking about stigmatizing "big bodies", and I thought that was dumb. The professor is obese btw. So I sent an email going over how obesity was really bad and why it is bad, and the prof tweeted about it and never sent me a response email until i sent another email calling him/her out on it lel. I can post full convo if that pleases the anons. pic is not the professor btw

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Rate thread

what can i do to improve looks?

Go for it, I'm curious if his summary is even remotely accurte.

I have medical autism and I don't want fat women to be allowed to have kids for that reason.

>crumbled collar so big you could drive a truck through it because of fat toad neck
>dress(ish) shirt buttoned up all the way, but no tie
>strained smile
>big fat fuckin' face
how can anyone take this thing seriously as a professor? how did it even get the job?

What a dumb fat pig. I hate other autistic people because they're all oversensitive about the most banal shit. People think "Oh you have autism you'd get along with so an so" bitch I wouldn't, he's a retard.

>posting on Yas Forums
>has autism

Affirmative hiring because he's mentally disabled, probably.
Yeah, the most high functioning site in the world.

Ok here's part 1. Conceded to a few of professor's ideas to lower guard in hopes of convincing him/her, FYI.

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part 2 of email

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part 3 of email

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my response to her tweet, email 2

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Our fat brothers are truly a blessing

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>naming your channel 2988 because you go 1500 harder than 1488

Thoroughly based and anti-academia pilled

Completely based
What a bitch to go and whine about it on fucking Twitter instead of beginning a discussion with their student

>I hope this doesn't make me sound like a hater

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I feel for you man. You are going to see a lot of shit you disagree with in college and life. And in some situations you'll never get a response that address any points of your argument. Everyone here àgrees with you, but for your professor, it's going to be hard to convince them of anything.

If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because autistic people have a difficulty detecting insincerity, so they take the virtue signalling bollocks about trannies at face value and don’t realise the truth until it’s too late

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Holy shit this makes me insane.
>im autistic btw hehe
Completely irrelevant and thrown in there for sympathy. Also why is the grammar so terrible?

>Judging a person's worth based on hereditary trait is shallow and wrong
Lol sounds like someone has shit genetics

Fake sciences are taught by fake smart people. Big shock

I was forced into a semi-open office with five other people. It's not "entire floor open" open-office, thank God. Unfortunately three of the five people are fat and constantly snack at their desks, It would be one thing were it donuts or something but I am reasonably certain they go out of their way to only eat from crinkly bags that contain crunchy things. So a minimum of 4 hours per day, I have to hear snack bags crinkling and crunching from fat mouths. One of them has a terrible habit of mouth-open eating.

I wear headphones to block out the cow-like mastication but how do you not rage at these people? I'm having a really hard time with it.

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Does obesity deteriorate the brain?

Well the brain is full of capillaries and beetus blood is known to erode small blood vessels, so while I’ve read absolutely no scientific literature on the topic I’m going to say yes

your professor is illiterate.

>I hope this doesn't make me sound like a hater
onions as fuck

This on the other hand is quite based.

So your prof is autistic? How the actual fuck is that allowed? I don't hate autists but unless they're savant they have no right to teach shit.

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If they have a doctorate, they can teach. This isn't a hard concept.

the professor seems normal to me that's whaqt he/she says. the professor doesnt have downs or anything.

>Yours truly

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this is why you study philosophy and not sociology.

It’s incredible that’s she’s somehow less disgusting with a different background. I think it has to do with she looks like she belongs there, not out of place asa disgusting piece of shit in a public area.

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Very well made points. I think you could have even added what I think is most dangerous about fat people, that fat parents have fat children, and raising a child fat is completely unfair on them and akin to child abuse

>you finish that plate of food before you get to go play your vidya
>hey I didn't pour that coke for you to dump it down the drain
Saw a fat kid walking out of Wal-Mart the other day drinking straight from a 2 liter of soda with his obese parents behind him pushing a FULL cart of bullshit fatty foods
So glad my parents raised me to hate fatties and appreciate the work it takes to correctly diet and exercise

Link the tweet, I can't find it

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Didn’t this guy lose like 200 lb in 6 months
Thank you based Dr Now

Trump just arrived in my city and his body shape makes me want to gag. He looks fucking disgusting.

I clearly censored it so people wouldn't find the tweet you stupid nignog brain

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>society stigmatizes disabled people and distinctions are made between good and bad bodies
no shit, humans have been doing this for fucking years.

A new study just showed that being obese deteriorates your brain the same way aging does.

This is why I became an Engineer, no bullshit.
Also gotta love the I'm a victim because Autism defense, this shows these "people" have no creditable defense against true criticism.

>You are so stunning and brave that your heart and liver cant keep up.

Your own beliefs contradict themselves mate. You believe people shouldn't be looked down upon for hereditary weakness, but then immediately shame yourself and others for being fat because they let it happen to themselves, but we both know that poor habits and low willpower can be hereditary, low IQ is 100% hereditary.

Further we know low IQ people are not as valuable as higher IQs because they are capable of much less, and cannot handle even basic tasks.

Your fitness and self improvement is going to lead you to understand some horrible things about the world, and this fatty fat fuck autist is your stepping stone to greater hatred.

Yes, when you get fat enough it affects hormone distribution as well as surrounding the brain with more fat.

can do with a joker edit

user looking for the graphic where US obesity got so bad they had to change the legend for the graph, anyone have?

holohoax should have happened.

Being fat makes you dumber since you become a food addict, but you also need to be dumb to get fat.

you are a monkey brain with no real experience. Not everyone is born equally smart, but some of the nicest and best people I know are a little stupid. go join a social group you diet nazi.

Why people post these things on social media, do they think someone cares?

twatter dot cum slash drtoddharper

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some autists have better control over their 'tism. Remember that the primary job concern for professors is research and teaching second.