There are half a dozen "GIRLS WANT X" and "lol ur ugly kys" threads on the first two pages. Join me in posting big lifts to scare the estrogen poisoned faggots back to Yas Forums
Post Lifts Threads
>estrogen poisoned faggots
dude you're balding and have a copebeard lmao
164lbs 5'9
OHP: 95lbs
Bench: 135 lbs
Squat: 115 lbs
Deadlift: 165 lbs
Why is your squat so shit? Chicken legged fag lmao
You answered your own question
5x210 the Press™
Before this the most i ever did for 5 was like 122.5, and had never done 135 for more than 3
1rm 152.5
>estrogen poisoned faggots
youre wearing a singlet in a commercial gym just to tng 335 lol
be careful with that wobble you have at the top of your rep, you're straining the fuck out of your rhomboids, and risking serious damage to your lumbar as well
Yeah it can be really hard to stabilize sometimes. I am really quick to bail on a rep if it feels too tough, I won't grind a spine destroyer out. I know it's lame but i only take reps i know i can do the second after i start going up
That said i probably still am stressing my back out a ton even with that. Thanks for the concern friend
I'm staying away from max effort ohp for a while to do more volume at 80-90% hoped that helps with my stability
focus on keeping your abs as tight as possible and NOT exhaling as you reach the top of your rep, it'll help with stability at that stage of the movement
Damn, pretty strict too.
I keep my glutes and my core pretty tight i think, i spend most of my mental energy remembering to squeeze glutes
>NOT exhaling as you reach the top
Every time i hold it through i feel like I'm going to fucking pass out
Thanx. Squat numbers less impressive. Anything you can tell me about form from this angle?
Looks pretty good to me. Your knees try to come in about halfway up but you are good about stopping it quickly. Also loling at that guy in the background curling
just worked my way back up to 400lbs after having to deload due to pain. getting my DL back up too finally
>OHP 95lbs
wtf bro
checked and fuckin based
>singlet in a commercial gym
fucks given: zero
575 from a few days ago
I've never seen a guy do reverse curls on the platform before...
The squats look pretty good, but your knees may be going more forward that they really should. Like you're High Bar squatting, only with the bar in a low bar position. I know some guys will, with babbyweight or even no bar, put a 2x4 on end just in front of their toes, and try to squat without knocking it over to get a feel for keeping the knees BACK. I don't know if you need to do all that, I usually just try to feel like my knees stay in place, and bending them just causes my ass to travel backwards in an arc around my knees, if that makes sense. Obviously, my knees DO still come forward, but I think you can see they do quite a bit less.
And some of this could be just due to proportions, but you don't look like you have the wacky long femurs that would cause it to be impossible for you to keep your knees more back. Honestly, past the point your form is good enough that you aren't going to injure yourself, 80% of the rest is what feels most comfortable for you when you're doing it.
I, for one, have to work on knee cave. It's not BAD, but it is there. My stance might just be too wide.
Thanks man, that's an amazing squat.
I will definitely work on it more now. I've noticed my squats are stronger anyway when I really focus on keeping my knees over my feet and just sitting my butt back into the tiny invisible chair.
This is the first time I’ve ever actually appreciated tripfags in the fifteen or so years I’ve been browsing this site. Bless you both. Keep lifting heavy and inspiring us candyass weaklings.
Wholesome bro. Keep grinding, we're all gonna make it.
Good lifts kings. Here's my twink ass benching 130kg
the insides are packed with 25 pound plates (more holes on plate = lighter weight) while the 45 pound plates are on the outside. this fat manlet struggles with 250 something bitch pounds. YIKES.
Nothing personnel kid
That's in proportion with his bench t b h
Ever heard of a gym that has more than one set of plates, you gigantic copelord?
Post body and lifts this instant
Fuuuaaark that last rep
Benh: 85kg
Squat: 137kg
Snatch: 75kg
Clean and Jerk: 96kg
All at 79kg bodyweight. I am forever a dyel. I need a new hobby
Everyone who only lifts needs another hobby but don't quit, you'll feel like shit trust me
Pretty good. But your little wobbling concerns me.. try to be completely wobble free in the warmups and focus on that maybe with lower weight once a week.. or go low weight and do it with resistance bands like Eddie does it for benching. Worked wonders for me, without big effort my numbers went up like 10%
Nice. Hope to get there soon but I love running and high numbers seem to interfere with that.
Dammit now I hate to be on mobile
big inspiration for a low number fag like me.
Symmetric strength
saved and reporting to the gym for not using the bumper plates in the squat cage
stay mad ruler breaker
That's Hank. He's an unlifting nard who consistently who consistently shits up /plg/. He'll never post body or lifts, he'll just deflect by projecting all of his shortcomings (like his height and penis, they're both short LMAO) onto you. If you really want to trigger him
A.) Call him Hank. This always sends him into a tismic shitfit on denying his own existence.
B.) Post heavy lifts. He gets triggered out of severe jealously. Just watch.
>thread where you actually post lifts
>dies after a couple hours
Never change, Yas Forums
157lbs, 5'8 manlet. 20 years old.Cutting so lifts are weaker
Bench press: 160 3x5
BB row: 160 5x8
OHP: 80lbs 4x5
Chin ups +65: 3x8
Pull ups +40: 3x8
Dips +60: 3x8
No squat or deadlift Cuz dont wanna risk fucking up my back for life. 2 years lifting but did fucked around for 1.1 years doing brospilts while recomping.
Swim a lot too, love it but pool water makes u bald and lower test so I stopped
oh no no no no
Bar doesn't count faggot. I see 2 45, 2 10 and 2 5lbs plates.
335lb front squat from this morning @ 195lbs
Guys, when I go for AMAP, should I breath between every rep or hold my breath for the entire set?
Impressive, very nice. The wrist position worries me though
What program did you run?
I think I have a ridiculous overhead triceps extension.
I do the 100 lb dumbbells (I could probably do more if they had dumbbells going over 100 lbs) for a good 10 rep set, and I only weight 180 pounds.
But whenever I see other dudes, who are clearly way bigger and more jacked than me, they use like 50s and 60s.
The only time I EVER get complimented on my lifts is overhead triceps extension.
But that's just... such a weird lift to be good at? I don't understand. Am I just autismo for doing that lift regularly in my routine?
This nigga weak
How do you program, figgy?
I've been kinda coasting for the last 3 months and have been looking as t making my own periodized 12 week plan.
How big as are your workouts? As in how many exercises do you do, what kind of accessory work as are you doing?
Do you only do power lifting, or are there any Olympic lifts you do?
Squat 265 x 1
Dl 235 x 5
Bench 175
Press 95x5
outdated lift, stresses elbows, do skull crushers instead
>actual lifting thread on fit
None of these heavy arched back benches are impressive
care to post your bench then?
Very nice. At what point did you start using a belt, Im stalling atm at about 4 plates for diddlies and not sure if I should start using one
Double overhand?