In the old I am 160 lbs.
Past ORM:
>125 lbs bench
>185 lbs deadlift
>150 lbs squat
In the new I am 180 lbs.
>6'1 height
Current ORM
>155 lbs bench
>220 lbs deadlift
>170 lbs squat
In the old I am 160 lbs.
Past ORM:
>125 lbs bench
>185 lbs deadlift
>150 lbs squat
In the new I am 180 lbs.
>6'1 height
Current ORM
>155 lbs bench
>220 lbs deadlift
>170 lbs squat
Please rate my progress, took a long time to actually get a good regimen, I've gotten a trainer since october and I am currently on a 3000+ cal a day diet.
Brother fix that anterior pelvic tilt and you’ll be set.
I thought the top was old and the bottom was new at first so I was gonna congratulate you on losing 20 pounds of fat but tell you to start lifting.
looks like your legs got more muscular, your upper body got less muscular, and you got fatter. If you told me the top was the old you and the bottom was new, I would've believed you.
Bro you look like you just got fatter. Another fool focusing on pure strength training and looking nothing like an athlete. Jesus fucking Christ you guys on this site amaze me
This is some pretty trash progress honestly.
14 months and you upped your lifts 30lbs and gained some body fat... at least you're 6'1" I guess
You need to do cardio to keep excess weight gain in check. Yeah fat accrual is inevitable with bulking but you can keep it to a minimum with proper amounts of cardio each week. I think you probably added 5-8 lbs of muscle and about 12 lbs of fat, if not a little more. I congratulate you on your efforts to training but you might want to rethink your diet.
>pure strength training
strength = size
look at his lifts, his 1rm is pathetic on all of his lifts, his bench should be that 3x5, his squat should be 2-3 plate
his dead should be at least 3.5 It's like he didn't push himself at all. You cannot get big if you don't push yourself.
How the fuck at over a year of lifting are you at a 155 lb bench? You need to lift harder, eat more protein, or sleep more. Probably all 3
That... Is an underwhelming improvement given the length of time. Props for sticking to it but you should be adding weight to the bar far more often. I progressed squat more last month than you did in a year.
We're about the same height and weight too. Keep lifting, keep eating and get those numbers up.
I totally get that but we all preach about making it on here it would seem we not only want to be strong but look like athletes, look like we actually lift weights. With a physique like that I'm not even slightly impressed. If you want to be an absolute unit of pure strength good for you. I csnt imagine spending years in the gym all the money all the food to look like a giant blob but oh boy I can deadlift four plates. Congratufuckinglations you fat peice of shit
How the fuck did you manage to go an entire year and gain fuckall in weight or muscle?
oh thank god I thought this was based boomer
Looking good, brother
over a year and your lifts improved by like 20-30, how is this possible, what the fuck was your routine
I look like a God compared to this dude. For the love of God if your not trying to break a deadlift world record stop doing 5x5, push pull legs, and starting strength routines.
>. I csnt imagine spending years in the gym all the money all the food to look like a giant blob but oh boy I can deadlift four plates. Congratufuckinglations you fat peice of shit
Most strong looking guys can dl 4 plates, powershitters are fat copeloards who think big lifts mean everything. Actual powerlifters tend to look pretty good with lower tier numbers, or roiders with powershitter numbers.
Anybody who is non-blob and can lift 2/3/4/5 is probably natty limit, and 1/2/3/4 lifters will tend to look good if they can do those numbers for reps.
Powershitters have lots of muscle under the flab, but they can't cope with losing numbers to look good.
What the fuck have you been doing in the gym. Over a year and your bench and squat only went up by 20 lbs?
I started at a 115 bench and 4 months later i was hitting 175 for 5x5.
What progress?
This can’t be real.
Here is my diet everyday:
>4 over easy eggs
>8 oz orange juice
>10 red grapes
>0.5 whole milk
>1 cup cereal (could be life, honey bunches, or flakes)
>1 medium banana
>1 cup black coffiee
>chicken thigh 13 ounces
>macaroni and cheese 1.1 cups or half box
>broccoli 1.5 - 2 cups
>diet pepsi / coke
protein shake
>1.5 cup whole milk
>5 g creatine mono hydrate
>2 scoops of optimum nutrition gold standard whey
repeat lunch
Thank you all for your input, I see my progress is less than adequate. I will talk to my trainer and see about changing my diet and redoubling my efforts to lift harder.
dude you look like you train abs 5 times a week and do nothing else
what progress?
Diet aside, what's your training routine?
also, don't drink pepsi or coke and replace cereal with oatmeal.
You gotta kick that body into high gear. Do sprints, 16x100 meter to get the blood raging through those veins. You should be way stronger
4 times a week, two upper body, two lower body.
Typically workouts look like this:
Day 1
•Step ups: 4x15 per leg
•lateral hip shuffles: 3x30 seconds
•Back squat: 4x6
•Goblet squat: 4x12
•leg extensions : 3x12 control
Day 2:
•DB Arnold press: 4x8
•DB lateral raises: 3x12
•Cable upright rows: 3x12
•Lat pulldowns: 4x10
•DB bicep curls: 4x10
Day 3:
•Leg press: 5x8
•Deadlift: 4x6
•Hip abduction machine: 4x12
•Seated leg curls: 3x12
•walking lunges: 4x8
Day 4
•DB chest press: 3x10
•Cable tricep pushdowns: 4x10
•machine reverse fly’s: 4x12
•seated rows: 3x12
•TRX rows: 3xburnout control
•Seated Tricep dip machine: 3x12
thought top was before too, you put on some fat along with that weight, thought your goal was losing fat
Im in a similar boat to OP. I'm 6'3" and 3 months in and basically failed to bulk. Been doing my best to eat clean and big but couldn't eat enough and refused to compromise and eat dirty.
At this point I think Im just going to cut because I'm tired of trying to bulk and barely only maintaining. Before was 200lbs weakling that couldn't do pull ups or run any amount of distance. I did SS and started at nothing so IDK what my old ORMs where.
To add. The reason powerlifting get such a bad rep is that the powershotter class are the ones breaking world records (for their class) and thus being named strongest man in the world. The lower weight classes look fine as fuck just as oly restricted weightclasses do. An example from the top of my head is candido who looks pretty good.
Current 195Lbs
Bench 130
Dead 235
Squat 170
I can run for 2-3 miles consistently and can do 2 sets of 5 pull ups. I did SS 3x a week and ran + calisthenics 3x a week plus skateboarding when I had free time. I'm happy with my overall fitness improvements especially cardio but feel bad I couldn't gain the muscle mass I wanted outside of a noticeably juicier ass that I have never in my life had before.
Is that the order you are lifting in? You should be starting every workout with your main compound lift, so squat/deadlift/bench
Not terrible lifts for 3 months, but could be better. If you want to workout 6 times a week instead of SS and running just do PPL and throw in some cardio at the end of your workout.
That's the order I lift in.
Why do I start with main compound first? I want to know I'm not trying to be snarky or anything.
Thought PPL was good for size.
What do you want? Do you want to increase your pr or do you want to look jacked and be in shape but with less of a pr?
So you are not tired and can lift more
You need to drop your trainer, they can be good for starting out and helping with form, but this dude is clearly stringing you along.
The main goal is train for military with a side goal of looking nice. Ultimate goal is to look like a jojo character but that's years down the line and after I finish my tour.
SS sounded appealing because I knew nothing of fitness and needed to not be a weak little bitch relatively quickly. I threw in cardio and cali because I figured that's what I would be expected to do there.
Would PPL be better for this?
>I did SS 3x a week
>3 months in
>those fucking numbers
I dont see how that's possible. You do chest shoulders and triceps all on the same day where I would do potentially chest and triceps one day and shoulders on another day allowing me to do more work for those muscle groups therefore getting me better gains.
>The main goal is train for military
oh fuck off then, please die in combat
PPL is good for beginners since they can recover faster. Once you start getting to intermediate lifting levels it's best to switch to a different program.
All for 5 reps
My improvements haven't been exactly spectacular but apparently I'm doing well enough. Lifts have skyrocketed over the last month when I started eating at a small surplus instead of a deficit
The only thing the military cares about is running. The guys that typically do the best on the fitness tests are pretty cut, since it's bodyweight exercises so the lighter you are the more reps you can do.
If your only goal was military I would say just cut, and start every run with 5x20 pushups and situps. If marines then throw some pullups in there also
Sorry user, I'm a gave no Idea what you are saying. It's probably something like lift more mass and eat more and you are probably correct. I have been going slow because I want to work on my form instead of moving more numbers. I also lift with my brother and we started slow on the arms because he wad even weaker than I.
God I hope not. I didn't get a bachelors degree to die for Israel. I just need experience in the cycersec field and the military is willing to hire me out the gate without slaving away as help desk for 5 years.
Yes that's the one thing I dislike about ppl. Admittedly I simply don't target shoulders but still feel DOMS in them from bench, dips, and flies which keeps me satisfied. However I don't know if that might mean I just have bad form, kek
>I didn't get a bachelors degree to die for Israel.
To them you did
I thought the top photo was the before before I saw the timestamp
You recover faster cause your not tearing the muscle the same way I would be by focusing on one two at most muscle groups per day. And who the fuck cares about recovery. You will recover no matter what. Tear your shit eat sleep get back to it next time. The only other benefit of pppl is hitting muscles twice a week but you can do that by combining things like chest and triceps and back and biceps on the same days.
As long as I get my GI bill to pay for my masters degree, experience in a CISSP domain, and don't have to shoot or be shot at by anyone I don't much care beyond that.
Will do. I'm not up to that many push up reps yet but I will try to add 5 more every session. You recommend cali before running? I have been doing opposite, what is the advantage to doing it first?
>you can do that by combining things like chest and triceps and back and biceps on the same days
That's what ppl is bruh this nigga advocating a bro split?
sick tat. gr8 album
Military fitness tests do running last
nigga you got alphabet soup chest hair shut the fuck up
so you can max the weight on the main job, and then finish "exhausting" the part you are working followingly.
I'm not saying you have to train untill failure everytime, but since progress is what you are after, you need to push youself, which is easier at the beginning of a session.
train for the mili ? do cardio, run, get rid of the fat, and train at bodyweight, the rest is irrelevant.
your chest got better and you lost some midsection weight, you're failing to bulk because you're doing fucking cardio + calisthenics on top of your lifting you mong. This is also just 3 months progress, you're a natty it's going to be slow.
Op got fucked by some dipshit trainer not pushing him hard enough.
diet seems fine, your program and trainer seem whack
If you have an issue figuring things out on your own, try to go to a gym where big guys are, power lifting gyms, places with people who compete and see if any of them can help you, 4 times a week ppl,will help. If you get strung along again, just roid and catch up, i dunno what your trainer looks like but he's retarded.
Another guy giving their progress I guess. I've been going to the gym for 5 months, 2 of them have been at a calorie deficit though so I'm not making too much progress over the first 3. Started with the bar, before this I had never lifted in my life. 5'8" 155.
5RMs (why the fuck would I be testing my 1RM at this point):
- OHP 100
- Bench/Row 130
- Squat 175
- Deadlift 245
Why are some of my lifts higher than OP's if what I have is basically 3 months of real progress?
I was in jail for 3 months and went from 95lb bench to 205 1rm. 2 hours every other day. My deadlift went up to 3pl8 from something like 200. OP qhat were you doing?