Daily reminder; Be on your purpose, king

Daily reminder; Be on your purpose, king.

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Quads qonfirm. Based

Holy quads

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>Inb4 raging trannies flock to this based and redpilled thread

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what if i don't have a purpose?

Checked. Lifting for my people, my ancestors and my sons.


Post body with timestamp, incels

Post body with timestamp, tranny

You first, tranny

Stay mad bro.


stay on your purpose, kings.

Always am, always will be.

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upset tranny.


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I’m using this for a roll

Thanks. I need these reminders.

>a true government would never allow predatory companies to sell shit food to the public
>a true government would encourage its citizens to be healthy and active
>a true government promotes pride and love for ones own people, it does not pander to the needs of foreigners
>hitler did absolutely nothing wrong

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I still see no body

yeh I also love the government telling me whats good and whats bad for me thanks for doing all the thinking so I dont have to

Good, you're probably like 70% of other people. People can't run their own lives or make good decisions so the state should do it for them.
Just go to a casino and you'll understand.

are you trying to imply that government figures are somehow exempt of making bad decisions?

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Nice work, gentlemen, nice work. \o

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They're a hell of a lot better than most people are. You didnt see any fat kids im Nazi Germany did you.


I miss you...please come back. I don't know how much longer of this world I can take

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Quite based, checked and volkish dare I say

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A good feeling.


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He's always with you king.
Be the Fuhrer thats inside you.

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>there werent many fat kids after ww1 and the great depression

that wasnt a nazi germany thing

*nazi government user, not any government, *nazi government.

Lol just lol
Are you seriously pretending the Nazis didn't promote health

Right now the state and every private institution of power in america aggressively promotes and incentivizes: weakness, degeneracy and sickness. If instead of teaching kids about drag queen story hour we had them lift and do BJJ they would be better off. If we helped people diet and exercise they would be better off. If we banned porn people would be better off. Your libertarianism is a really shitty way of understanding how the world works. Power will assert itself in any system, the question is who is in power and what they do. Our current system doesn't "just let people live their" It incentives them to be degenerate and bashes them over their heads with propaganda.

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God damn dude, once a few hundred years have passed and another conflict with the Jews erupts, Hitlers going to be viewed as a Jesus figure, a legend.

What a time to be alive...

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>your libertarianism
I'm not a libertarian what are you smoking.
I'm a fascist, fuck democratic "freedom" everybody should owe complete allegiance to the state and their community. Fascism is strong because it doesnt diminish the individual like Communism does, it bolsters its ranks with individuals trained to their highest capability, and together they achieve a common goal just like how soldiers function better in a group by each having a set of skills.
There is no room for doubt in the state. As long as the state is loyal to its people and promotes positivity everybody under it should owe allegiance.
Libertarians and anarchists aka individualist cowards get the rope.

>a true government would drag it's people into an unwinnable war of attrition resolution in the rape and pillaging of your people and land
what did he mean by this bros?

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Yeah they should put alt right incels like yourself in charge maybe you could fix the global economy with your progressive ideas like growing a mustashe and hugging men in BJJ

Anyone else drowning out their sorrows with Sinatra?

>I'm a fascist, fuck democratic "freedom" everybody should owe complete allegiance to the state and their community.

So close, yet still so far away...

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checked and based

>What a time to be alive...
It's a horrible time to be alive.

Once you realise there is no struggle which we fight seriously, then there is no "hero" to be formed by it. He can rage on but it is artificial in the frame of things. The hero has always related to "his people", "his-people", there is no hope at least in now. And historical uncertainty will lead on to more great-men and more great-battles which those "excluded-wise" shall nod their heads to and it will be no different.

Things never change user, don't let yourself think they do. Ahh well, compassion is necessary.

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no? im saying that obesity and overweight people werent a big issue in the western world in those days, not something unique to the nazi government.

A civic thing can never be the focus in and of itself.
It must be an expression of the folk - the folk create the state, which exists solely to serve their collective interest.

This is where Fascism fails and National Socialism prevails.

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The first one didn't sound to bad, the second however I admit is more spirited.

What retarded reddit page did you pull this from? Hitler was even more Totalitarian than Mussolini you colossal moron.
Freedom is a meaningless American buzzword. People living in fascist states had more freedom than anyone today, because they shared a common destiny with their brothers.
Every single person who advocates for freedom is advocating for hedonism, because they are a coward who hates the thought of having responsibilities.
The future is coming and individualists either join the group and help build a better world, or get crushed under fascist boots.

>It's a horrible time to be alive.
I disagree. We live in the wake of legends and in the shadow of conflict, those long-gone and those smoking on the horizon.

We are given a great gift, borne in darkness in darkest days.
We are given trials, mountains to lift, aye the very (((minotaur))) in his maze.
We are called upon to be strong, to be swift, heroes upon which our sons gaze.

Appear you king or appear you slave, amongst the good or a people strayed, we with actions now the future pave.
For the coward was he that delays, product of his age, cradle to grave.

But an Age makes not - it is Man-made.
It is Man-made.

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If you had actually read anything about Fascism you'd probably understand that is literally what Mussolini means when he says "State".
There is no functional difference between Nazism and Fascism aside from racial laws and minor economic practices.

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The first may sound alright until you understand what the second expresses. Then, the superficiality of the first is revealed.

>he thinks that juxtaposition has anything to do with who was more 'Totalitarian'

>their brothers
>civic nationalism
yeah nah bro
Fascism is civnat in a fancy uniform and its insufficient. If you think someone is your brother because they share your ethos alone, you are a fool.

>Joseph Goebbels knew nothing about Fascism bro
seems legit lol

>There is no functional difference between Nazism and Fascism aside from racial laws
So there's a major functional difference, you mean?

Dunning Kruger effect is strong with you I see
Read Mein Kampf before LARPing as a Nazi lad

>freedom is advocating for hedonism, because they are a coward who hates the thought of having responsibilities.

You have it all backwards, freedom = responsibility. If you are controlled by the state or otherwise on every level you have no responsibility, it's taken from you and given to others. You can't be free without responsibility, if you are free to live your life how you choose you may become hedonistic and live a terrible life outside of community and higher values but if you want more for your life and community then your freedoms to act how you choose become your responsibility to act in a manner that is most beneficial for yourself, your family and your community.

sieg heil bros

Why do I see so many idiot Yas Forums dwellers lecturing people on an ideology they know nothing about beyond "muh race"

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>I disagree. We live in the wake of legends and in the shadow of conflict, those long-gone and those smoking on the horizon.
Man has always lived in the wake of legends and the "shadow of conflict", those long gone and those smoking on the horizon.

>We are given trials, mountains to lift, aye the very (((minotaur))) in his maze.
And what is it you actually fight against hmm? What is it you actually create? The groyper wars was as loved by me as any, I took part in them, but it is foolish to think they accomplished anything but a comedic and ethical aim. No grandness, but fighting for the good. And this is great, but it does not glare in the face of every man around. Live a good life, fight the good battle, contemplate the good things, and have faith, that is all one can do in our time. Just to be "good".

This poem that you have, it is nice, but it does not get to the core of things. It is an exterior judgement, well and good, but not exceptionally true.

Which part specifically would you advise I examine?

>Dunning Kruger
>"Fascism and National Socialism were functionally the same... except economically and ethnocentrically... and core conception of the relationship between state and people"
seems legit bro

>in my view
Mkay bro.

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>The first may sound alright until you understand what the second expresses. Then, the superficiality of the first is revealed.
Yes, this is what I meant. However the first alone means something completely different without that context.

>Man has always lived
Some more than others.

>And what is it you actually fight against hmm? What is it you actually create?

>The groyper wars was as loved by me as any, I took part in them
That shit was embarrassing bro. You posted cringe.

>No grandness, but fighting for the good.
For now. Things can and do change in the blink of an eye.

Quite true!

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>Some more than others.
And what constitutes the living of more than another? It is quite relative. As Plotinus says "children cry when there is no reason to", ignoring the perhaps misinterpreted cruelty of that statement, he is right in the constance of life, and the relativity of its experience. One must cry and have passion, but it is wrong to mistake what is not there. But let's get drunk and sing and make it there, it can only be a good thing, but if we are to remember, it is not there now and never will be as long as it is just mere men, the global force which sweeps and is called Hitler or Alexander or Plato or Kant is not mere man.

I agree in the sense that we should enjoy all locals of life, of whatever size and therefore develop them.

That was meant for the guy you where replying to.

>but if you want more for your life and community then your freedoms to act how you choose become your responsibility to act in a manner that is most beneficial for yourself, your family and your community.
This relies upon appropriate upbringing. Instilling a sense of duty.

Freedom = responsibility makes little sense, at least in typical modern terminology.

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It's because the long nosed Goblin wants a weak and docile populous that gives up their sheckles and their resources in an instant

>dismisses mosley
>an actual fascist
>links national vanguard
We're done
Read a book and stop LARPing

Internet Nazis are some of the dumbest people I've ever encountered
Stop getting all your information from memes and infographics, read the damn literature of the people you claim to support
What could you possibly gain by trying to claim national socialism isnt fascist when it very obviously is?
And why even make this argument? That somehow Nazism is Libertarian? You people are fucking high. There was no free market in Germany and Hitler explicitly opposed Capitalism.

fuck that rothchild kike