25 and it's finally happening to me guys

25 and it's finally happening to me guys
What do I do to get this shit under control?
I refuse to shave and grow a beard

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Red light therapy (could include sunlight), biotin, zinc, fixing your diet, cardio, good posture are safe and reasonable and might help.

hrt will help

I hear hair transplants are getting more affordable, though haven't researched it myself


4 best things in order
1. Finasteride/dutasteride
2. Minoxidil
3. Derma rolling
4. Nizoral

How effective is Nizoral compared to other DHT blocking shampoos?
They're all expensive as hell

Take the bald pill, faggot.

Finasteride can mess you up. Minoxidil can give you wrinkles and bloating and maybe has other side effects.

can confirm both of these.
Fin made me feel like I was 25 years older at 23
No boners, constant stress, no energy, weight gain, puffy face, shit sleep, sunken eyes, painful joints. I'm not making this shit up (I'm probably low T before taking the pill). Just start with half a dose and go from there. I take a fifth of a pill and don't really have sides anymore, though when I miss a dose I turn into a horny baboon

Minox DOES give you wrinkles. I'm 25 and have horrible rapid onset eye and forehead wrinkles that weren't there at all 2 years ago.

Finna get a hair system. Do any anons have experiences with hair systems?

DHT blocker shampoos are memes designed to scam you out of a bunch of money. None of them work.
Nizoral falls in the camp of "eh, I guess it can't hurt if you're already on min+fin". No one will say for sure it does nothing, but the effect is minor at best.

>I'm probably low T before taking the pill
the anti-fin marketing has really worked amazingly well that it's got dumbasses like this going
>I was low T before I started
>then I took this drug that doesn't target testosterone
>and I experienced a bunch of low T symptoms
>must be the drug

believe me or not, it actually doesn't matter
I still think it's worth a try, as it does actually do its intended purpose
But those were my experiences over 1.5 years trying different doses

>What do I do to get this shit under control?
You willing to risk your nuts or throw couple of grand to turkish hairplucks?
>I refuse to shave and grow a beard
Why really? Are you afraid? If so what? Also what has beard to do with anything

of course fucking around for a year and a half trying different doses of a drug that doesn't affect test levels isn't going to fix your low test
you really are retarded

>tfw 25 and norwood 0
>tfe big forehead

I'm on finasteride and it's causing me orgasm dysfunction. :-/ I've only been on it for a little over a month so I'm going to wait and see if it goes away before I quit it entirely.

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Do you use nicotine? Apparently accelerates that shit

>girl I'm fucking: "omg user I love your hair. but you should grow it out more"!
>haha, y-yeah I'll try that

>it's already long as fuck on the top grown out a NW 2.5 so I can style it to hide recession and she thinks it's just that "I haven't grown it out"

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Idk man everytime I came off of it (or dramatically reduced those dosage) I felt great
But I guess that's all placebo? get a hobby bro

I did for a while but stopped

Finasteride [1mg daily]
Alternate zinc pyrithione and salicylic acid shampoo
Good luck friend

>But I guess that's all placebo?

I tried biotin, literally everything. Bro, just accept it and buzz. I have the same problem. I had a revelation about a year ago. Just own it

I miss my long hair, but I'd rather be bald than tied to drugs for the rest of my life. I'll just grow out the donut when I'm old and go full Santa.

I used to have shoulder length hair in college. I miss the way it felt. Now I also have to get it buzzed down on a 1 setting. I have accepted it, but I hate this Male pattern baldness curse.

Every guy in my family went bald at 30 and now that I'm 25 I've noticed my hair thinning and receding. I want to try fin but the sides scare the shit out of me. There are even guys whose dicks permanently stopped working from fin.
>tfw have to choose between my dick and my hair

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I starting thinning at 26.
>Using chemicals
You are putting chemical directly on your head or something that genetics will conquer one way or the other.

Is this true?? I started smoking literally right before the hairloss started, but couldn’t find any sources saying it was the cause.

Dermapen once a month
RU58841 daily

I genuinely don't understand what is the point of this finasteride scaremongering. Is it all hairlets coping that they didn't get on fin when they still had a chance?

Finasteride and minoxidil are the only two medical solutions that are confirmed to work. Even if you get a hair transplant, they will make you get on finasteride to preserve the hair. Stop being retarded and use solution that actually works instead of coping with zinc and dermarolling.

I'm using minoxidil for about 2 weeks now. I doubt it is going to do a damn thing even if I keep it up for months - the sources that say it works 80% of the time are bogus. Reality is more like 20%

Finasteride will fuck you up badly. Don't touch it unless you want to sacrifice a functional erection for a chance at hair.

I have a quote for DHI hair transplant (best method) for 3000 euro.

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Finesteride literally ruined my life. Not placebo, I went in thinking it would be great, and felt great for about 3 months.

My sex drive still hasn't returned a year later, soft boners, etc.

h-h-how common is this?

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Nizoral is not a dht blocking shampoo. It's an antifungal, keeps your scalp free of dirty crap that could irritate or damage it. Only use it like twice a week though

>removed all DHT from own body
what were you expecting user?

if balding happens then it fucking happens, very few people will keep all their hair for their whole life, your time just happened to come 5 years before most peoples, none of the drugs that sell are worth it for the side effects, stop coping and shave

minoxidil, wrinkles, extreme facial aging, no energy

finasterie, removal of DHT, the hormone that makes you develop masculine features, erectyle dsyfunciton, dick shrinkage, loss of interest in sex, depression, suicidal thoughts

ru58841, unapproved research chemical, very little studies, has literally killed people who tried it

I''m 22 and it's happening. Currently, i'm joking about it with friends since there's no real solution.
Probably gonna fly over to Turkey for a transplant if shit hits the fan.

I'm using fin and min, what will happen to me?

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b complex is enough ?


hair transplants just kill the still healthy hair in the thinning area, it's like the final solution when everything's already dead.

and they still fall out if you dont fuck your hormones up with propecia

In a couple of months you'll be able to tell people that you played Fredo in The Godfather. win/win.

None of the meds work for frontal balding. Just the way it is. Back, yes. Front no.

>just castrate yourself lmao

nizoral is 100% an anti-androgenic drug. they give it to old men with prostate cancer to nuke their testosterone. that's why it works for hairloss

I took finasteride for years and ignored the slowly building side effects and it's the biggest regret of my life. if I can stop one person from taking it's worth a thousand posts on Yas Forums

Haven't tried it, but there are a lot of finasteride horror stories, as well as good stories.

I won't risk it, even if I go bald. And trust me, I have a weird fucking head

I'm either gonna shave it or get plugs eventually. All the anti-balding medicine are dodgy as fuck.

>I refuse to shave and grow a beard
Why? Beard works amazingly well with a shaved head.

start watching baldcafe op. everything else isnt worth the hassle in the long run. the money. the time. the worry. your health. its the liberating truth.


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>tfw shit beard

The problem is, none of the models of what I want to be in life are bald. They all require me to have hair I haven't formed a model of a bald guy in my head yet.

Plus, I'm a skinny fuck with a pinhead, I'd look fucking horrible.

Post more bald guys

I can't speak to the youtube channel, but user's message here is absolutely correct.

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I started going bald. For now I just have long hair so you don't see it too much but in a few years I'm gonna shave it. I won't grow a beard.

As long as you're bald and you don't wear glasses, wear normal clothes, and have a good bf% and some muscle you won't look like a basedboy.

>As long as you're bald and you don't wear glasses,
this is ridiculous, real life isn't Yas Forums my man

i-is it bad?

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Costs around 350-450 usd. Could help.

Guys what the FUCK is wrong with this world why is balding a fucking thing? Why? Just fucking why? I'm not balding or receding but I'm really fucking worried about it. Balding shouldn't be a thing. Fuck the human body. Fucking bullshit that most men bald. No fucking good reason for it other than our body saying "fuck you lol". Fuck this gay ass male body.

some women could say "why is excessive hair growth a thing waaaaaaa"

ok and? who asked? i dont give a fuck about what women think.


Finasteride shills are pretty grug
>you need hair to get laid
>therefore go and take drug that slowly kills your sex drive\castrates you to regrow hair