Fucking disgusting

Fucking disgusting.

Attached: 1581938857809.jpg (1772x1772, 692.24K)

You can tell she loves to worship Black dick

Better on the left


Attached: bugspray.jpg (398x600, 22.88K)

Based coombrain retard

is this the same person?

Mutts law

Shes probably a stuck up cunt that thinks shes too good for everyone since she lost weight.

This but I am too

She actually looks like she fucks exclusively white guys for once

Looks like a fat animal grazing and peeking out from the brush in the first pic

she is pretty good looking tho tf?

You're both right
fatties aren't human

Check out the loose skin. Disgusting.

Would plow either t b h

lel nice one, almost missed it

>actually do something impressive and lose a lot of weight
>"yea well I bet she's still stuck up" "look at that loose skin" "she looked better fat"


>just stopped eating

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ignore the trolls from reddit you retards

>ignore trolls from reddit
>adds spacing before typing a single letter

Criminally underrated

Good job girl, turned from a feminist/bodypositive landwhale into a good looking girl, juat dont take that anorexea thing too far and drop the stimulant habbit

ive never understood this meme. do people on reddit do more spaces or what

Once a fatty always a fatty. She’ll either balloon back up or die from starvation.

I'll help her gain again. I already know her fat potential gives me a boaner

She's a solid 8 desu. Hell even as a fat girl she had a pretty damn good face.

Yeah I'm fucking sick of this"meme"
Yas Forums has always used spaces between paragraphs, like all forums everywhere on the net. It makes things easier to read and shows when the topic changes or a tangent topic is started.

Some people on Yas Forums started meming that if you use spaces then youre from Reddit because they use spaces there too. It started as a joke, but currently a lot of edgy newfags actually take it seriously and use it as an insult or argument comeback.

It's really some fucking bullshit mates. It's cause the newfags from 2016 came from reddit so they know how plebbits space things and made it a shitty meme.

Why would she cover up her ass I wonder hint its the excess skin

No human can compete with a 13.5" long, 8" thick horse cock exploding a full cup of horse jizz with each load.
True facts

Attached: how can hominid bois even compete.png (1264x2056, 2.8M)

holy fuck

does that post relate to your own experience in any way?

imagine being this insecure

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I don't even get what's going on here. Did she lost weight? Did she used Photoshop? Why do people talk about black dicks and feminism?


some people prefer bigger women retard

if it was from right to left then it would be a progress pic

She went from a somewhat cute chubster to an alt stacey that looks like she has a femdompovjoi page on manyvids

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kek pls someone edit the BMW to BBW

Those Yellow Fake nails are the hottest part of picture.

fuck she was so cute when she was fat, what happened bros.
i legit have a boner wtf

So much hotter fat

Well, I guess she made it. Why are people seething about this?

based and bbw pilled

cuz she was hotter fat

just because she had bigger tits doesnt make her more attractive.

Attached: aaaaaaa.jpg (434x391, 15.24K)

well there is a biological thing that makes men more attracted to bigger tits so

no, some people delude themselves into thinking they prefer "bigger women" because they can't get good looking women

>liking anything but the norm is cope

OK npc


From one extreme to another. That woman is unstable.

any shots of this whores midriff?
I'd bet it's a disaster but I'm morbidly curious.

have you ever heard of a fetish or just preferences you fucking mong. to some people bigger women are the good looking ones lmao. hurr durr if you dont share my preferences youre deluded.
have sex

It's a fetish, which makes people who are into it abnormal

everyone has a fetish

she's cute but she looks like a female version of pic related

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