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Before asking your stupid beginner questions (yes, they are stupid), make sure to read ALL OF the r/steroids wiki:

>Reddit link
yeah, fuck off

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual. or see CCFC's handy faggotry guide.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

ABSOLUTELY no source talk.

This isn't a medical forum. Stop asking for medical advice and go to a doctor.

Don't ask us to help you schedule your pinning dosages. Use steroidcalc.com/

If you're going to ask a beginner question, make sure to include:
- age
- bf%
- time spent training
- dick size

Attached: mom2prev.png (984x913, 194.89K)

Same image as before!

Is 30mg dbol 300mg deca and 400mg test a decent blast? I just wanna gain 20-25 more lbs so people stop picking on me. I'm scrawny af at 163

Use tren between 160 to 200 a week instead + test

The fuck is this?

Attached: IMG_20200305_222827.jpg (4608x3456, 3.23M)

What roid has the most androgenic effects? I want to stop looking so cuckable

will it desensitize me to test and deca if I take tren early? Intending on bnc


Not at all, youre not the first person to ask that question. In fsct its a very common question. The reason people who used tren "feel" like it desensitizes test is because of how pale the gains from test feel in comparison after using tren. Be careful of all the sides tho

>500mg rest
>150mg deca

16-20 weeks

>50mg anavar weeks 1-4 and 16-20

Is this the thinking man’s steroid concoction?

Tren. Run it 1:2 with test.


Nah it's the little bitch boy cucks cycle or a cycle for a woman

Taking 600 mg of test e a week.
Just wondering how exactly does testosterone help with fat loss?
Is it increasing your tdee?
Does it increase adrenaline to help burn fat cells?
Does it only help preserve muscle mass while in a caloric deficit?
Pls halp

Is there an equivalency between Tren and Equipoise? Like would taking 900mg Eq per week yield as good or better gains than say 350mg Tren Ace a week?

>fuckjng your long term health for vanity
>using tren
>using harsh orals

It’s like you’re trying to be as retarded as possible

it fucking doesn't. ANABOLIC STERONS do not convert fat into calories. This fucking meme of lmao I'm going to use my first cycle to cut from 25% bf needs to die.

>thinking man's
>doesn't have the word methenelone anywhere
Let me guess, you've seen all the star wars, some multiple times?

Who meantioned tren ma facka

i appreciate that edits to the copypasta i made over a year ago are still left in despite the fact that i barely post here anymore

I've done it but with lower test and higher deca. it works okay

What’s the minimal amount of gear possible needed to get this. There’s no fucking way you have to take a gram of tren a week like he did.

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Whoah there John Rockefeller, we aren’t all fat cat business tycoons able to afford liquid gold.

People recommend tren like crazy here. Point being if you’re just using drugs to look good and not for sports or competition, keep it minimal and mild.

Depends on you size. If you already have it, then it is just being lean and cosmetic roids. Try primo 800, injectable winny 100mg, var 100mg, and test 200mgs. And cut like a mofo


Please rate this cycle im 24 lifted since 17
250 Test e 2xweek
150 Tren e 2xweek
300 deca duroblin 2xweek
6 weeks cycle

PCT clomid and nolvadex 4 does a week
4 weeks pct

Hahahaha Haha..

How’d you arrive at these dosages/compounds/lengths of time?

you need to read the Reddit wiki. The conclusion you'll come to is to run test e 500 for 15 weeks. Don't mess with deca or trenbologne just yet.

What body part is that on? Looks like a bruise, did you inject subq?

No not really, they are used for different purposes.

Are you the guy interested in people's dicks?

I see your point about risk benefit, but tren let's you bulk without becoming a fatass, and there is something downright cozy about huge doses of dbol and sdrol. I would bump deca up to 250, and add in a dht like (((primo)))

Tren is also awful for nearly every system in your body, wrecks your lipids, can’t sleep, wanna fuck/fight like a crazy person, left ventricular hypertrophy like a mother, it’s just not worth it. Tried it years back.

My rationale for low dose deca is more for the therapeutic joint properties than its anabolic properties. Lower dose, lower sides as well.

6 week shut down is literally just as bad as 16 weeks. Relax. Tbh my first was a 6 weeker wish I didnt shut myself down for that trash cycle.

Yea I'm on baby first bnc and I'm avoiding tren till 3 blast. Plan on staying in for a while hopefully I dont need trt when I get off but I live fast so fuck it

Is var only cycle worthy?

Attached: 79938384_442209880036221_1826453598746181632_n.jpg (1080x624, 30.52K)

Kek absolutely not. Sdrol maybe var hell no.

Chilean whore.

Who wrote the comic in op?

I've read it, it's disguesting but also very funny.

>my coach and doctor Greg Doucette doesnt have a video about deca

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A total fucking moron. She's actually sick in the head.

if you don't give a fuck about your lipids or if citrus bergamot and krill oil/carditone keep your blood pressure/lipids in line you can run var all 20 weeks (ideally as a preworkout). AFAIK jordan peters swears by anavar year round with cardiovascular precautions. Take that as you will.

yeah though so...

Its a comic? Whats it about?

>the guy who recently almost died and pretty much is a vegetable right now uses it btw
Ok thx

petter got fucked by his antidepression pills addiction, not anavar

The quick run down is essentially two twins that fuck but the make one is somewhat oblivious to the females feelings, mix that in with Yas Forums and you've got yourself a beautiful comic

What the fuck is a lipid

>6 week shut down is literally just as bad as 16 weeks.
That depends a lot on what you're taking.

its a cool word for cholesterol :P

I asked in the last thread but I didn't get much of a response. Do you guys think test can help with depression/anxiety?

Depresion is a fancy word for laziness. People who dont wanna work hard/keep working hard or are too lazy to move their asses to do something useful in their life. Test will give you more energy, but no amount of energy is worth shit in the body of a lazy beta cuck who self-claims to have depression.
Short answer: it will give you energy but wont make your lazy ass hit the gym.

So basically the brother fucks his sister like a fuckhole without having queer beta feelings while the sister is in love with him? The dude sounds alpha and based as fuck.

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How fucked are we frauds when it comes to corona?

Or will this Tren bruteforce me trough this?

Link me up

T. Never had depression

Still have bouts of depression on gear. Anxiety is nonexistent though.

Interesting. Thanks for the response.

Of course not, I am not a weak lazy beta cuck

>I'm so alpha mental illness can't effect me

just how small is your dick user?

How good is deca compared to tren in terms of gains?

better. nandrolone comes with more bloat than tren while bulking however due to tren's various benefits (increased lipolysis, improved nutrient partitioning, etc)

>have continued to get stronger after cycle, 1 month into pct

Am I super human?

bloat isn't really the word I wanted to use. a better way to say it would be tren gives a better ratio of lbm to total weight gain.

Nah I felt just as good during pct while I was on clomid