Why are older women generally more receptive to sexual advances from guys than younger women?

Why are older women generally more receptive to sexual advances from guys than younger women?

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When you're desperate, you take what's offered.

because your a stupid nigger *blam blam* haha look at u now, fuckin dumb nigge

What does sex with a ripped female feel like?

Did someone shop her left arm? She’d have to be like half a mile wide for the right arm to be significantly smaller just from the angle.

lower SMV unironically as autistic as that sounds

they have yeast in their brain that increases basal temperature and endogenous testosterone
unfortunately, if you have sex with such a high test woman, you become a gay pedophile

Most young women have yet to realize that people are talking to them solely because they're cute. They know that's a reason for why people are nice to them, but they don't realize the extent.

Probably just the lense on the camera.

Because older women aren't attractive. Some guys don't mind dating some 30+ slut but most aren't into it.

the value dynamic dramatically shifts once girls age past 21. all men want younger girls 17-20 and they know this.

Pretty much. It's gotta be eye-opening and despair-inducing.

This. Reality hits then hard after 30, young girls take male attention for granted.


tick tock tick tock tick tock

is she natty bro? she says shes natty

absolutely not

Because the power dynamic is different. The types of head games a 30 year old can play with a college dude or someone just starting their adult life are vastly different than what a 21 year old drunk chick is bringing to the table.

Also, they typically appreciate the attention because it's less frequent than it used to be.


Hot. Especially when she bear hugs you when you fuck missionary position

I'd say 23-28 more than pre 20. "Most of men" prefer women over girls.

Ngl she’s fucking hot now that’s she’s off the gear

Nothing autistic about discussing a fucking fact. Stop letting twitter social shit flinging determine how you perceive reality

why u posting my wheyfu?

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Fuck she is cute but the panic that sets in when they hit 30s. My friend is 30s and she is now struggling to find a guy that isn't a slob. she broke down a couple of days ago and started to cry saying she waited to long. not going to lie I had a ragging hard on from that to bad for her I got a gf

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Yeah. The girl I'm fucking now is 22 and I honestly can't stand talking to her at times. But she lives 3 blocks away and we're both down with strictly sex, so whatever works.

can I get a quick rundown?

Its not autistic its an accurate model of reality.

You know, even though it might feel a little annoying how much women have control over social situations at this age (22), I actually feel kinda bad for them. They're going to be close to 30 and start realizing that they don't get attention or respect like they used to.

Women at 18
>more innocent
>hasn't slept around as much or at all

Women at 28
>signs of aging
>way fatter
>blown out by like 10 guys
>desperate for baby/money
>bitter with men

Getting with 90% of girls over 25 is because you can't do any better.

They slam anavar like candy and boom varbie is born

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Thats not true though. I'd say most men prefer women between 20-27. Even 20 year old's can be insanely annoying and immature.

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That's kinda fucked up, but also vindicating at the same time. That just goes to show how rare it is for men to stay in shape and hold down a good job into their 30's. If you have that combo and you present yourself well (good hygiene and non-shit fashion) you'll have unbelievable success with women at that age.

Honestly guys where the fuck can I meet bodybuilding/active women?
Must be incredible to have a girl to help you meal prep and cook gains meal.

Is it at the gym only? Any luck for homegym cocooner's?

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Supplement stores

They give less of a shit about adhering to social norms, this happens regardless of gender.

Women at 18 (but most of this applies to young men as well)
> knows nothing about shit
> pussy on fire
> will see her passion cooling down has a lost of feelings
> has no understanding of commitment
> will be unconsciously hungry for dicks
> will take a new one given some (possibly 0) temptation
> probably does not know/understand her own body/feelings

This can obviously apply to older people too, but at least you increase the likeliness they have a better understanding of "Life". This is usually a good start for being a good partner.

Anyway, I think I took the bait that was your list of immature criteria. Or maybe your only goal in life is to find fuckbuddies. Best of luck in your life, user.

>That just goes to show how rare it is for men to stay in shape and hold down a good job into their 30's
yeah sure its def not the world catering to women in the job market now

Fuck off retard. The left girl won the first Ms. Physique Olympia. Every woman she beat slammed anavar like candy but none of them looked like her.

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>he thinks some experienced whore will make a better, more committed wife

All the long lasting relationships I've seen the girl was in her teens or early 20s.

I'd marry a 20yr over a 30yo any day, girls aren't actually whores by nature, they learn to use sex to get what they want and get mentally screwed up once they start whoring around.

But you do you user

Have something going on with a girl who is 2 years older than me. Im 26 and she is 28, there is chemistry between us... But is there any point in starting something if I dont see myself getting married to her?

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Oh they know that

They just refuse to ever accept it will end

This is exactly the nerd mentality that is fucking GAY.
Have you or have you not started something with her? Saying hi to her at work or school is not something. You haven't even "started something" and you're already thinking if you should marry this girl? Get a fucking grip man

This is the most realistic answer. They just care less now. There will be some in panic mode trying to find a suitable partner and have a kid. Then there will be equal that or greater perfectly content sipping wine and getting dicked down by younger dudes throughout their 40's. Despite what the internet says if a women even takes a little bit of care of herself she can get plenty of male attention through her 30's into her 40's.

>girls aren't actually whores by nature
user, I...

They did a study a while back that showed older women are more devastated when a man dismisses their looks then younger women are

Compared to men no, men will fuck disgusting prostitutes and shit, as slutty as women are let's be honest, men would be worse if they could. Without being brainwashed and used women are actually more committed then men. And the more they fuck around the worse they get.

>yeah sure its def not the world catering to women in the job market now
You're exhibit A of the kind of guy who's not going to make it. Fuck society. You need the mentality to make it your bitch and force reality to work in your favor.

In a word, stop complaining start doing.

Athletic women are very easy to fuck because of their high T but they make awful girlfriends. The shit tests never let up for even a day unless you’re Rambo Hercules Schwarzenegger who can actually make her feel like a girl.

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Humans are wired for reproducing by nature, which means they are horny for fucking most of the time. It has no relation with whoring.

Whatever: we are not going to agree, your posts suggest you see having sex as a perverted and degrading experience.

Yeah she has hit on me when she is drunk but it's not just her I'm 33 and in the best shape of my life I run a painting company. My house is fully paid in 4 months from now iv finally feel like I can breath again. Also its not just my friend but my gf friends have lightly flirted with me before I just don't get why guys my age don't make the effort and stay in shape My gf is a bit of a varbie best place to get them are CrossFit gyms,rock climbing places, lifting meets is a popular place and tinder/dating apps

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>perverted and degrading experience
Yes, I don't want to date some whore and I don't care enough about sex to use her as one.

Guys break up with me when I beat them in arm wrestles. I have art so it’s okay

That's super inspiring OP especially to guys that are still in their early 20's. Play your cards right and you'll have more options than you can choose from if you really make the best out of yourself.

Are you on test or do you just beat skinny guys who don't train?

He’s right but for the wrong reasons. Women are more sexually conservative than men because they have significantly more at biological risk.

More confidence and experience

Older woman hit the wall and like younger guys cuz younger guys will try to fuck anything.

Younger girls like older guys because they can choose and will choose the guy person who has their shit together compared to boys in their same age group.

I don't see how 30s women even count as viale options but ok.

whoooo cares

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All you have to do to stand out from most guys in there 30s is be in shape and have a job and girls see you like your a miracle which says alot about the competition.

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That’s just wrong dude. Women have significantly lower testosterone levels than men do. Sex isn’t as much of an urgent need. The average guy masturbates a few times every other week. The average female masturbates a few times every other month.

Post your digit ratio or STFU

I'm a fucking autist when it comes to meeting girls.

I have basically no friend so I have no picture of me to put up on dating app even though I'm fit and above average looking.

Can't be the only one. Also which dating app is the best considering this?