I remember awhile ago there was a thread about quitting weed and I remember someone saying about how after 2 weeks you...

I remember awhile ago there was a thread about quitting weed and I remember someone saying about how after 2 weeks you get past of the delusion of needing to have it and it's helped in me trying to quit, still having troubles though and it's been hurting my gains. Any anons got more advice? I am also not Original OP.

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Ur OP now faggot
Also: just stop smoking pot lmao. I thought it wasn't addictive

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It's true though after a certain time youll stop craving it . Just keep going. Maybe try phenibut for anxiety and better sleep , but in a few weeks youll be over it and it'll be so worth it user , ask any former stoner. This shit just puts your head in a constant Haze and won't let you think right.

I was a huge stoner for over 6 years , then I stopped for a week going on a road trip vacation with my mum in Australia . When I came home I had a bong and had a strong panic attack from being too high , stopped right there and feel better than ever now. That was almost a year ago.
Even the smell pisses me of at this point

Depends how long you've been doing it, and how ingrained it is in your lifestyle. I promise you, it does get easier, but you have to get past the shit. The crazy vivid dreams that have you waking up every 20 minutes, the frustration at not getting what you think you need, the boredom of being sober. But it fades away. It doesn't suddenly disappear, it slowly fades. But you have to be of the mindset that it is doing you damage. You have to want to stop.

You will never quit because your mentally weak as fuck and will justify every reason not to, the same way fat bastards with the "just 1 won't hurt".

The dreams are literally the weirdest thing , after not dreaming for years j started having these super realistic dreams where you wake up and need some time to realize that that stuff didn't actually happen . Crazy shit

Anything is addictive, these fags just won't admit that their epic tweedle weedle deedle dee that allegedly cures cancer isn't the all powerful no side effect miracle drug that they claim it to be.

I have no idea how you stupid fuckers even enjoy marijuana. Shit makes me so paranoid and anxious. Unironically go watch some Wes Watson videos

>not knowing the difference between addiction and dependence
Lmao straight edge fags
Mine have finally gone from terrifying to bizarre. A week ago it was getting in gun battles with my own family, last night it was just being at a party where my father was dressed like Sheogorath.

> "I am also not Original OP"
> but started the thread
Something is not right...

Unironically this. One day I was just tired of being a lazy pothead and stopped. It’s been like 8 months now and still no craving. You gotta occupy your time though user, I bet you’re bored as fuck is the problem

Weed takes me away from fitness. I always tell myself I'll get a crazy workout if I do it high which I do sometimes, but I only do it once or twice then start skipping and eventually stop. Then I start smoking cigarettes again because I can't enjoy weed without cigs, then I get a bottle of liquor which completely my trifecta of degeneracy. There are some people that can handle weed in moderation but I'm not one of them. When I have it, it's all I do. Wake and bake and spend the rest of the day getting baked every 3 or 4 hours. It was so exciting to get high and play video games when I was a teenager but now I just sit there and stare at the screen doing nothing but fretting over what a loser I've become or just jack off and edge for an hour. It doesn't make me happy anymore and probably never really did, it was just an escape. Fitness actually makes me feel good about myself instead of just being paranoid and making bad decisions when high. Without wasting time on weed I have time to invest into other hobbies that actually give something back.
Weed makes you a lazy person who makes bad life decisions. Toke up if you're fine with your life not going any further than the living room couch.

I won't say smoking weed ruined my life, but it did a hell of a lot of damage. Like I have to ace it from here on out to live an 8/10 life

I barely graduated HS and wasted my 20s on weed and alcohol.

Smoked weed for 10+ years, it fucks with dopamine production in your brain and only releases it when you smoke, then you literally feel no reward for anything except smoking weed this is how it ruins your life, honestly try taking the mentality of looking down on stoners who throw their lives away and cringe at those fucking losers and focus on actually earning the right to enjoy life, after 1 month the desire to smoke completely disappears

It's a habit, and you have to break the habit. Remove triggers; familiar rituals you used to do before smoking, or familiar places/scenes/visuals that would trigger you to smoke. Anything habitual related to smoking needs to be changed.

If its a poster, certain drawer where you keep everything, the fact that you always close your bedroom door and lock the moment you get home because you are used to immediately lighting up. The act of closing and locking your bedroom door is enough to trigger wanting a smoke.

Break your usual habits. Mix it up. Purposefully do something different for a set amount of time (read a book for 20 minutes at the kitchen table at the same time every day, etc) to instill a new habit where an old one was.

For me, going to the computer right when I got home was the trigger. I realized it and switched it up, and instead immediately sit down on the couch, turn on the TV, and relax a bit. Then I make dinner, etc, and took all my browsing to my phone for a while. Instantly killed the want to smoke.

> Shit makes me so paranoid and anxious.
That's why I quit actually. I smoked for 5+ years just fine (I was on and off from once a month to daily). Randomly at 29 years old, it just started giving me crazy panic and anxiety attacks.

There is literally nothing more fucking annoying than lazy retard faggots who assume everyone else in the world is as much of a lazy copefag as they are
While you may allow weed to turn you into a lazy piece of trash, you're just projecting that onto others and assuming everyone else is as unmotivated and worthless as you are.
>t. serious stoner of nearly 10 year who is married to a wonderful woman, has a wonderful career, and has not problems motivating himself

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>r*dditposting dependent projecting their dependence on others
Die, and fuck off from this site forever you fucking faggot

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I'm a functional stoner guys.

>quit weed
>try phenibut
your dumb faggotry is off the charts

People are trying to self improve. If you're already perfect then you don't need to be here.

extremely based

Unmotivated worthless weed junkie cope
>wonderful woman
>wonderful career
[citation needed]

You throw tantrums when you can't access weed though, don't you? It's ok, I know you'll never admit it. But it's the truth, isn't it? It makes you crabby, and irritable if you can't get your weedly deadly. You need it.

>ten year stoner
You wouldn't mind...posting body...would you? I mean we should really get a look at your body. You should post it. Prove to everyone that women, wages, and weed are the way. Post body!

this youre a low t low iq coping degenerate, you'll realize one day

>I dont need to and even if i did who cares how i looked and what drugs I rely on as long as I am happy w my w-wife!

dude I had one where these two female coworkers were on either side of me talking to me about some shit and I end up putting in earplugs without either noticing. Had a good laugh after I woke up.

Can confirm. Were very vivid first week, then died down. 2 months since quitting now and every night I feel like I’m playing a fantasy game in my dreams with all of the closest people to me. Actually kinda look forward to it.

This may sound counterproductive, but I can't "escape" with weed any longer after intense psychedelic experiences with DMT. Shrooms and LSD can help too. It has changed the way weed affects me, it has turned weed into a mild psychedelic trip for me each time which tells me to stop smoking weed, or how I should improve my life further, but I can't ever smoke weed daily. I do it annually as a way to reflect on the year, but I can give it up completely if I want.

Many heavy nicotine addicts gaveup smoking in a group trial on the study of magic mushrooms with addiction after reaching the "enlightenment" stage on it the very next day.

yeah i know, it's a vague article but it goes in on the information.

If you lack the willpower, try psychedelics, it may change the way weed affects you which may help burst that bubble it puts you in.

this. don't replace one sort of harmful substance with a substance that can actually kill you.

I felt more motivated and happier when I was toking on the weekends now that I've quit. Tell me I'll stop feeling that way and this slump ain't shit.

I took a shitload of shrooms once and after that I couldn't smoke weed anymore without it causing panic attacks.

Loved shrooms though.

You think being addicted to pot is bad, try being addicted to acid.


quitting is painful mostly because
>it won't let you think right.
When you quit and don't get that artificial paradise every night you realize how shitty your life is. You don't think you have it all figured out anymore. Horror, horror over wasted years was my first reaction. Still feeling it 1.5 years later honestly

how cunt i've taken over 1mg in my lifetime and at no point have I felt like I NEEDED to take a tab

Nope, shit happens more often than you think.

Drugs are for degenerates

The panic attack shit is permanent, you couldn't go back to smoking it even if you wanted to.

Happens to like 10% of all long term pot smokers, soon it will be common knowledge because of all of the LMAO legalize it bullshit and sky high usage rates.

You don't have to feel a need to be addicted.

>over 1mg
That's like 5-10 tabs, lol

Right after I quit weed I watched too much E Michael Jones and found God and went turbo/pol/x/ and had a total psychotic break and had terrifying hallucinations and delusions and said bizarre embarrassing shit to everyone I know.


After I quit stimulants for good and put the high -stress coffee brain behind me I want to get ripped off a vape anyway.

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Ah fuck you're describing me. How do I end it now?

Don't kys. Just get in great shape and leave humanity behind. The mind will follow the body.

As I step down stimulants and take longer hikes I get closer to an empty mind. Most of the time my mind's full of babble and memes but sometimes it becomes clear as glass and I just feel the sun and crunch the trail. I hope to spend much more time in this state once I reach zero coffee.

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I switched from coffee to tea for no other reason than I was tired of the coffees we had at work for years. I think it has helped calming down the psyche and smoothing out the problem solving process. Learn to love puerh tea, if you can afford it.

>puerh tea
never heard of it, noted.

I'm on my big mug of coffee, one per day. Gonna step down to my small mug in a week or two. Once I've stabilized there I'll switch to two green teas, then one.



I took a shitload of shrooms and realized my friends were a bunch of losers and I stopped hanging out with them.

I took a shitload of shrooms and realized my friends were projections of my mind and I started punching them

or just keep smoking and be happy with 6/10 ayyy

weed is based

My mind if full of dumb negative self talk and reliving interactions I had with friends 10 fucking years ago that are now inconsequential because I've relived them so many times. I'm sick of remembering embarrassing shit I did half a lifetime ago. Why does my brain retain useless information like that? Yeah it was cringy, move the fuck on.

Fuck. Are you me? Since this was so embarrassing I literally almost killed myself, I've learned to move on.

Step One: no one cares. How much time do you spend thinking of other people's cringe?

Step Two: understand that you are willfully doing this. Why? You get something out of it. You like flagellating yourself because you get to be the punisher, not just the punished. Stop that.
>the man who despises himself still respects himself as one who despises
t. Nietzsche

Imagine being these people.
Weed is a gateway to your third eye, a dissociate.
You had a panic attack because you were freaking out about something and the weed amplified it. Weed anxiety attacks are like mild trips, keep your shit together and use it as a reminder that you need to earn your fun time. Pot, just like all vices, is a reward. Faggot vape, drink, jerk off, cannabis is just another vice. I prefer it because lifting on it makes me Arnold coom. It's habitually addictive but if you can't change your habits you're 100% NGMI. Smoke less. Once a month. I'm daily sometimes, but I dont eat sugar so go fuck yourself. About to buy a volcano so my lungs stay King.

>About to buy a volcano so my lungs stay King.
based. Hybrid? So fucking nice but $700

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Yeah. Expensive but most reviews say they hold up for years.
I cant wait until legalization in my state.
I want access to high quality edibles for when I'm swimming laps.

really? I smoked weed daily from 17-20 then stopped for 4 years. I had a few tokes 2 months ago and got an elevated heart rate and anxiety but not a 'panic attack'. absolutely zero interest in going back

weed didn't make you a loser. you're a loser who smokes weed.

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Ive quit smoking for months several times to pass drug tests and after some time of not smoking the urge to smoke goes away. But then i always ended up trying it due to boredom or because it makes sex better(it actually does). Doesnt seem to negatively effect my life desu but it does enhance certain activities so im still using it. Still lifting 4-5 days a week even lifting while high on the pot

fucking kek at all the degenerates ITT

>im a retard degen who smoked weed 24/7 and was unable to quit until i panic attacked on weed like a pussy and was too scared to smoke ever again so my life improved because im not on drugs 24/7 anymore

>proceeds to project this onto everyone

some people are always killing/ruining themselves with something whether it was bodybuilding, running, weed, gambling, alcohol, skydiving, fucking or fast food but it doesn't mean that every single person who eats McDonalds does so uncontrollably becoming obese or that everyone who likes fucking starts getting rammed raw in the ass by HIV infected trannies or everyone who likes to play a little bit of blackjack now and then will gamble their lives away.