Daily reminder that PIC RELATED is what women want when they say they want a fit and muscular body...

Daily reminder that PIC RELATED is what women want when they say they want a fit and muscular body. Any bigger and women get repulsed from the muscles. Don't believe me?? Just go to this guys instagram and check all these hoes drooling over his body.

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it is the hair

>face!! hieght!! body!!! frame!!! red pill bro!!

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Lmao, you incels still fail to see its all about the fucking face
"women want this women want that women women women", women want a beautiful face you fucking incels
imagine being above 20 years old and not knowing how females thinks and wants, life awareness at 0

how do I achieve this body?

You think we do this for women? We do this to be strong, muscle daddys who top little bottom bitch twinks like him on a nightly basis.

In fact, after deadlifts tonight...I'm gonna hit up Grindr, grab me an Arby's roast beef sandwich, and then go fuck some dude's shit chute


its the FACE

>imagine being above 20 years old and not knowing how females thinks and wants, life awareness at 0

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>push ups
>pull ups
>a range of ab workouts

I would say swim 3 days a week and do not pig out and you will achieve something similar.

suck a dick with your reddit posts you balding incel
who even saves these pictures on their computer lmao

everyday the same shitty threads, FUCK JANNIES

Wrong. This is what I want. Or solid snake tier with godly personality.

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Well I just jerked off to a dude. In my defense that’s a really pretty dude though.

you are GAY

>women want this
And I should care because?

>b-but muh women
get the fuck off this board

Implying he is in bad shape.

Good looking af, perfect smile and looks like have a lot of money.

We don't compete with that guy


you are probably the most based poster I've seen here in the last few months. straight and too the point. you make it look so effortless

>be hawais most obnoxious asshole
>drop out of school at grade 7
>spend your free time skydiving, getting tattoos, shooting videos for youtube, eating fruits, modeling for armani, and fucking barely legal instagram models with coconut oil

Jay Alvarrez

>talking about video games past the age of 16

yikes...you're gonna have a tough life, bud.

imagine caring about what women want

You're telling me women were repulsed by Zyzz and not drooling over him?

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>Implying I care

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Tall muscular slim/lean big like zyzz is probably the upper limit. It’s rich piana short wide muscular that most women aren’t into. But even that will attract some. Everyone’s different, I’ve had chicks ask me to piss in their mouth and fart on them before.

And if i do all these work daily how long would it take to achieve that body?
Please anyone that know tell me
I really wanna start working out at home to get fit like the guy in op's pic, i just wanna know how long would take to achieve it.

Who gives a shit what women want

Depends on starting point. If you're skelly it could take less than a year. If you're a fatass it will take a while. If you're already in good shape it's just a few months.

Thanks, user

>not going for RE5 Chris mode

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Daily reminder that I don't give a fuck about what women want, I just rape them

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but did you say no homo when you finished?

wtf is up with dude's tongue? he's dehydrated as fuck

I'm an obese aborigine and in uni I had a roommate who looked exactly like this. He always wanted to hang out but I had to stop because it was suicide fuel. I distinctly remember when we went to a bar then two chicks started chatting him up and he tried to set me up with one of them and she refused and he got pissed off because he wanted to know why and I was like in the corner telling him it's okay. He genuinely couldn't see the difference of appeals between him and I. Shortly after I changed rooms, started hanging out with him less and we kinda drifted apart. I hope to God that dude achieves every kind of success the Lord may throw his way because he was a pure soul

No way, comrade, only superior krauser. Re5 Chris looks like a gorilla krauser looks a lot more natural. Best Chris is CV/remake twink Chris

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Reminder that THIS is what life is about

If you're not living like this, you're an absolute cuck.

Good, I'm practically a slightly bigger version of that. Thanks for the confidence boost, crab.

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Not wanting to be boulder puncher Chris...terrible.

This is a pathetic post

Stay mad pussy

>Wanting to be shit at CQC

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Goal bf

Lol who makes these threads it's so pathetic

sad but true

Daily reminder for you

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Either CHAD genetics, or BETA results, kid.

Go outside and have sex holy shit
Women care if you have a personality an attractive face and a head of hair. Other than that you can be buff muscular twink doesn't matter. Lift for yourself this shit posting is done by insecure little faggots

lol imagine coping this hard. This hair would look ridiculous and cringe on sub 6/10 male.

Guess im good to go then.


it's all shoulder-hip-ratio

size of muscles don't really matter, born unaesthetic = stay unaesthetic

Lol, jesus christ Google the definition of subjective you retard, who cares what women want. I've been jacked, and I've been toned, if you're above average looks and can confidently talk to women, your body only has to be marginally toned, and you can do that with body weight, and women will fuck you. For the first time in my life, I've gone two months without working out, and I'm literally getting more ass than I ever have in my life, and it's because I'm out living my life, and not obsessing over my body in the gym. If you cant pull women regardless of your body, it's cause you ain't got it in you. Some dogs can kill and some cant, it's in your nature or it's not, stop blaming superficial factors for being the reason you're undesirable.

Why would i care about this manlet or thots? Im working out to better myself phisicly and mentally

based and they were asking for it pilled

dunno.. because you're not a homo?

this is so not true, and you're a loser. kys

Based Yuru Yuri poster

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Zyzz was literally only attractive before he roided and died fucking a third world tranny.


Based and wholesome