Why is this allowed?

How are we expected to respect a leader if they can't put the minimum effort in to take care of their bodies? The choice will be between a fat shit, and a gangly hunchback jew. Disgusting.
What should the minimum fitness requirements be to lead a country?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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There was a better way...

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Kamacho 2020

to be fair, they're like 90

>literal 70 year olds should be in peak physical shape
>me? I’m 19, why do you ask?

At the very least they shouldn't be obese

Because they're like 70

Even fucking Arnie is fat now. You realize that getting older naturally makes you fat? Most aged monkeys have pot bellies. I’m not saying it’s okay to be fat at 30-50 but at 70 you are either stick skinny from appetite loss or fat

Just being able to function in their jobs requires more vitality than 99% of men their age have. Most 78 year old men are basically just waiting to die.
Sure, Trump is pudgy, but if he wasn't healthy as a horse 4 years of presidency would've literally killed him.

Trumps always been fat, and bernies always been a pathetic specimen. Got any more excuses?

Honestly its more our abhorent culture of glorifying oldfags. Ideally, our leaders should be ripped middle aged men.

Trump wasn't always fat, he just always wore retarded oversized suits. Dude was one ugly fucker though.

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>appetite loss
I have low appetite, am still young and still manage to make gains
there literllay is no excuse

>ugly fucker
with a decent haircut he would've been solid

Faggots under 30 demanding 70+ men to be fit.
What the fuck is happening today?
You guys are too autistic even for a Pakistani board.
>gorilla fighting thread

>am still young and still manage to make gains

Of course because you are young you fucking mongrel

You’re delusional, ho looks inbred

That dopey face was never going to be solid no matter how good of a hairstyle


nice dubs of presence

It's time to dilate once again my brother.


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Yeah I always thought so too

they have 10 years left to live at max
if i was that old i wouldnt give a fuck how i look

post face muhammad

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25 pull-ups
6 minute mile

5k under 30 mins (if you can't do this unironically consider suicide. or a treadmill).
bench press above body weight (weed out the fatties and the skellies in one fell swoop)

He's not ugly mfao

Today I was working at an embassy. There was an event and it was full of rich people, politicians and generals from all over the world.
They were eating like there's no tomorrow. Never seen people pig out quite like that. They were mostly in terrible shape and looked awful.
The young guys were all really ugly too, but their gfs were mostly hot. After all, money mogs physique. Still, if being rich equals looking like an absolutely disgusting blob of a person I'd rather be poor.

Especially since Bernie has already had one heart attack and won't release all his medical information now

It is honestly irresponsible for him to run for president

Bernie age: 78
USA male average life expectancy: 78

This old nigga is toast

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I like him as president but let's not pretend he's handsome

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my point is, that I am in the situation you are talking about, which is low appetite

Unironically both would be below average for their age in most European countries.

Fuck off
Let's see you look physically fit when you're 70

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You just know Tulsi loves Black dick

Most Presidents have been in terrible condition. Only the Bushes and Carter were anything close to fit within the last 50 years.

Have you seen the corpse currently beating him? Pale shadow of the policer of Corn Pops.

Kris Kobach 2024, he looks Chad as hell

Men peak at 50

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Bernie is the fit choice.
Socializing healthcare will have positive effects on an average 'Murrikan's health.

>USA male average life expectancy: 78
Bernie also dosn't weigh 200kg has MUCH better medical care and as you get older your life expectancy goes up as you pass all that early statistical shit. Also why would you share your medical docs its not like hes a race horse or used car, fucking cripples and the senile have done the job
>It is honestly irresponsible for him to run for president
I mean there are vice presidents, it wont plunge the nation into a succession crisis. There are far worse things you can do in office than die during your term and it means he will remain historically popular

>current year
>thinking these kosher clowns lead anything
You are never in this world gonna make it.

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Pretty much this. If you don't have to pay for insurance or high medical costs you'll have more money for good food and the gym.

Christ I don’t get how a teetotaler can look like such a fucking boozebag. Must be his mother’s genes






Why wasn't this moment the end of Trump's base on here?

all presidents have to do it

pretty weird considering that if Christianity is true --> nothing to wail about

Because they're either ruskiebots or they have the wrong amount of chromosomes


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amphetamines fuck you up almost worse than alcohol

Look there's one now

Did Obama do it?


Where’s the picture?

beep boop it is me the hekkin ruski hakerino MAGA


Attached: melania.jpg (1024x576, 74.46K)

Just Google it. My gay device has a lag between when you can save an image and post it

Ok I'll spoonfeed you

google.com/search?q=obama wailing wall&prmd=niv&sxsrf=ALeKk01nlDbd5N6rWdZJ-S55FeBax-jOTA:1583465368016&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjN9ZiW9IToAhVnHjQIHXdEDO4Q_AUoAnoECA0QAg&biw=601&bih=962

There's always been an element sympathetic to Israel for being an "ethnostate".

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Stallone is still jacked.

>someone says trump is fat or ugly

Jesus christ almighty

Yes cheek kissing is common in Cuba so it's not surprising that Justin Castreau went in for it.

Go back to your containment board. Thinly trying to mask this as fitness related doesn't mean it is.

Of course, she has good taste

The resemblance is uncanny...and his mom's a slut...and his parents vacationed in the Caribbean 9mo before his birth...and were apart for some of it