How you holding up, Yas Forums?

how you holding up, Yas Forums?

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Fine, now fuck off back to Yas Forums, you incel feel shitter

got a email from institute today stating that one of my classmates was found dead in his house yesterday, and that "nothing criminal appeared to have happened" according to the cops. I had not expected that someone else would be quitting before me.

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Based. Up until now not even one of my classmates has kicked the bucked. Kinda feels weird knowing that I might be the first one.

I spoke with a recruiter today for another job and mentioned my current salary for the expectation. The recruiter basically ended the call because it was much more than they were expecting me to say.

barely.. I kinda think I'll make it, just maybe though

Going through life is a routine - a chore to be accomplished every day. I look forward to nothing and life has disappointed too much to expect anything.

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Get a grip lmao, life doesn't owe you anything

NEET with community college degree in sales turning 21 in a couple of months. Had a job interview few days ago but they couldnt offer me a full time function, how am i holding up? Playing vidya throughout the day, going for walks cooking and going to the gym i guess, emotionally im shit since im.directionless and am afraid of the future still miss my ex after a year

broke, no energy, winter weather fucks me up. a month ago someone stole my bike making my mood even worse. trying to get back into the grind and get out of the downward spiral. thanks for asking.


>someone stole my bike

Did you not have those steel bike slots that you do around your bike and a pole?

on one hand i'm glad that i finally realised what my dream job is
on the other hand i'm feeling kinda shitty knowing it'll be hard to get that job

I just relapsed, despite having a literal 9/10 that's basically begging for me to fuck her.

I don't know what got into me. The vibe between me and this girl is so good and she's extremely into me. I think all those years of porn and fapping hardwired be to keep fapping. What's also weird is that people always asume I'm a chad that slays pussy everywhere, but in reality I only fap to porn and fuck hookers.

you mean a bike lock? no, my bike lock broke and I rolled the dice on that one, the guilty is split evenly between me for being a fucking retard, and the degenerate piece of shit bike thief for being himself I guess.

Landed a job contract for a year which is good because money. On the downside it means I won't be going to grad school like I planned until at the earliest next fall, so no chance of finding gf anytime soon as I have no social life

Been hanging out with and fucking the first QT of my life. How do I know if I'm in a relationship with her or not? She's introduced me to a lot of her friends and we kiss and cuddle in public. Do I have to bring this topic up?

Also when I'm not with her I feel deflated, as if I'm flatlining on dopamine due to never having experiencing anything even remotely close to these feels in my life.

Saw my ex the other day. She isn't looking as good as she used to, got a bit of acne going on and just in general looking rundown. Makes me feel good because I am better looking than her now. Fuck Thots.

Based, I saw my ex on the train the other day and she has purple hair and some trashy tats. Godspeed user

Trying to go back to education after 4 years NEETing but got rejected for some bullshit. I e-mailed someone to try get help but I'm so fucked if I don't get in, tf am I meant to do without a degree. I ain't no labourer

I have been feeling unmotivated to do stuff and a bit down lately. I feel like I will never make it but I know that if i give up now this feeling will never go away.

Trying really hard not to go out and get one of these

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My kryptonite

NEVER bring up relationship labels/what is this/what am I to you type shit before she does

NEVER ever ever

Hah yeah that's why I've not said anything like that yet. I'm just maintaining the "stoic, mysterious, almost distant" personality while inside I'm an emotional pining beta. Thanks man

>no bikelock

Not tryna be rude but you deserved it. As a fellow bike owner you should always have a lock

I was fooling around with a girl for awhile. I asked her what we were. The next day she told me she never wanted to talk to me again.

I think she assumed you guys were together and she got offended by it weird reaction of hers.

Have something going on with a girl who is 2 years older than me. Im 26 and she is 28, there is chemistry between us... But is there any point in starting something if I dont see myself getting married to her?

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Dont bring it up. But she definitely likes you and wants to have a relationship with you if she introduced you to her friends, it's a very good sign. But like the other user said, do not bring it up, otherwise you'll scare her off.

Went for a long hike earlier, foot hurts because I’m getting old and think ive got some arthritis starting in. Could use some aloe Vera but I’ve got dried sweat salt stuck to me I’m too tired to shower from lifting and hiking and I’ve got something I have to attend later. Just woke up from a nap on the couch


feel like shit, somehow got girl attracted to me but she lost interest legit in a week or two because of my autism/avoidant personality

Assuming you're enjoying yourself along the way, then of course. Increase exposure to women to decrease autism level and gain XP

just means she never really liked you that much, so it wouldn't have worked out anyway. If a girl really likes you, she won't lose interest in a week or two

Maybe you can find a tolerable below avg girl on a dating app and have a mediocre year

>just means she never really liked you that much, so it wouldn't have worked out anyway. If a girl really likes you, she won't lose interest in a week or two
yeah, and honestly i didnt like her too much either. but it felt nice to have someone show interest in me, even if it was just for such a short duration.

I guess that's true, its just that its been so long since I've neen in a relationship that i feel like I would catch feelings for something that kinda has an expiration date ...

cute, enjoy it and dost stress about labels

My bitch of an ex came up on Tinder yesterday, which is weird because she lives a 5 hour drive away. Just has one picture and no bio. I haven't used the app since, I don't know if I should swipe right to see what happens or what.
Other than that I got rejected by a few girls I genuinely liked, so not much new around here.

Are you me...


fuck imma stab a nigga

ok faggot but give source

it is if you tell her your intentions upfront. maybe you could be fwb

Never date an older woman. At 28, she will want to lock you down asap, get preggo and fuck your life up.

so before starting going out I should tell I don't want to marry her? Wtf

god I hate it but I think you are right

caring about a girl ''friend'' who doesnt care about me at all
i hate it and its getting better but some days it just hits a lil'

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and another girl who i actually like somewhat is a slut who sleeps around multiple times a week with guys from tinder

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Been off sick this whole past week, corona chan making me paranoid. Being off work for a week makes me feel guilty, and fearful of the consequences. Ridiculous, its the middle of a pandemic and I had flu symptoms, so staying out of work is entierly justified, but there you go. Wagie mentality at its best.

It doesn't help that I've gone off my antidepressant meds last month and my depression and anxiety are lowkey back. Nothing like before I started the meds, I'm in a place where I think I can deal with the feelings myself, without further fucking up my brain chemistry.

t.nice blog

My gym is noticeably emptier, probably thanks to Coronavirus, I never thought a virus would be good for my gains.

Pissed. My fucking hips and back hurt and I just finished #2 three times in a row in Fortnite lol which is bullshit. A chick won’t leave me alone cause I won’t see her cause I’m upset about my back and Just like fuck people who make shit about themselves when your just feelin down

woah do we have the same ex

girl i liked friendzoned me a few months ago, i knew we would never date and i did enjoy just chatting with her about our boring lives but recently ive started falling for her again and its becoming painful. feels like it would be rude to just ghost her now for what would seem like no reason

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Just poor, poor low effort bait.
If you're going to be a fag can you at least just be remotely funny.

>only 2 weeks into my new job
>already in way over my head
>feel like it's only a matter of time before i get fired
>keep telling myself that having anxiety about it is good because it means i want to do a good job and don't want to disappoint
>keep telling myself that asking stupid questions is ok since i'm new
>keep telling myself being the stupidest person in the room is ok since it means there's room to grow and learn new things
>none of this helps at all
>can tell some coworkers are already fed up with me

i've been better

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Doing scoobys Intermediate plan finally ready to move on to advanced feels pretty good. I cant seem to stop cooming Im down to once a week but Ive cant seem to reduce it any more. Doing 90lbs ohp for reps now Im 180lbs so I feel like Im doing good.

>thinking about suicide everyday
>nigthmare everynight
>even in my sleep i can't stop thinking about how shit i am
>absolutely no interest in nothing that i used to like
>unreasonably angry everyday
>think shit about myself for not snapping yet
idon't know how much longer i can go on and i dont know what i going to happend when i finally snap and i just don't care

Meditate daily user, and find it within yourself to not be so ashamed to do simple things like ask questions. You may be new but it benefits no one that you batter yourself about how you're stupid or incompetent. Face the facts, accept them, and deal with them. Leave being anxious to women.

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raimi posting was the best thing this shithole of a website has produced

I've realized that I only fap due to boredom but even more so lonliness and self-hate
It's such a cope at resentment for being alone and numbing myself
What the fuck do I do to fix this?

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if it's legitimately that bad you need to talk to a doctor dude. if you're against taking medicine, try talking to a therapist first. sometimes just venting what you think about your problems to someone who's job it is to listen can help.