Did you get bullied in school? If so how did that affect your desire to get into fitness ?

Did you get bullied in school? If so how did that affect your desire to get into fitness ?

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its me, I'm the bully

in 7th grade these faggot as geeks were playing yugioh beside the outdoor bball court and i *accidentally* went after the ball and crushed all of their cards in the middle with the soles of my sneakers.

told the faggots to get the fuck out of the way (there was plenty of other space for them to sit)

to this day I lift solely to mog other males in the gym, especially the skinny-fat 150-160lb guys

Yes, was always the smallest person everywhere I went, even kids picked on me. 6'1 125 lbs at my lowest, possibly lower.
Decided to get bigger both to be stronger and to look more attractive, I've seen fat fucks with hot girls all the time while I was forced to jack off to anime my whole life

Yes. I HAATED school as a kid. But my mother would always say “you should enjoy it, one day you’ll have to work for a living”. I said “no I won’t Ma’, I’m gonna be a NEET”

Sure did.

I'm really angry and insecure all the fucking time

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I feel like if middle school didnt destroy my mental health I would been having an easy time at least in the dating world cuz of 6'2 genetics and not bad face

but haha I guess personality does matter none wants to even be friends with a socially anxious loner with obvious other mental problems too

you're probably uglier than you think you are

I got bullied constantly because I had long hair and stared at the ground.

I was fucking jacked though so the few times they got physical I threw their ass around and walked away.

I ended up being really tall and our volleyball team reached nationals so no
Middle school and kindergarden though... I remember a few bullies. Wish I could meet them now

I am not ugly but I am no model either
>t. obsessed with lookism and incel websites

>I said “no I won’t Ma’, I’m gonna be a NEET”

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Verbally bullied but rarely physical. Also outcast by literally everyone. I couldn’t even run a half mile in HS, so I started running with my dad in the mornings. Eventually got up to 6 miles and experienced the bliss of endorphins and a much healthier heart. Started lifting weights a few month later, and now been lifting for 7 years.

I was a bully. I think I permanently ruined some kids lives by conditioning them into cowardly losers. feelsbadman

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Yep. In elementary me and my best friend were the Kings of the school. If someone was a guy, they sat with us and we were friends (small school) I was a bit poorer than everyone else, so yeah I got picked on a lot. I used to play Xbox 360 back when it first came out and got fucked with constantly cause of my “McDonald’s WiFi” as they called it. Bad clothes, shitty food, obese parents, being weak, etc etc. I was just a loser. Sometimes me and this best friend would get pissed at each other and after manipulating other people in our grade to join his side, I would eventually be forced to become friends again. I couldn’t stand staying on Xbox anymore and having to cry myself to sleep at night cause of what they said. It was terrible, and I tried to fight him once but they all just jumped me.

This continued until 7th grade, and I saw so many new people at our middle school, so I said fuck this kid and left him for good. Throughout the year, he got more and more friends while I only had about 10. Apparently his power transferred over to middle school. People I didn’t even know would call me “faggot, retard, disgusting, etc.” and when I walked through the halls he would just laugh at me openly wherever I went with his posse. Standing up for myself was futile, no one cared. The halo effect is real. I tried joining the football team to become a chad, but lo and behold most of the team was his friends and therefor they ostracized me, hit me harder at practice, and excluded me from events, so I had to leave after one season. The coach didn’t like me either. I just wanted to play some fucking ball and I couldn’t. High school is when I started lifting, and I plan on blasting test for my reunion in a few years to mog him.

Pavlov's dogs had a better upbringing than me.


It was kinda funny, there was this blonde douchebag who gave me mad shit every day, and I kinda took it because I was new at the school and a goth retard and he was a 'cool kid'.

Then my dad told me he'd pay me to join the wrestling team... He didnt, but it was a sly move on his behalf that I thank him for now... So I go into the gym first day of wrestling and there's the blonde kid. Its just us in the locker room. He's like "what the fuck are you doing here faggot?" and I said i was there for wrestling.

He looked dumbfounded. Like he couldn't believe my twiggy ass was gonna try to wrestle.
What he didnt know was that at my other school, id been wrestling since I was like 8 (about 12 at this point).

We go out to the gym, intro shit, warm ups. Im running laps around this kid. Suddenly realize, Im like 2 inches taller than most of the dudes there. My buddy was JACKED at 12 and he was there, so we're just running around these other kiddos and bullshitting while blondie is starting to gasp for air and has to stop to take a breather.

Then we started into drills. Get paired up with blondie. Showing him how to do a double leg properly. Tossing him around like a bitch.

After that day, dude never gave me shit again, and we even became sorta antagonistic 'friends', like something out an anime - my dark-haired dark-eyed swarthy Swiss-Germanic lanklet goth ass VS my rival Nordic-Anglo blonde Abercrombie douchebag.

Neither of us were starters, but we trained together a lot and gave each other lots of shit.
He quit wrestling like freshman year, I kept going til junior.

Met him at a bar years later, ended up becoming a (chubby) welder, I became a Yas Forumsizen) chemist.
Dude came up, clapped me on the shoulder and said 'whats up Maverick?'. Replied 'Good to see ya Ice Man' without even realizing it and we both laughed, got trashed and played pool.

Later on, heard he got into smack. Hope he's still alive and doing well.
Fitness makes bullies into bros.

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Don't flatter yourself, people who get bullied usually have deeper issues than some chubby faggot pushing them around at school
If they got over that, they'll be fine

Didn't get bullied, but often got comments on my poor physique.

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This really
My initial interest in fitness was just to bully better. Being able to verbally manipulate people into trashing some guy or girl is one thing, but that look they get in their eyes when they realize they have no chance if they try to fight you and can only try and beg the group for help is orgasm inducing

got bullied in school, now i do bjj, now i can tap out anyone hur dur
story of every faggot here who does bjj

People just don't want to add to your burdens fren. Solution is to accept that anxiety is selfishness on your part and to find the coping skills necessary to make it. Ymmv, but this works for me
>stoic philosophy, just read and passively accept, think and meditate on it but don't try to force it
>identify and accept your faults
>interaction and socialization requires time and energy investment; are you worth investing in, and if not, how can you change that?
>practice mindfulness: what am I thinking? what am I feeling? can I address this with nutrition/hydration? how am I presenting to others?
>understand that it's ok to be satisfied with your performance, even if it's suboptimal by your own standards
>anxious behavior is a warning sign for potentially violent behavior, so how can I address the roots of my anxiety?
good luck fren. you will make it, but you must struggle if things are to change. you have greater reserves of nobility than you believe.

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My school district got in trouble for segregation so I had to go to a "darker" school
It legitimately made me racist
My dad was a piece of shit and I wanted to be able to fight him if I had to
So the combination of niggers and a shitty dad made me into the (angry) muscular man I am today

ever tried your skills in a live situation/fight?
t. curious 6 month whitebelt

Go watch A Silent Voice on Netflix. Watch the deaf girl's actions very closely, and the results of her actions, apply to own experiences.

Breh. My homie Tommy back in the 6(grade) was such an ABSOLUT B U L L Y that the rest of the school district formed an alliance against the homie (Tommy). After what I assume was 2 weeks of kumbaya & diligent ouija board practitioning they hung TOMMYS ASS OUT 2 DRY!

cringe bluepilled anime the only reason you or the faggot main character care is because she is le cute girl you would never help a guy even in your fantasies thats just the way of humanity you shall suck my dick

jævla lærlinger

My older brother abused me when i was a kid. He made our dad neglect me by saying i wasnt my dad's son. I watched my dad die in front of me at the age of 15. He got shot by the cops, i resent my brother because he acts like he never abused me. (Also ive been a fat kid for most of my life) The sack of shit is 27 now; once im down to 7% and ohp 205 im gonna show up and give him the bane treatment. Im gonna break him.

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only in primary school, and a bit on 7th grade
went to good schools thankfully, and I kinda fade in the background so I wasn't bullied

Y'see, tommy was a bully but he always GAVE THANKS TO THE ONE TRUE KING, LORD, & SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST.
Tommy said, Jesus Christ had his back no matter what, and the more little nigger kids starving in the desert & the more little faggots dying of cancer that made Tommy laugh meant "the Lords Will be Done".
Every time Tommy came out on top, so did JESUS CHRIST. Because Jesus Christ LOVES(d?) TOMMY WAY MORE than all those faggot handicap kids.
Tommy said dont blame him, but he said it's funny when shook the spiritual faith of everyone from Atheists to Christian's, according to Tommy none of 'em had it right.

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the girl, in her passivity and Teenage Angst (tm), never attempted to interact with others. she just lived in her disability. she walloerd in weakness. she actively chose to be bullied. she never invested energy in others, never attempted to understand the people around her, until the climax of the movie, when she began addressing her failings.

I was never bullied but I was always the easy target that people could pick on knowing I wouldn’t say or do shit back. If anyone tries picking on me now I’d crush their fucking skull.

i thought you were stupid bro turns out you are actually a whole new level of stupid

Only the weakest get bullied, and only faggots bully others. There were plenty of fights throughout my schooling, but none of it was "bullying". The term is so overused now, every non-harmonious interaction in school is supposedly bullying now.

and you are lazy, are we done here?

we havent even started yet dumbo dumb dumb

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...you're playing me like a fiddle, aren't you

Eh kinda I guess? I was a feisty little fucker if you tried getting physical with me, but as long as you kept the bullying verbal I didn't really bother fighting back. Some of the cunts knew that so that's what they did in middle school.
Eventually changed my attitute and puberty did its thing, so high school was mostly chill.
Didn't impact my desire to lift. Unironically got into it because of anime.

Yes, however I never gave a shit and stood my ground when dicks went too far. Didn't affect my desire to lift in the least, I started to get girls like most guys.

Absolutely fucking based.

I stood up for bullied kids and it got me jack shit.
If you got bullied you deserved it, because you wouldn't even stand up for yourself let alone say thanks to somebody who helped you out.
Fuck you for being a bunch of backstabbing pussies.

Yeah the other boys would say I ran like a girl, had a tiny dick, etc and it led to me hating people in general and falling in with nerd cliques in high school, but in Uni I fell in with a good crowd, started lifting and turned it all into positive energy. It's a shame that most normies don't care about how strong you are past a certain age--I impress my gf and lifting friends but those bullies turned into fat normies who couldn't care less how much someone benches.

White knights are just as bad as the bullies
I hit a bitch in the face for flicking a lit cigarrette
Immediately two faggots try to rush me

>most normies don't care about how strong you are past a certain age
A lot of older guys still ask how much I bench which is nice
Older women get flirty and use the gym as a conversation starter
My doc asked what I was deadlifting when I went in for a yearly checkup this week
Felt good

I just turned into a depressive recluse and started stress eating. 13 years later I still can't shake all the damage that shit did to me but I'm getting better.
What pisses me off more than the crotchrots that always went after me are the fucking teachers. They were useless, they just fucking watched as I got stabbed with dividers by five kids that pushed me into a corner. One time a kid beat my head with a brass knuckle and I had blood trickling into my face and the french teacher just ignored me. I understand why school shooters are a thing.

no one replied to this but i liked this story a lot. good stuff

I used to beat up girls in high school, until I got kicked out.
I lift for women.
to beat the shit out of them.
Based chad
>I've seen fat fucks with hot girls all the time while I was forced to jack off to anime my whole life
>welcome to Yas Forums
yeah the whole thing was that stupid deaf bitch's fault.
fucking retard loser
shouldn't have been deaf cunt

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Damn I guess I gotta lift more. My Dad's side of the family is all hockey jocks who used to exercise but they've all gotten fat and married and don't seem to notice/care that I mog them.

psychopaths ITT

Thanks user, this is great stuff

I was bullied and I was a bully. Much funner being the bully. It was fun making people feel like shit. I got suspended one time for bullying. I had my counsellor have a long talk with me about calling this one ugly girl a skank and a whore. I made this one snotty pajeet girl cry, one time I asked her what race she even was. One time there was this dumb looking guy from South Africa, he looked ugly, and I would always make fun of him and call him ugly. I would always bully on Xbox Live too. On Gears 2 I had this social group on Xbox Live and wed always get together and play and one of the guys in our group was this 11 year old (he was very good at the game) and we would always hear his mom yell at him so we’d tease him for that. One time I asked this kid, in a very genuine and nice way, if his mom was a cunt, and he says to me “what’s a cunt?” And I said, you should ask your mom, so we all hear the kid go “hey mom, whats a cunt?” And literally 2 seconds later we hear muffling in his mic and the he went offline and wasn’t on for a few days. We had the biggest fucking laugh about it. Good times.

I was bullied like mad in middle school. I didn’t get fit to protect myself but to be better than my bullies at sports. I felt sports was my best chance at proving myself. It worked and I didn’t get bullied ever again past a certain point. Guys liked me cause I could put the sports ball in the hoop and the bullies didn’t fuck with me anymore cause I finally had friends who weren’t losers and I also had the body to protect myself , or try atleast lol

Gaining almost 30lbs- some of it muscle- has resulted in not being fucked with like I used to be

Yes. I was always bullied and made it trough somehow. What fucked me up was this girl who rejectet when I was 18. I grew distant to society and became your ordinary loser. Super lonly and celebrating birthdays with mom and grandma.
I worked out here and there which kept me from being too fat.
I'm 28 now and made serious gains in the last 6 months. Both social and physical. Feels like my life is finally improving.
Hope I can start my thirties with new perspective.

Yes, but it's okay. Made me want to be way fitter and more successful financially, etc. than them. Also made me way less likely to take shit from people now. Funny thing is no one fucks with me now anyway.


Nothing as eye-opening as living amongst them. People imagine their well-to-do black neighbor is representative, but it's not even close. The averages speak volumes and the experience makes it real.

You probably look like shit

Yeah, was bullied by a 6'4" guy in highschool. Now in college I've bulked up about 50lbs and he doesn't do shit anymore. Wonder why.