So, is SS the best for beginners? I don't want to fall for a meme program

So, is SS the best for beginners? I don't want to fall for a meme program
I'm skinny fat and would like to 1) look nice and 2) be functionally strong

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1) and 2) are the same thing for a beginner

If you want to build up a big ass for all the tops at the gym, then yeah do SS

b-but I am not gay :(


Then pick a real program based on how many days a week you can work out

>inb4 plebbit

Plebbit has far more useful info than this mongolian shitposting site

Just do the program until it stops working, it's not like you're gonna be doing it for years

It's called starting strength for a reason. It's only supposed to get you into the swing of things. For a newfag it's okay to do but I wouldn't do ss for longer than a 3-4 weeks. Then start a real workout routine.

The SS is the best. Not just for beginners, but for everyone.

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Post physique

Starting Strength is the best newbie program regardless of your goals. Even hypertrophy requires the ability to lift heavy enough.

nah. not enough benching and generally too little volume. your work capacity will be in the shitter.

Yeah it is. It is. Definitely. The best program. If I had done SS properly, I'd be a good 2-3 years ahead of where I am now.

Take time to learn how to perform all the exercises from the SS channel on youtube and go from there. You can easily get up to 110kg bench, 160 Squat and 200 Deadlift with this program.

A good strength program is essential for beginners. Any bodybuilding shit should be thrown in on top, not the main goal.

post lifts

You should absolutely do it, but not for longer than 2 months.
The key above all else is consistency, and SS is easy af.
Once you know the lifts, move onto more fun programs.

wat? SS is hard af. post lifts dyel

pretty shitty but:
115lb ohp
210lb bench
280lb squat
350lb deadlift

t. dyel. Don't listen to this retard OP. SS is meant to be ran for 3-4 months MAX. You don't need excessive volume when you're a novice

SS is hard compared to what?
It's just the lifts, and not a lot of volume. What's the hard part about it?
55/90/125/170kg for reps.

You have those numbers and are bitching about work capacity? Lemme tell you something bucko, it becomes easy to squat 350 for many reps if you can squat 500 for 1.

because low-bar squatting heavy 5s is one of the hardest things you can do in the gym. And LP is very hard too after the beginning.

Too little volume? Nah. Too much squatting yeah

if you're skinnyfat start cutting, and get yourself a fullbody routine to do 3 days a week (fullbodies burn more calories), and do 30 min of hiit the resting days (2 times a week, duh).

What the fuck are you on about, unless your lifts are at a level I simply cannot comprehend i can't see how low-bar squats for 5 would be hard in any way.
How is LP hard? You eat, sleep and progress weekly. You fail, you deload and repeat the progress.
What's an easier program than SS? You'd have them start with something without LP? Just launch them straight into Madcow? user wtf

>What the fuck are you on about, unless your lifts are at a level I simply cannot comprehend i can't see how low-bar squats for 5 would be hard in any way.
So you've never squated heavy then. I mention lowbar specifically, because it uses more muscle mass than highbar with heavier weights, and is therefore a bigger effort. What do you think is more difficult? I can't think of anything harder than a 5RM squat set except maybe a 10RM or 20RM squat set.
How is LP hard?
It becomes extremely hard. Imagine a novice towards the end of SS squatting 350x3x5. It's an all out effort, he needs 12mins between sets, and the last rep is a complete grind. The next workout he has to do 355x3x5. That is hard.
>What's an easier program than SS? You'd have them start with something without LP? Just launch them straight into Madcow?
No I think SS is the best program. That doesn't mean it isn't hard. And madcow is hard too, but TM is harder as an itntermediate program with its sets across.

Simple obvious improvements to make to SS
1) change to an HLM/DUP with weekly progression instead of daily. Each lift now has an H day, an M and an L day, and each session mixes intensities so that you might do bench H, squat L, deadlift M or some other combo
>because DUP leads to superior gains, as every single DUP study has shown. Noobs stall fast on SS daily progression and say "oh no my noob gains ran out time to switch programs" when really they just beat themselves down with grinding 5RMs every single day. Or they get injured for the same reason
2) replace ohp with chinups/lat pulldowns as a main lift from the beginning
>ohp is a difficult lift to progress, in SS it functions as a L day for bench but since we're doing a HLM/DUP this is no longer necessary. An upper body pull is important
3) both bench and chinups every session, not alternating like bench & ohp were
>on bench H days do chinup M or L and vice versa
4) replace barbell deadlift with trap bar if available
>vastly easier to perform properly and safely, less effort learning = more time making gains
5) replace power cleans with power/cheat curls on chinup L days
>"explosiveness" without strength is nothing (get strong first then train power). Power clean is therefore a useless exercise for a noob. It's also overcomplicated. Heavy barbell cheat curls are a great full body (!) lift with zero complexity to overcome to do them properly
6) barbell push press on bench L days
>for the overhead tricep stimulation
7) one or two isolation accessory lifts per session, cycled through
>to add a little hypertrophy stimulus to desirable muscles
I'm sure I'm missing plenty of good modifications. If rip wasn't a fat sexually degenerate slice of texan white trash he would have vastly overhauled SS along these or other viable lines ten years ago. Alas, he's stuck in his ways.
I would recommend a beginner do delorme-watkins over SS any day anyway.

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Post source citing low-bar to be more difficult than high-bar. High-bar requires more mobility, greater torso flexion,yada yada yada. High bar is harder than low bar. Source and the rest of google results when you type in high bar vs low bar squat.
> Imagine a novice towards the end of SS squatting 350x3x5.
That's the worst scenario I've ever read. I can't believe how you would look at my post, wherein I tell OP to run SS for 2 months, and think "this guy wants OP to run LP forever".
>No I think SS is the best program.
>Still can't name an easier program than SS
So you do agree that SS is easy then? And don't get into another weird tangent wherein you mix up low-bar and high-bar again please, I recognise that the lifts themselves can be difficult, but SS is easy as fuck to follow.

What do you mean post a source? It uses more muscle mass, enabling more weight, and thereby making it more of an all-out effort. What's harder on your body -- a max set of deadlifts or a max set of wrist curls? LP should be run as long as possible, and it should be the default programming of beginners/injured trainees/trainees coming off a break. I squat 500+x5 and I am still running workout to workout LP because it works and is the fastest way to keep improving. Once it stops working, I'll switch to a weekly progression. Doing so prematurely makes no sense and I can tell you do not lift heavy, have not trained hard, and do not understand these basic arguments that are entirely correct.

I deadlift 170 kg 5x3 after 11 months. If you think that's a result of neither lifting nor training hard then I guess I'm not. This hurts me, to be honest. I think it's a job well done and a lift to be proud of.
It is true that I do not understand your basic argument "SS is hard af", because you've repeatedly failed to name an easier starting program.
I also fail to understand your basic argument "lowbar is harder than highbar" because the sources provided so far show the opposite.

Functional strength is kinda a meme, bro. Anyway, SS is a good routine but be aware youre supposed to move from it in a rather short period of time. Make sure you actually read the book, use correct form, etc.

My biggest regret of working out was actually doing SS, though. I have shit genetics, weak bones, and extremely poor coordination. Even being autistic about form, I couldn't get the form down for the life of me and kept getting injured even with mediocre lifts.

When I grew older, I stopped lifting entirely before starting again in an entirely different fashion. I did cardio first, did tons of bodyweight garbage, actually performed mobility drills, fixed a lot of my breathing/postural errors, then started lifting. And maybe it was just a growing up thing, but I was a lot less clumsy and a far greater connection to my body so reaching heavy lifts without any sort of pain or discomfort was much easier.


>This hurts me, to be honest
why are you letting me hurt your feelings you fucking beta with only a 170kgx5 deadlift. And you posted a single link that literally fucking confirms what I argued. Lowbar uses more muscle mass, with greater weight so it's fucking harder dipshit. Again -- what's mentally and physically tougher: doing an isolation exercise -- shit, idk, how about calf raises, or fucking pulling a max set of 5 deadlifts. I'm gonna stop replying here because you're just a fucking brainlet who does not understand basic, obvious things.

>why are you letting me hurt your feelings
Because being vulnerable is worth it.
>And you posted a single link that literally fucking confirms what I argued
Your argument is that the version of squats that makes it easier to lift a lot is actually the hard version of squats, and the version of squats that makes it hard to lift a lot is actually the easy version.
It is strange to me that someone would judge the difficulty of a lift by the effort one has to put into it, rather than the effectiveness of the lift.
>I'm gonna stop replying here because you're just a fucking brainlet who does not understand basic, obvious things.
That's fine with me, you were coming at me about how SS is hard af but have still not made any arguments for any other program to be easier for beginners, despite all your posts.
You've at least managed to call me a beta and then run away.


Didn’t read

I am actually quite worried about this. I am a bit goofy physically, on top on being very weak. I feel like my form will undoubtably be aids even if I am very conscious of it.

bro, fuck all that shit

you don't want to be strong

you want to look good, just like everyone else

all you need to do for that is focus on the meme lifts and ignore everything that fags on this board will tell you

do really high reps of dumbell presses, pull-ups, and ez-bar preacher curls every day and throw in some barefoot running in the mornings to dial in the cuts and get some definition in your calves

you'll look better than 90% of the people on this board if you do that shit and keep your diet clean

>b-but i want to deadlift 6 plates

no one gives a shit about that

you came here for tinder whores and mirin', so why kid yourself

if you wanna be a delusional lonely lardass with a few inguinal hernias whose clarion call is to pull a bar off the ground, then do SS and watch yourself go nowhere in real life

You won this argument. Other guy is dyel.

How much time am I supposed to spend on it before I move from it?

you'll have to buy all new clothes for your God bod

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i liked stronglifts just because of the most dirt-simple app that goes with it, figures out everything for you, and has all the vids for your workouts right there.

So does the starting strength app but the program is better.

What would you recommend?

Left pic me after finishing linear progression on starting strength, eating 5 or 6 meals a day and high protein diet.

Right pic me after doing full body high volume + calisthenics 3x week and 2 days of boxing. Intermittent fasting, 2 or 3 meals a day and not giving a shit about hitting muh 1-1.8 gr of protein per pound

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It's not a meme. Read the book. The technique is much more important than the program.

So you built muscle with starting strength then cut? That's kinda like the whole plan, breh

u call those disgusting lovehandles muscle?

Well, you sure had muscle under all that fat.

Post pics before SS.

I trust you're not the same retard who makes the reddit spam since it's phrased like help rather than bait, but that wiki is fucking awful
Read this and you'll get an idea of why they completely missed the ball on that wiki and why, more or less, starting strength is the best novice program out there

Always makes me kek

my only problem with starting strength is the initial lack of a vertical pull. but aside from that it's probably the most efficient workout routine for a beginner.

whether or not you end up 't-rex mode' depends far more on your genetics than training routine, despite what posters here will try to make you believe.

I've been doing SS for 8 weeks now. The program absolutely works. I even dropped the $16 on the app, which auto-calculates the weights and reps to put on the plate. I'm continuing to make steady progress and this week was my first successful deload week.

Only modification I made was substituting penlay rows for the proscribed power cleans.

>he needs an app to add 5 lbs to the bar every workout

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If you are retarded enough to listen to reddit, you deserve no gainz. Buy the book and follow the program, ss+gomad faggot

SS with squatting only twice a week while adding some rows, chins and dips is probably the best thing a beginner can do tbqh.

Push pull legs split 7 days a week

Assuming you mean the sl app it's good for the warmups too

Thanks user.
And I don't think they're dyel, I think it's worse than that. They're juicing.

sorry for my late response

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