Reminder girls will ALWAYS choose left over right

reminder girls will ALWAYS choose left over right

this is 5'10 180 vs 5'10 150
this is 2/3/4/5 vs 1/2/3/4

you aren't "otter mode", you're skinny fat and coping.

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no they wont lol


reminder that it actually depends on who has a better face

>face doesn't matter
>only body does
maximum gymcel cope

I highly doubt that you can ohp 100 kg at 81 kg bodyweight
t. guy who went from 90 kg bw and 100 kg ohp for 3 reps to 84 kg bw and barely can do 80 kg ohp for 4.

OHP is massively dependent on your bodyweight, more than any other lift.

>posting on fit
>knows what a woman would choose
Pick one

Post your body then

Literally pump vs no pump, and different lighting. Same person.

>reminder: a dog will always choose chicken over dog food
>"no they wont they'd choose steak!"
fucking retard....

forget to take your lithium today?

t. weak faggot
Just because you can't doesn't mean anybody else can't. Cope harder, fatty.

not him but LOL at how you stickbugs SEETHE @ a 2 pl8 OHP hahahahaah its pisses u faggots off so hard and I'm guessing it's bc u skinny retards can barely OHP 95lbs for 5

Roids vs clean

I just told that faggot that 100kg OHP at 80kg is not impossible. (from personal experience)
What are you on about, you literal braindead fatty?

>i-its not impossible
no fucking shit and its not even that big of a deal which is why its hilarious watching you skinny retards flip the fuck out about it

Are you taking your pills, schizo? Nobody here is flipping anything. I just told the fat retard that his inability to do something doesn't apply to everyone else?
American reading comprehension?
Sage and kys

BIG MAD on the internet lol weak mind, weak body.


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Just asked GF she said right is substantially more attractive

the fact you'd ask ur gf this proves youre beta af and therefore your gf is trying to make u feel good bc she knows you're a bitch #quikfacts

Post body

I want you to kill yourself

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Its roids and no roids moron. His chest looked like shit natty and it looks like shit on roids

womp womp stay mad loser

post body faggot you wont because you’re a fat incel

this is retarded for a million reasons, the biggest one being that most men would kill to look like EITHER of these dudes, and EITHER could go to a pool party in Las Vegas and get laid quite easily

normal girls are going to jizz themselves with the dude on the right, gym chicks would probably prefer left

get rekt shitskin (and yeah, I'm OP of THAT thread too)

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>he looks like shit

>assuming just because not everyone post pics to strangers
Keep up with the pathetic mindset.

thanks for confirming you look like shit lmao

wow get a grip dude....

left: roids only
right: natty

cringe samefagging

>schizoid posting
youre absolutely rattled rn my dude

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you might have those lifts, but you still look like shit which is obvious by how you avoid posting body lmao

this is ofc assuming you aren't lying on the internet

>egotistical dyel telling anyone what girls want

LOL you body looks like a twelve year olds

you ok dude?

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>lying on the internet
Please spare me with this bullshit. Tell me a single valid reason for someone to lie on the internet.

because it makes retards like you rage. just look at u ITT. im OP btw, you're throwing a fucking fit LMAO! absolutely worth the 10 minutes it took to think and type this shit out LOL

If you are really the OP, I have to congratulate you, you are one of those retards that make those braindead threads. How sad and pathetic your life must be?

thinly veiled manlet cope thread, nice try

bored at work. imagine getting upset on the internet LOLOL get a fucking grip. I'm playing 4D chess forcing you to realize not everything on the fucking internet is srs bizzness. youre welcome, retard

>4D chess
>srs bizzness
How underage are you? Sage

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I'm 180, 5'10, and quite lean and I am more like: 1.4/2.5/3.2/5

Also, there is not 30lbs of difference there. Maybe 20.

this is the most cringe thing ive read all week holy shit

I'm 5'10 280 and would mog that faggot in a survival wilderness scenario

>Quite easily
Yeah, no buddy. I looked like the right and then the left after bulking. You're highly underestimating the power of autism, especially when combined with an averagish face and high voice, but mostly it's the autism.

I probably could have had sex with significantly more girls before getting married, but tism prevents you from attempting this and so you end up drunk at home at 3 am after said party doing Baal runs with your level 90 frenzy barbarian while some dyel fucks the girl who was interested in you.

But hey, he never got the runes for a dual dream shockadin, amirite?

So is it the face or the autism holding you back?

factually wrong. Women dont give a shit about lifts and thinks a man who spends too much time obsessing over his body is a gay freak. Right is more natural and has MUCH wider appeal.

OP is a virgin, calling it now

how does it feel to be my intellectual bitch? i control how you feel through a bunch or ones and zeros lololol

if you want to talk "facts", the term would be "subjectively". thats strike one

you imply looking like the right takes obsession. thats cope. strike two

>right is more natural
implying being skinny fat is natural

thats strike 3. massive amounts of cope. you *objectively* look like slob. post body

That thing about being at work was a LARP, right? You are actually in middle school.

if you think right is skinny fat you need to get your head checked m8, you are fucked up.

also, post your body fatty

99% of women don't give a shit between these two body types, some might actually be mored turned off by the one on the right.

me however, a faggot, would fuck that twink on the right all day long bb

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you dont actually believe that or you wouldnt still be here LOL get rekt you double digit IQ shitskinned slav
right is skinny fat. 150lbs soaking wet. a bloated mess. sorry u have shit standards

>Yas Forums: Lifting for women is total bullshit. Don't lift for women.
>Also Yas Forums: Reminder THIS is what women want and training for any other reason is just incel autism.

Post face.

after you post body

already have u fucking retard.

you god damn slavs are mental midgets....

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its not even you're disgusting body youre ashamed of, its that shit skin that envelopes it