See myself in mirror

>see myself in mirror
>Chadlite, nice jaw, manly brows, could easily date a 8/10 white girl
>see myself in photos
>Deformed, one eye 5 inches lower than the other, jew nose, no jawline, crooked teeth, side profile of a toad

Why the fuck does this happen?

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Post pic or fuck off. So sick of retards making threads like this. How am I supposed to judge how you look without knowing how you you actually look?

Imagine being this delusional

He can't post what he sees in the mirror, though. Only the deformed pictures.

We've been through this many times. What you look like in pictures, is what others see you like. Selfies probably aren't the best. Take one with a normal camera from 1-1.5m away.

But yeah, the camera is what other people see. Not the mirror.

It's because you're so used to seeing yourself in a mirror (flipped image) that your brain has corrected all the imperfections on your face. When you see a picture of yourself your brain basically corrupts the image of your face so you look completely different to what you already know.

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Literally how am I delusional

I know that feel. Not sure why it is the way it is. Any time I feel good about myself I take a picture and remember reality.

So, does that mean if my still camera picture starts to look better, this is when I am actually starting to look better?

Idk I read some thing ages ago about photogenic being an actual thing, some peoples faces transform into 2D better. Could be bollocks though. I would guess also being unused to seeing it from certain angles. I know what you mean though, I hate photos of me too. Girlfriend took one where I had absolutely no jawline but she loved it. Strange one but what can you do

the apeature of a camera can change the way you look subetly but not to extent of which your talking. Cope user

Not OP.
Rate my jaw/lips

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Bros this lookism shit is poisonous. Stop doing this shit to yourself you will unironically kill the little confidence you have. Instead just fucking play to your strengths and know when to say it is what it is. Girls sure care about your jawline and height and shit but i see hot ass girls date broke balding manlets all the time. Stop wasting your time with this incel shit and go have fun with your life
>inb4 cope
Come on bros stop playing yourselves

Do you live among cyclopses? The mirror is seen with two eyes like how most people see. The camera only has one lense and thus shows the world inaccurately(ex: prallel lines converging at infinity)

Take a look at people on FB/Insta. All your friends etc. They all look like that irl. Those pics are what they look like (disregard heavy shoops and myspace angles)

Same thing when someone takes a pic of a group etc that you're in and then you're like shit damn, do I look like that? That's cause yes, yes you do look like that. Everyone else sees you like that. What you look like in pictures.

and this is what a railroad track looks like right?

People don't look like their images. If I show you a flat circle and a ball in person you can see a dramatic difference, but you can't tell the difference in a picture.

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Everyone is an 8/10 in the mirror

Not necessarily true
I have pictures where I look like Sueprman, and I can pictures where I look like a posterboy for the incel movement
Distance, angles, lighting, camera, all can have an impact
IDK what the most accurate way to take a picture is, I'd guess from a distance and with a good camera in natural light

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>People don't look like their images

Frendo. Go upstairs right now and take a picture of your mom on your phone. Then. Look at your mom and look at the pic. Compare. You'll notice they're the same.

What you see in the picture is your mom. It's what everyone else sees.

confirmed cyclops

The most accurate way to take a picture is with a 3D camera and making a 3D model. You can't map 3D to

*You can't map 3D to 2D without losing information.

Feel like I'm a 1/10 in selfies and photos with others but when I'm alone in my bathroom I'm not bothered in the slightest with the way I look or my physique.

Give it to me straight Yas Forums..

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Just take more pictures of yourself until you start looking normal. You're looking too much into it bro.

Your face isn't bad but your beard is terrible pls either grow it into like a moustache beard connect or shave. And your hair looks like pubes but your face has tons of potential srs if you just work on hygiene and fashion.

To get the most realistic representation of yourself you need a GOOD camera (ie, not your fucking phone) and then take a VIDEO from about 3-4m away. This is what you really look like to other people.

This is the issue with selfies and phone cameras. Even the good ones are shit because the focal length is fucked.

Sometimes, yes it will look just like her. Other times not at all. Go look on any dating site and compare bitches pics to their real life appearance. I mean come on dude. You're wrong.

Dude are you serious with that beard? Like you actually think that looks good? Holy shit brother. You're a good looking guy! Ffs shave that joke off my man!!

Pretty good but you could both try smiling rather than this half sneer you two have got going on.

You have brutish manly features (in a good way), but what is letting you down is:

Your hair. I have the same hair type. You're gonna need to go way shorter. Shorter hair will make your jaw look more masculine.

Your beard. Just shave it off man. It's not good enough to keep it like that.

Your neck. if it was thicker it would bring out your jaw more.

I would say with your features you could be a 8/10+ if you play to your strengths

>see myself anywhere
>fucking ugly as shit
Feels good to be consistent

But we can look at the photo (which he sees as ugly) and tell him if he is or not. That might help his dysmorphia.

why do you make that nigger face?

Be what you see on the mirror, when you look in the mirror you are the one judging yourself.

Post your face faggot

>Go look on any dating site and compare bitches pics to their real life appearance

In my first post I mentioned that. Selfie cameras don't have correct focal length apertures, which pronounce obscure/asymmetrical features. As you can see from the picture another user posted.
Fair enough if you *don't* have that problem, you'll look fine either way. But if you do, you've got to learn what works. Hence why the Myspace angles come into it for women. Also there's a million different touch up apps.

If someone has taken a group photo of you somewhere, either at the bar or at the beach. Look at that picture man, that's what you look like to other people. There's nothing else about it lmao.

Decent from what i can tell your kids would probably be good looking if you feed then right

He’s commenting on your facial expression, not your face you insecure faggot

Too autistic to smile is nigger now?

C O P E more faggots

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What's autistic about not smiling? If some nonce with a camera is telling me to smile, I wont.
If a little black kid falls through a sinkhole I may crack a wink

they are doing it to tighten their jaw muscles so it doesn't look as bloated.
basically retards.
stop giving a shit
just lift.

>Deformed, one eye 5 inches lower than the other, jew nose, no jawline, crooked teeth, side profile of a toad
this is because the image you see of yourself in the mirror is flipped, and thus when you see an unflipped image of yourself (which isn't as often as you see yourself in the mirror), your brain detects all the unsymmetrical features.

So we really look like that? Or do other people see us like we view ourselves in the mirror

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not sure but i believe it's the latter

>Neck curls


Beard is gone. Thanks for the redpill


Thank you senpai

I mean it's just a photo for 4channel,who gives a shit

You look like an average jackass who fancies himself exceptional

Phone cameras don't take proper pictures.

I'm pretty bad at taking pics and my face ends up looking fat when it isnt and I show up fine in professional photos.

To the retards on this thread who think pics on phones are accurate, even ignoring the huge lens problem, and the translation into 2d. Cell phones also make digital changes to the image in an attempt to compensate for the other issues.

>studied digital vision and image construction

Real you is somewhere between those two extremes.

Best suggestion is the guy that mentioned taking a video. Even better set a 3 camera setup from different angles (fullbody too) and film yourself in daylight, talking, walking, sitting, standing, also indoors. Then you'll have a pretty accurate picture.

Angles, lighting, camera/observer distance and micro expressions are to blame for the effects you try to explain like dumbasses itt

Look my nigger here's the deal. A microphone can never perfectly capture a sound because of the mechanical way in which the microphone works. There are different types of microphones with different methods of capturing audio; some use diaphragms, others use electrically charged filaments, some use black fucking magic. Then there's the preamp which brings the signal from the microphone up to line level so that you can actually send it to an amplifier. Both the preamp and the amp will alter the originally captured sound in some way. The room in which the audio was originally captured and the room where the audio is being reproduced will have an effect on the sound you perceive. The fact of the matter is that listening to an instrument played by a skilled musician who's shredding right in front of you will never EVER sound the same as a recording of that musician.

Now think about cameras and how a camera works. There's different lenses, different sensors, different lighting, different screens, different resolutions, different IO and shutter speeds, different everythings. There's no way to perfectly reproduce what your eyes see. There have been studies done that suggest we're pretty good at interpreting a face we see in a picture and automatically bringing it to real world proportions, but we're not good at doing this with our own faces. You're brain is actually wired to see yourself as unattractive. Stop worrying about this miniscule shit and get on with your life.

so in your professional opinion, do we look like our mirror selves to other people? (disregarding the flipped image)

A perfect mirror should reflect your true image although translated to 2d, but our eyes do a lot of guesswork too, think about optical illusions. I paint too and one thing that happens when you stare too long at the image you're working on is that you actually start to miss problems in the piece because your brain isn't processing a "fresh" image.

We solve this problem by flipping the canvas, turning your head sideways should give a similar effect, also changing the lighting significantly will do that because our brains guess the structure of objects based off of how light interacts with it.

In general our brains are pretty clever but limited the amount of lights makes things easier to read, look at how models setup their lighting.

Also natural outside light is decent because there's so much ambient lighting from all sides removing lifting bias on the structure of your face.

Shave the beard like everyone else already said, better haircut (maybe razor cut the edges to give it some texture, any hair stylist worth their salt will know how to do this), do a 90 day nofap session, get a better t shirt with no bacon neck collar. You aren’t bad looking

Nice beard lol

>see myself in mirror
>look good
>everyone treats me like I look good
>get compliments and remarks often
>hundreds of matches in tinder
>post picture on Yas Forums, get told I'm handsome

>have the sexual and romantic life of the ugliest fucker to ever ugly

>You're brain is actually wired to see yourself as unattractive
What the actual fuck are you talking about

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Name is actually Chad

Take a selfi in good light and angle, mirror the image, post here.

I will be honest and gentle

I think guys like you and me just need to take more chances and make more moves. Last time I went out I hit it off with the first chick I talked to. I tried to stay with her too long and fucked jt up though but I could only imagine if I actually talked to more

Not OP but be gentle, I'm a khv

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