Just lift bro! :)

>just lift bro! :)

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just quit carbs and sugars

Just exit puberty, bro! :)

>face full of moles
JUST avoid the sun bro xD

Acne is inflammation pure and simple. If you take Ibuprofen everyday I'm sure it'll go away

How about you stop touching your face after touching dirty barbells

>just give yourself stomach ulcers bro

he said one pill a day, not all of them everyday

inflammation is effect of something not a cause faggot .

i was shopping the other day and saw a guy with extreme acne and he had a hot gf
keep blaming your problems on everything but your personality, im sure you will make it some day :)

op it could be a hormone inbalance thats throwing everything off

go see a doctor and have em check that

I'm confused about the premise of this thread.
Did you think lifting was supposed to cure your acne because reasons and now you feel you've been sold a lie because that wasn't the case?
I wish you r9k fags would just fuck off already.

unironically based
so much of what causes acne is just eating an absolutely fucking awful diet

>skin literally opens up the pores when exposed to heat.

>sit in a sauna for at least 10minutes every other day

>get the sweats that allows natural cleaning of the pores

>make sure to drink plenty of water so that when the pores clean themselves it's with more water than sugar and salt.

Give yourself time of doing this practice and it will clear most things up.

Oh yeah, stop drinking cow's milk. Study after study has shown that cow's milk will create cysts, which is most likely happening to you than actual pimples. You can get protein from a bunch of other sources. Dont be retarded.

She obviously just felt bad for him.
No one could love a pizza face.

Cope. I drink raw, fermendted cow's milk daily and have clear skin. Pasteurized garbage is what does it

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Those scientists only studied pasteurized milk I bet.
>tfw can't get any raw milk

You'll need the help of lasers for those acne scars, but here's a simple routine to start you off

>oil cleanser (regular cleanser won't really wash the sunscreen)
>cerave hydrating cleanser
>pat dry, never rub
>hada labo hyaluronic acid (gold bottle and its not acid)
>cerave moistuzer

also sunscreen everyday. don't bother with under 50. the japanese biore is excellent.

you can also put the hyaluronic acid on your lips and seal it with vaseline.

you're welcome.

>just remove the symptoms instead of fixing the root cause

go to your dermatologist asap user. i put it off and popped my pimples (moderate cystic acne) for about two years until i got prescribed some accutane by my dermatologist

the acne's thankfully gone now but i have a few scars here and there that could've been avoided

Shit sucks man. I'm 23 and I've still got acne. It's not as bad as it used to be and I think it's getting better but everytime I think that it comes back with a vengeance. Literally the only thing that makes it better is if I stop eating sugar, otherwise it's just genetics 100%.

>don't bother with under 50
Friendly reminder to Americans that the scale doesn't actually go above 50.

Is that bad for you? Does it taste any different?

No it's not bad for you lmao
Just source it from a good farm.
It's a COMPLETELY different food from normal milk.
You don't pasteurize momma's breast milk

What does it taste like? Texture? I might buy some.

Kefir? Kefir is raw milk with cultures added to it and left to ferment for 48 hrs
It's more of probiotic bomb than raw milk but with less carb content
It's like a drinkable Greek yogurt with some small curds in it. Bit of a carbonation to it almost.
It's good if you have digestive upset or problems
But yeah raw milk products in general are so vastly superior in nature. The macro, micro and probiotic content is unmatched. Try some and you won't go back

>Kefir? Kefir is raw milk with cultures added to it and left to ferment for 48 hrs
Sort of like kombucha then?
Sounds great. Maybe I will pick some up. I heard gut health has a lot to do with mental health as well and stuff like kombucha can improve mood.

Just make sure it's from grass fed cows and unpasteurized

Will do. Thanks bro.

Any advice for post inflammatory erythema?

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Do they have chocolate raw milk?

>those 2 obvious raised moles on my face that will prevent me from ever fully making it and becoming chad.

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Jesus this looks fucking HORRID. No thanks

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Those are the grain cultures added to it in order to induce fermentation
They aren't present in the finished product
Fermented dairy is part of a complete diet and is a ubiquitous part of human culture globally and throughout time. Modern man doesn't eat many of his staple foods designed to keep him healthy

I'm 22 and literally skipped class today because of a really bad breakout. The only thing that has fixed it in the past is a month of nofap but I haven't been able to get back to that. Also when my skin is clear (very rarely) I get mired by so many girls, but for the last few months I feel bad for people for having to look at my face. I've already cut out milk which helped a little but completely cutting out sugar sounds like a sad existence :(

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Other people don't give a shit if you have zits.

t. other people

Thanks man

bro it tastes like liquid yogurt

Get a good skin routine

i want to go back in time and rape my past self

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Start doing nofap again nigger.

Yep I'll start today. But I may have to give up Yas Forums for a while. Too many tempting pictures being posted on the daily :(

literally this simple
reduce / cycle carbs
or poison your self


Pinky, learn to use the meme correctly.

This is the acne equivalent of "just be confident bro" You think we haven't tried that? Go kys.

>tfw absolutely no acne on face at any point in my life
>it's all over the rest of my body instead, arms, chest, legs, etc
Monkey's paw I guess.

Especially not in class.
NO one gives a shit what goes on in class, you're either paying attention to what the teacher is saying or zoning out waiting for it to end, no one's ever looking at your face

Acutane is a permanent solution if you're willing to put up with a year of worse depression and skin dryer than a shark in the sahara

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Lifting actually fixed my acne. Not sure if it just evened out my hormones or what but I stopped getting pimples on my face once I started going to the gym regularly like 7 years ago

Can confirm, accutane is lit

>eat a bit of bread every day
fuck off

Literally stop consuming carbs, in two months I got rid of 80% of all the pimples in my body.

I took zanatane in my teens. It fucked up my night vision and has probably fucked up my head and my liver. My brothers took it too and two of them are actually pretty fucked up in the head now. Still get acne every once in a while but for cystic acne (which runs in my family) it was literally the only thing that worked. I used to get huge zits under the skin that I couldn't pop and people used to ask me if I had hit my head and forgotten because the zits would swell to the size of half dollars without a Whitehead.

Your facial structure is much more important. Nobody cares if you have a mild acne. I always has a few pimples on and girls used to approach me and it is in Russia were for girl making a first move is not a custom. If you have a pizza face then go to doctor and ask to put you on accutane. Bitching want solve anything.

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tend skin

>I followed this advice now my pool has blood in it
Thanks bro!

Honestly this. I notice when i do eat carbs my skin starts turning to shit, specially grains

I've been chugging a quart of kefir every day and haven't noticed anything different in my digestion

>tfw got ance scars

Is chemical peel worth it?

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I had(have(?)) pretty bad acne but I only made it 10 times worse with how much I picked at it. I hated it, I viewed it as a personal insult, an infection constantly growing in my face. I might as well had little worms under my skin constantly taunting me. So I always picked and mashed on it, trying to get it to go away, to kill it. I went to a Derm about 4 weeks ago and have been some a antibiotic and adapaline since and it is really clearing up! I am really happy about that but all the scarring it going to be pretty evident, surgery in the future looks pretty inevitable at this point. Any tips anons?

Laser treatment helps with acne marks

>This plus hydration

I suck with eating a good diet but after a week of water fasting my moderately bad acne had cleared up entirely. Completely anecdotal though, so take that as you will.

Could be worse user, i have mole right under my right nostril, and although people don't point it out (out of courtesy) I'm sure that every stranger that sees me thinks that it's a booger (because that's exactly what it looks like)for a solid 5 minutes before getting a closer look at my face

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