Who else give up on companionship and only seek self-improvement and power

Who else give up on companionship and only seek self-improvement and power .

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because you talk like this i know you kneel like a pathetic dog in front of any woman who interacts with you

A good relationship improves you

Pussy is temporary. Becoming a Super Sayan is forever.

Normally I'm just very rude whether they're nice to me or not


The legendary incel Saiyan
His hair turns a greasy black

imagining a high pitched nasally voice saying ‘get away from me.. female!’ and thinking they are very cool

Nah I'm asexual and nihilistic .
I just dont have any desire to put on mask to maintain a relationship.

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i lold

24 year old KHHV
kids 10 years younger than me have experienced more sex and intimacy and love
i just missed out for good, it is what it is

Me, I just can’t shake the regrets I have... theyre the only thing holding me back.

Just lift bro your life will become normal if you just lift....kek

we both know it's fucking over

why keep going? just to suffer?

there truly is no reason, continuing to live would just prolong my suffering and i am genuinely ready to go at any time


*tips fedora*

If I were you I would just rape a bitch and then neck myself when the police closes in.

>boomer memes
Ewww get away from my board.

I had my heart broken two years ago and haven't wanted or pursued companionship since. I've had a handful of girls flirt and even outright ask to be friends with benefits, but I just can't bring myself to anymore.

Maybe one day I'll be back on the horse, so to speak. But right now I'm hardcore focused on self improvement, career, and fitness.

I know muh stoicism is a meme here, but that's kinda what I'm subscribing to for the next couple years

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Unironically kys

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>friends with benefits
That implies no strings attached retard. Imagine being such a massive faggot that you refuse free pussy cause a bitch told you to fuck off once. KYS

Are there really 24 year olds on this site who haven’t had sex/kissed a woman or is it a meme? I consider myself pretty average and by 24 I had graduated college, led men into battle and married my wife.

23 years old and I've never kissed or held hands with a woman before. I literally wanna die every second I am on this gay Earth.

Perfect incell

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Dude if serious I’m sorry. Are you deformed or retarded or something?

Very ugly and kinda autistic and shy. Lethal combination.

I'm trying to understand normal people.

to all the people that had sex . Can you have a relationship without sex ?

I only care for companionship.

I've had two girlfriends who started out as just that, friends with benefits lmao. I know how it starts out and I know the kind of girls they are, I'm certain they'd have started expecting dates and getting bitchy about it so I dodged a bullet imo

It just takes being too shy to make a move

>Can you have a relationship without sex ?
Millions of beta buxxers around the world say 'yes'


Honestly I just find socializing to be extremely annoying. I have a small handful of people I would consider friends including roommates and coworkers I occasionally hang out with outside work, but if there wasn't that pressure to be sociable I would probably be perfectly fine with sitting at home, playing guitar, working out, watching youtube, and going to work on repeat.

I used to hang out with a bunch of people and would actually date, but its just so fucking exhausting when I can just sit at home and do that shit. There's a part of me that feels a bit of shame because of how antisocial I am, and not because I want to have connections per se but because I'm slightly immature in that way and don't want other people to think I'm a loser basically. In a perfect word, I would strictly write music and exercise.

Same here, friend. Disregard females, acquire mass mode.

Yes this is what asexual girls are looking for

Same guy here. I’ve been married twice now and had a lot of female companionship. I’d say I’m pretty good looking but when I would approach girls in clubs and whatnot I’d say I still got rejected more than 50% of the time. It’s scary at first but to learn not to give a shit. Not giving a shit is intriguing to females. Good luck bros. I’m truly pulling for you.

>Great achievements/Liked by others
>Peace/Pursuit noble beauty
>Anonymously helping humanity/Can only find beauty in beyond abstract math

>married twice
When will you learn !

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Yeah long story...this is the last time no matter what happens.

Pump them and then ghost them if they start demanding shit. Jesus you are a low test cuck. Fix yourself.

>Realizing life was a mistake and lifting to destroy humanity

That's literally what I said I'm doing LOL

But also, they're friends and we're in the same social circle so it'd make it odd. To be honest, none of it is a problem or can't be fixed or smoothed over, but I wasn't attracted to them enough to go through the effort. I don't like hookups either but I'd literally rather have a one night stand than a friend with benefits again

>I still got rejected more than 50% of the time
More like 100% of the time if you weren't at least average looking. Nice try Chad.

Also when it's offered so blatantly, I kinda lose interest

If I'm ever desperate though, I know who to call

dunning kruger cope

? But I’d say I’m above average looking. I was often approached by women. I’m saying roughly 50% of my approaches actually worked. My theory is you can be the shiniest apple in the barrel and she might just prefer an orange. Screw it. Go back to drinking and having fun with your friends. If you see another one who piques your interest go for it. Either way you’ve had fun

t. brainlet that will get death mogged soon

>with your friends

As much as I used to have this mindset, I believe you guys can break through it. This is cope. You wouldn't be telling us about how you are "totally over girls bro" if you don't care like you posture. Keep trying and learn to open up to people (be as much as yourself as people can tolerate). I was once had to talk to gym management for asking out a worker there because I made her feel uncomfortable. I ended up pissing them off so much I was referred to the sexual harassment board on bullshit. Nothing happened, but it almost ruined me. Nowadays I have a gf who loves me and women constantly flirting with me. These are women you all would kill to have. You all can do and you will make it if you keep going. I have fucked son so many times that I thought I was forever determined to be a psycho freak. There is always someone out there for you. Here is a song that is related.


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Go back

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>going through all that shit for a small chance at getting laid
just use that time and energy to lift and make money, faggot.

Whatever, user. I post on this site more than most people have. 5 hours at least most days. There can be happiness for you. It isn't you against the world. I may be reddit for you(I don't browse there), but it won't change the reality that you crave love and connection. I hope you find it. It won't affect me because I will never know if you succeed. Good luck, user. You will probably call me a faggot anyway.
You can only have so much money. What will you do with it all? When the remaining friends you have move on, who will be by your side?

? Am I missing the joke?

But goku never wanted it to begin with, he was always an autistic brain damaged saiyan who only knew to fight. Chi chi is cucked by martial arts.

Can we stop talking about ideologies that revolve around "life is futile"? Shit's cringe mate, take it to /lit/

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The harem of models that I pay to fuck and shut the fuck up cause life is too short to listen to women's retardism? Why would your friends move on especially if you're rich and help them out financially from time to time and also throw sick parties? Are you autistic?

Chi Chi is the biggest gains goblin. Goku is unironically one of us. He's just like me except I'm more witty and nihilistic.

I just hate bringing myself down to their level. I feel like I'm humiliating myself when I act like a faggot in order to get a girl to go out with me. Last girl I went out with was an absolute retard, still fucked her 3 times that night but I felt disgusted with myself. I miss my ex and I hate dating, I don't know what I want.

Women are gain goblins. Get buff, raise your test levels, get into fights, become a man for the first time in your life.

Not me. I do take fitness VERY seriously and it's probably the most important part of my life and what I think of all day. I still like having my bitches, what sad pathetic existence must be having an unsucked dick

I remember when I was 14

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