Why is the roman nose so aesthetic?

it commands respect and authority.
that's why i NEVER look anyone in the eye
I always converse with my peers with a perfect 90 degree head turn, to present my glorious profile at any opportunity.

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>mongolian nose
how the fuck
attila really fucked, huh

You sound autistic.
1 and 3 are most aesthetic

>tfw roman

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>implying Nordic profile is not the most aesthetic
are medcucks really this delusional?

nordic looks better on girls only. looks faggy as hell on """men"""

its a smaller chamber nostril to help warm up the air before it goes down the tube. mongolia is cold user.

So the entire region of China and Mongolia have one nose, Africa has one nose, and all the native Americans have one nose, but Europeans have 6 types. In detection racism in this post because I see lots of blacks with different noses

nordic looks fine with a beard. but otherwise yeah.

People get surgery to look less like #2 and more like 1 and 3. It looks weird when viewed straight on.

Those people are weak and they won't survive the winter.


I have a "semitic" nose, but according to DNA tests I'm 100% northern european. Sad.

My gf has a mix between Roman and Semitic. It looks strange on her face.

why is straight nose not included here?
>mfw jew with straight nose

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no such thing as a straight nose, faggot

yes there is you retard

does it look strange when she chokes on your cock?

>have roman nose but blonde hair blue eyes
You can't beat this combination, this is what true ancient Romans looked like. Swarthy meds are north African mutts.

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>tfw semitic



1 master nose

Nordic Masterrace

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What is the perfect nose for a girl?

upturned (nordic)

didnt know you browsed fit, Shahar

>true ancient Romans
>blonde hair blue eyes
try again you barbarian

Nordic /tinynose/ reporting in

Enjoy sucking up all those pozzed corona coofs bignoses

I have number 2

Yes,the whole gene pool of current Italy changed in 2k years despite immigration being virtually something new.
How retarded are you? Old stock Romans (don’t know what time you refer to/land under the republic or empire it encompasses) carries the same dna your average Italian does nowadays.

Sure thing Luigi and Yiannis. Augustus had blonde hair and blue eyes.

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nordic if you're low IQ, greek if high IQ

which one am I?

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this young man through hard work managed to achieve a full negro nose from his previous nordic nose, truly inspirational. shows alot of heart.

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Go fuck off to Africa and document them then.

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Nordic masterrace

Most people say nordic. I always thought the aquiline greek/roman one had a very aesthetic aristocratic touch (only on beautiful women though)

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Nordic reporting in. I wish my nostrils were slightly more downward turned but I can't complain

Ayy lads I have a roman nose. :DDD

>lets put this random angle not lined up to anything and pretend it means something

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Tfw I’m a guy with a small upturned Nordic nose and all these females had nose jobs to get the same look.
>also green eye masterrace

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Tiny, with a little bit of an curve, like Kate's nose in

Straight and long will look best in real life

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She’s got a bird nose bro


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Looks like i have nordic nose but i look like asian so maybe its mongolian nose

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That's some big brain energy right there

Tolles Haar, Kind. Der Führer ist so stolz auf Dir.

>Tolles Haar, Kind. Der Führer ist so stolz auf Dir.
Thanks my mom cuts my hair

Downward curve is what you actually meant to say

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Yeah, you wouldn't give her the time of day

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classic greek is beautiful on both men and women. Stupid attractive when the strong forehead is in line with the powerful nose.

Never said that, but Nordic upturned is much more attractive

Mine is a mix of 2 and 3. Is that aesthetic?

4 > 2 >>> 1 > 3

ur nose tip is kinda fat man

Apparently I'm God's chosen

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upturned nose is feminine thats why it looks good on women so what are you even bragging about lol

I see the upturned nose everyday in Germany, it's not as great for most people as it's made out to be

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Looks middle eastern, higher caste Arab? Castizo?

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