
250kg/551lbs conventional deadlift by a 72kg/159lbs girl.
How will Yas Forums get out of this one?

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Good for her. I enjoy watching people succeed, we're all Kings (even the Queens).

insane desu wtf that lift would be insane for a man at that bodyweight, that actually makes no sense
I'm stunned

bit did she pee herself

This girl lifted the Dinnie stones. (733lbs together).

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But holy shit there is something new in the water right? Despite the general quality of our food, water, and air, people just keep getting stronger year after year after year.

Are deadlifts mostly back strength? Looks retarded to me desu.

Back, glutes, quads and forearms. You need overall strength to be able to lift some serious weight of the ground.

once again proving that strength does not equal size

Deadlift is a cope lift

Wonder how it'd feel rolling against her on the mats.

haha I wonder what would happen if they made babies with a large African American gentleman wouldn't that be weird

>we’re all kings
This is the equivalent of saying everybody deserves a first place trophy

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Chang's Razor.jpg

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>she didnt piss herself
Yaaaaawn who cares

>mixed grip
does that even count as 200kg without cheat codes?

That is generally what happens when people fuck one another for their genetic strengths

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Where's the pee???

Does she pee herself?

>women that are stronger than me
Gross and disgusting creatures that should be put down and their corpses burned to erase the memory
>pretty women that are stronger than me
I want her to physically overpower me, push me into a wall, and force her tongue down my throat. When she starts forcibly sucking my dick i want her to squeeze my balls a little and tell me if i move or cum early, shell crush them. When shes done tasting she throws me to the ground, where she can move up and grind her powerful pussy on my face, almost break my nose rubbing it with her clit, and squirt down my throat, depriving me of a constant stream of air the whole time as my head is crushed between her strong thighs. Then she can ride me, her muscular vaginal canal literally squeezing cum out of me with every stroke. When I finally bust she slams down onto me, bruising my pelvis. After she makes me suck her tits while running her powerful and callused hands through my hair haha

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That would be so funny haha

>tfw short arms
>tfw I'll never have a massive deadlift without exploding my back
At least I can bench and squat

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based Homo neanderthalensis


i wanna see you double overhand a thigh high rack pull with 5.5 pl8

Based as fuck

Anyone got the original?

im in love

Umm based

I could still punch her face in and rape her and I've never done a deadlift in my life


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That is the original

>How will Yas Forums get out of this one?
I don't deadlift

Damn that's pretty good.
I can cope by having a much higher bench press but I can't escape being out-diddled by her.
I even have 80lbs on her lmao.

Is Deadlift all about technique or something? There's a couple of girls at my gym who deadlift 4pl8+ but can't even bench 1.5pl8

its all about having long arms compared to the rest of your body.

Dumb worthless whore who roids.
She deserves to get raped to death. Heil Hitler.


those thighs

>complaining about using chalk

>Dumb worthless whore who roids.
>She deserves to get raped to death. Heil Hitler.

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Let's see OP's deadlift

What shirt are you wearing?

No pee no bunp

We are all the kings of our own destiny.
History is full of kings that didn't succeed as well as they could have.

>those thighs
I want to appreciate her snatch.

She doesn't do snatches

better PEDs that evade detection by authorities

Proof that strength doesn't equal size and not to bother doing strength training, just do machine and high volume

props to her

>Mixed Grips
The absolute state of this board

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Weak bait lad, try again.

>no size
she's buff, nigga

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checked. wait is this that cunt thats a pharmacists and is diabetic?

>let women have rights
>tell them they can be what they want
>they try to transform into men

bitch is gonna blow out her back with that rounding

Impressive but not out of this world.

Not really. Top guys at that bodyweight are cleaning 200kg and pressing 250kg.
Lü Xiaojun has a 180kg snatch and a 260kg squat for example.

Pic related is me at 82kg and i've got a 300kg diddly

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Holy cope

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