Nofap report general

How are you holding up, lads? I relapsed once today on a porn binge after like a 40 days noporn/nofap streak. I feel less shitty than other relapses but worse than just binging on porn and not cumming. Never binge, lads. But even if you binge I think you should not ejaculate. Last time I binged, I felt numb but I still retained more energy.

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I relapsed yesterday too, didn't watch porn but always come back to a particular niche of hentai. Essentially it always follows a male who falls in love with a girl (preferably tomboy) and they make passionate love with the girl ending pregnant. I read it from my phone, coom and later feel like shit. It's not even that I have the desire to watch porn, I just use it as escapism because I live in a ruined western country and me being some faggot struggling to finish his masters in his mid-20s might not get the chance to actually have a family in atleast 10 years or so. I am determined to quit it though because it's simply not healthy for my mind.

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Hey are you me? I live in a "used to be good" western country too and I'm also in my mid-20s struggling with studies. My grades always get better with long streaks. You're absolutely right that it's escapism, though. But I have never felt fulfilled after doing it so for me it just has to go. Even if I die alone and penniless, I want to quit this habit for good.

Decided to start a new streak this month.

Planning on going for 90 days, then resume fapping without porn.

So far so good.

Nofap CURED my cancer.
It opened my THIRD eye.
It made me grow a few inches.
It made my dick a few inches longer and a few wider.
It made me lose all my body fat and made me gain a few dozen pounds of pure dense muscle.
It made me confident to start a royal harem with a few 10/10 models.
It made me start a 7-figure business.
Now fuck off.

Gave up porn and fapping for lent. Keeping busy helps, but late nights are tough.

No fsp is kinda dumb desu. Fapping once or twice a week is normal. Doesnt have any negative side effects. Just dont watch porn all the time.

>t. dopamine addict

The negative side effect is that it will land you burning in hell for all eternity

nofap ist the MBTI of Yas Forums

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I'm on antidepressants and went from chronic coomer/horny all the time to virtually impotent. It's strange but somehow calming. I've managed to rub one out maybe two or three times in the past few months, no sex either.

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what is MBTI

It won't give you superpowers but it does make everything more pleasant. Or way less shitty at the very least. I feel more relaxed, happy and capable on long streaks.

I only haven’t masturbated today because I am too desensitized to get an erection. Sometimes I can get away with cumming while still somewhat flaccid but not this morning.

a meme astrology personally test that Yas Forums has been glorifying for years..
it's really sad to see when they could have just switched to a real one.

The only visible results are with porn addicts.

what antidepressant?

Prozac, an SSRI.


I just don't have enough energy by the end of the day to masterbait or even think about it.

Hard to tell if it's possible for someone who watches porn to not be addicted. Porn is so common, most people in the world watch it and coincidentally most people in the world are anxious and depressed. Which is weird since when I'm on nofap, I just can't feel any amount of anxiety or depression, no matter what happens. So if I'm just a porn addict, why do I feel better than most people in the world just by quitting porn and masturbation?

>I'm on antidepressants and went from chronic coomer/horny all the time to virtually impotent. It's strange but somehow calming.

same here but I'm dumping the pills. We'll see how that works out. Lately not fapping has been really easy for me.

It's just you, bro. Nobody is depressed nor addicted. Majority of the men are neither happy nor depressed.
I don't know how you feel after you quit it, but in reality most people are not so anxious that they have to take countermeasures against it.

Does masturbation cause gyno?

I'm only on day three and the amount of raging boners im getting already is unreal

Fair enough. It works for me but hey, who am I to say it can for you. I just feel way more relaxed and confident in comparison to most people I interact so I can't help but feel most people are just high functioning porn addicts. Then again, I may just be a judgmental narcissist.

So far doing good. Started nofap with the new year. Longest I went was about a month. Then another month. It's not total failure, per se. My ex keeps coming around insisting she get me off. The memes are real. Nofap does something to women around you.

Great it works for you.
Although there's a high chance it's a placebo, as long as it works for you, it doesn't really matter.

Have utterly blasted my dick the past two days like an idiot. Can't stop thinking about Mike adriano fucking some girl in the ass. Strangely enough I seem to be more attractive to women now than before. Maybe it's because my dick isn't stuck in the dirt and I'm not looking every woman with the energy of a caveman.

Idk it's all a scam. Life's hell and nofap is not gonna make it better. for a lot of guys if you're a permavirgin or very rarely get laid then nofap is just absolute misery if you don't learn to do it for testosterone and mirth gains. Nofap is NOT to attract women.

Actually fuck it DONT BASE YOURE LIFE AROUND WOMEN DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT WOMEN IT WILL BURY YOU IF YOU LET DELUSIONS OF GIRLS LOVING YOU TAKE CONTROL. Honestly take a chinese, Romanian working class 60 year old man view to it, which is, "gotta go to my job and go home and drink to go to work tomorrow" and I swear to God you'll probably live better and happier than 90% of people in developed countries.

Lasted a week, felt great. I didnt sleep for 3 days and felt fine towards the end.

>Have sex with gf down to 50% power
>relapse next day 25%
>relapsed the day after that too
>more sex

I feel like shit now, the sex was pretty neat but at what cost to my mental being?

Imagine having to do no fap because you can't stop touching your dick. Christ.

Just wanna say fuck all the crab in a bucket anons who say nofap is stupid. I wish I started sooner

t. average 3 fap a day last 16 years

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You can do better user, don't binge or edge. Just relax, catch yourself getting horny, imagine yourself free of the chains, live in it. I went 45 days recently, came on a girl's back and I still feel upset I ruined my reboot. Hold in there. I'm currently on day 5 and it'll get easier. Your future self is counting on it.

Been reading this, Its been a good read~


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i am in a 30 day nofap streak and the saturday i have a date with a 6/10 girl where she is alone that night

wish me luck lads i think i am gonna make it

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i honestly can't even imagine "binging" on porn. its mostly disgusting and i use it as quick as humanly possible 5-10 minutes. i watch the same few videos over and over.

Fapped yesterday and today.

Its not just him

Had a few 6+ a day sessions in Feb, trying for the whole of March
Doesn't give me super powers, but definately makes my moods more stable

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Nah, shut up

Whoa that looks neat. Thanks!

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Why do brainlets love to strawman so much?

Masturbated yesterday and the day before, I’ve had sex and handjobs but i havent masterbated since October 2019. Wasn’t waking up with morning wood so i just wanted to try it.

im 5 months nofap now. fags were saying i will become a god after like 2 weeks.
i dont feel any different. it's the same as before i dont know what to say. nofap benefits my ass.
i'll try to reach a year and see whats gonna happen.

I coom every single evening. I smash PRs every single morning. You could say I'm pretty based

Why does it bother you so much that other men aren't touching their penises Avi?

The best feeling in the world is knowing you’ll never jerk off again in your life. If I need to nut I find a woman to do it. If I can’t then I just end up on long term semen retention which is more gratifying than fucking a woman. I finally ascended to this point and you start developing ridiculous big dig energy. Good luck lads

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not nofap but noporn, and so far so good! i realized that the key is not getting super stressed out when i get tempted; before id get very AHHH NOOOOO I HAVE TO FIGHT IT which increased my stress and, ironically, pushed me more into it. id get stuck on the thought. now, i just ask myself "why are you feeling this way?" and follow that line of thought instead.

>Day 6
I can't shoot lasers from my eyes just yet, but I have more time/focus for my language study.

Haven’t watched porn since 2017 or 2018. Recently overcame my addiction of finding random slampigs to fuck on tinder that I was doing for like a year and convinced myself it was alpha or something. Now I just fap to my imagination a few times per week. I love how nofap feels but I can’t bring myself to do another massive streak just yet. Best was 79 days ended November 2019.

>tfwn nofap day 13 but noporn day 4

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Based anal bro

If you started on New Year, you're on day 64. Who is still with me? I get so horny at times it's unreal.

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A lot more energy, speak my mind more freely. Still hate women from the bottom of my heart.

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100% BASED

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I just relapsed, despite having a literal 9/10 that's basically begging for me to fuck her.

I don't know what got into me. The vibe between me and this girl is so good and she's extremely into me. I think all those years of porn and fapping hardwired be to keep fapping.

Name of the statue ?

So my question is: how do I replenish my cum reservoirs? I guess lots of sleep, fats, protein and heavy weightlifting?

Coomed 6 times today, but been porn free since saturday. And despite being ultracoomer today I have this strong sense of certainty that ive finally beaten my 15 year long porn addiction (since age 15) and now its time to try get that real nofaperoni streak and see if the benefits are real for myself