What’s the fittest religion?

What’s the fittest religion?
>my opninion:

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Meme religion


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>"Heh, imagine devoting yourself to a higher power, participating in a community, and holding yourself to a higher moral standard"

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>higher power

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Zaidi Shia Islam. These fuckers are barefoot, malnurished and illiterate. And they still clime up amd down mountians all day barefoot just to shoot off some mortars and chew kaht. They might not be the most strongest but in terms of actual religion and whole as a people these people have my respect.

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Shinto. Based Izanagi pushing a boulder to seal Izanami in the underworld after she died giving birth and became ugly in hell.

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Brainlet doesn't want to think for himself, and will turn off brain and follow religion like a zombie

>what they like I like! Who cares about my own individual thoughts!

pure larper cringe

You've never had an individual thought

Wow, great argument. Really solidifies your stance on why religion isn't a braindead cultural disease

Whatever gets the job done, fella.

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You better be an atheist...

>What’s the fittest religion?
A cult of self improvement.

why are religious people so stupid anons?

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Paganism is such a pathetic LARP
>muh ancestors
>muh heritage
Literally no justification for being a polytheist

>I’m moral because I want to be

He says this as he shit post his 1000th basedjack on a fitness forum

Take a step back and look at your life because it’s truly pathetic

Be your own god and worship yourself in the temple of iron.

Low iq - organized religion
midwit - atheist, agnostic
High iq - deist


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>low calorie drink
>yet all those sausages

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That just proves that atheists are more obsessed with the Religious questions as theists

Jung was right

Attention, braindead posters!

This is the answer to this thread Sage

deist is not high iq, it's literally just adjusting the dumb ass metaphysics of abrahamic religions so that the unfalsifiable hypothesis only covers the part that science hasn't yet. better to just be a grown up and admit that there's things we don't know about the universe.

your religion is braindead cultural disease

Deism is spiritually useless same with pan-theism, one might as well be atheist. A personal God > A Distant mechanical God

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Fuck off namefag

Deism seems like a sort of pious agnosticism from people too steeped in Christianity to reject religion completely.

More like the people most likely to study religion also most likely to decide it's all bullshit.

Atheism is, unfortunately for you, 110-120 IQ.
Just a normal thing when going through puberty.
Not being able to escape it means you'll be stuck forever in the midwit range.

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>Vikings are so cool. They love Odin and are Valhalla

Do some research

If it was just bullshit and thats that then you would think atheists would just dismiss religion/spirituality out of hand and get on with their lives

But no, the average atheist is more evangelical than the average theist

If you need a god or institution to make you moral, then are you in fact actually moral?

You do know that 100 iq is literally midwit though? That's how the whole fucking scale is made you brainlet neet waste of (secondary) education

Atheism and Deism are the same thing

Both materialistic outlooks that require no spiritual thoughts, God is out of the picture either way. The Mechanical Deist God flicked his fingers to create the Universe and that's it

The God of Abraham, Kierkegaard and Pascal will always appeal more than the God of Descartes, Voltaire and Spinoza

I don't give a shit. I'm posting it so that you dumbfucks can relate to it somehow.
I don't believe in the meme called IQ.
I linear system measuring your intellect. Pure bullshit. Only you faggots take it seriously.
Truly intelligent people don't concern themselves with trivial matters.

based cymraeg bvlls

>cultural disease
Nigga without religion there wouldn't be any culture and vice versa. Shut the fuck up, religion has and WILL ALWAYS be a part of human culture and especially of the human brain and way of thinking.
Read the book Maps of Meaning and you will understand.

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Vikings got cucked by Christians. God > Odin

lmao can't tell if you're serious or joking but nice one

>you would think atheists would just dismiss religion/spirituality out of hand and get on with their lives

This is Yas Forums so I'll put it like this: you know how passive aggressive and weirdly confrontational weak/fat people get when they find out/see that you're into strength training/fitness/food discipline? How when people find out you're cutting/dieting they start offering you cake or talking about how delicious food is? But if you get annoyed by it then YOU'RE the asshole because they are just being nice and offering you cake and they're normal and YOU'RE the narcissistic freak for wanting to be healthy? Being an atheist or non-Christian is kind of like that. As soon as people find out they start getting confrontational, making remarks, picking fights, "just asking questions" or "just trying to understand", and actively performing their faith when they never did before they knew, doing shit like making it a point to talk about what they did in church the previous Sunday and stuff like that. It's fucking ridiculous what people do when they suddenly find out you're not really one of them like they thought you were. Most non-Christians I know would really, really just like to get on with their lives, but sometimes they get irritated enough to take the bait and get into some dumb argument, and from that point on they've just "confirmed" that atheists are evangelists or whatever.

you're fucking wrong you retard, midwit means 110-130 IQ, 100 IQ is just normal. midwit doesn't mean normal, if it did WE WOULDN'T HAVE A WORD FOR IT DUMBFUCK

Agreed but Asatru is closer to the old Norse & Germanic religions than Odinism is.

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“Pagans were wiser then paganism; that is why the pagans became Christians.”
― Chesterton, G. K.

Eastern Orthodox

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Hard to get fat when you’re fasting half the year like a good Orthodox Christian.

>gluttonous children's author
Wow, you sure showed him! Take that zinger to Reddit, you'll surely get some gold!

Islam is the single least Yas Forums religion on the planet. The intense fatalism, even greater than that in Calvinism, borders on rigid determinism. Working out is even a fuckint sin, because after all if God wanted you to have muscles you'd be born with them. Who are you to say that God's plan for you is wrong?

A few years back there was this big jihad against gyms in Turkey, for that very reason.

I don't trust any heathen who is JUST an Odinist. If you don't have a stalli for the ancestors in your house, a ve for the vaettir in your yard, and a horgr you've helped blot hidden far from public eyes then we're not the same religion no matter how well you can quote the havamal, and I will not say anything interesting if I have to sumble with you.

The answer is clear bros


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Traditional Catholicism

Fuck off loser no one cares. You're sitting here thinking when you could be doing some heavy ass squats. God damn god or buddha doesnt have shit to do with your periodization or sick pump or fat OHP. Stop wasting your time with this kind of shitposting and start lifting the biggest weight you can.

>Islam is the single least Yas Forums religion on the planet
obviously you have poor reading ability, because I mentioned a specific sect operating in nw yemen and you just assumed I meant all of islam. Retard

Blacks are very religious but they cross Christianity with voodoo and shit like that

same with Mexicans crossing Catholicism with some Aztec shit

"the sunnah of the Prophet included running and wrestling, and there are accounts of the Prophet himself being physically fit. As such, he encourages Muslims to be strong as well as a healthy body meant healthy faith"

"And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged."

"“A strong believer is better and more beloved in the sight of Allah than a weak believer, [however], there is good in [both types]. Be eager to carry out [such deeds] that will benefit you, and seek Allah’s assistance and do not become lax. If something afflicts you, do not say ‘If only I had done such and such’, you should say instead, Allah has decreed and he does as he wishes, for the word ‘law (لو)’ [meaning: ‘if’] opens the way for Shaytan”

"“A strong believer refers to a believer who has a firm determination and is inclined to the affairs of the Hereafter. A person with a strong determination will approach the enemy in jihad and search for the enemy with vigour. He will also be extremely determined to enjoin good, forbid evil and endure all types of difficulties while carrying out the above, [the strength of his Iman spurring him on].

Nobody cares about some random goatfucker tribe that doesn't wear shoes. Start lifting, lurk for a year, then come back.

Because most are just born into it and hold it as a group identity. Mormons are the same stock as Protestant Whites, but scored higher. Mormons (and Jews) make a much bigger deal out of ensuring orthodoxy and idealogical correctness than others.

Similarly, he will show more inclination towards Salah, fasting, remembering Allah and all other acts of worship."

"Prophet Muhammad advised his followers, to work, to be energetic, and to start their day early, all of which are conditions for a healthy body. He said “O God, make the early morning hours blessed for my nation.” [2] Obesity or an inadequate diet, laziness and weakness are all afflictions for which we will be called to account. Even though preventing illness or injury is often out of our control, there are many conditions brought on or made worse by our own lack of attention to diet and fitness. Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said, “Any action without the remembrance of God is either a diversion or heedlessness excepting four acts: Walking from target to target [during archery practice], training a horse, playing with one’s family, and learning to swim.”[3]

The Prophet Muhammad and his Companions were naturally physically fit. Life was tougher, long distances were covered on foot, men hunted and farmed their food to survive, and there were no useless recreations to produce laziness and waste many hours of otherwise constructive time. The 21st century contains many distractions and forms of entertainment that encourage laziness and induce ill health."

lol islam the most Yas Forums religion in existance. Majority of the islamic figures were physically strong, and s class warriors.

What are you talking about degenerate.

Do not talk about shit you have no idea about.

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lol go home sunni fuck