Get into contact with a female

>get into contact with a female
>everything goes well
>ask her if she's free this weekend to go out and eat
>tells me she has been taking cooking lessons and that I should come to her place
>basically guaranteed sex
>tells me to bring a bottle of wine
>asks her what she's making so I can bring a fitting wine
>tells me she's making some vegan shit
>look up ingredients
>yep that's the heckin' sojerino
>assures me it's so good I won't even know it's not meat
>ask her to make something with meat because I don't want lower testosterone levels because it'll kill my gains
>she continues telling me not to be so skeptical
>"sorry gains goblin I can't allow this"
>she gets angry thinking I called her a goblin
>explain to her that the gains goblin is a metaphysical metaphor for anything that interferes with your gains
>she calls me a fucking psycho and blocks me
>remove her messages and uninstall tinder so I don't get affected from reading that shit or tempted to try again
>from now on gonna lift until I become gay
please Yas Forums tell me I did the right choice

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Other urls found in this thread:

Should've stopped before bringing in the test levels issue and just say" I don;t like shoyu, it makes me sick" instead.
The "goblin" stuff really is the nail on the coffin.

>>from now on gonna lift until I become gay
>The soja was in user's heart all along

>tells me she has been taking cooking lessons and that I should come to her place
Immediate red flag, lemme guess she was 5'6 or under, semi chub, brunette?

And nothing of value was lost. In the gene pool too.

Just be nice man. Women are crazy but they have a pussy. It's good that she's a foodie, not a whore.

The gains goblin almost got you. Gains goblins are always like "what's a gains goblin that sounds weird" but they know

Fucking pleb.

Every man that fucks knows that deep inside women just want to emulate their partners.

You could have had her cook you steak for dinner in a few weeks time.

My last gf was a vegan, and i slowly desensitized her about meat. First i cooked meat for myself and ate it while she ate her veggies, telling her i respect her life choices and expect her to respect mine.

Soon after i convinced her that me cooking meat in the same pan with her stuff doesnt matter because she doesnt eat the meat, and i would have cooked it anyways, and she reluctantly agreed.

The next step was to make her eat meat and i had the perfect opportunity when we were at a party and she was drunk and we were handed melon wrapped in ham, i said its very rude not to eat it in front of the hosts and so she reluctantly ate a small piece of ham wrapped melon.

I'm sure you guys know where it went from there.

She will make steak for us tonight.

This could have been you too, OP.

You got this next time brah, we're all gonna make it.

Holy shit you guys have ham wrapped melon too? It's spanish cuisine

you did the BASED thing

>fall in love with girl
>genuinely the most honest and decent girl I've ever met
>be together for years
>she still cheats on me with a dyel guy who has a big house and lots of money
>she told me the night it happened and gave it all the "waah i made a mistake and now I know that its you i want"

Like, I'm not really bothered because I am fine alone, but it doesn't fill me with confidence that there are any women who can resist the urge to cheat.
On the plus side, the guy she cheated on me with is married and I told his wife and shes leaving him (so she says) and might get half of his shit if she goes through with it.

>On the plus side, the guy she cheated on me with is married and I told his wife and shes leaving him (so she says) and might get half of his shit if she goes through with it.
oh hah

To avenge yourself, you must fuck the guy she cheated with. Then he will yours, and it's not cucked

Reddit spacing

I'm guessing she was fat as fuck anyways

OP, you've been gay all along

>Not getting a prenub

There she is

This. Then invite them to a giant orgy. Shit will be so cash.

this, my gf hadn't eaten meat for 3 years when we met. 5 months into the relationship she started eating meat again.

>he thinks getting a prenup will protect you from the marriage fuckery

Pure autism.
You're on fucking tinder, retard. You wont find your perfect wife on tinder. You find a slampig go at it once and then loser her number.
This includes one evening of choking down sóy shit followed by 3 minutes of mediocre sex, followed by you walking out on her forever.

>genuinely the most honest and decent girl I've ever met
Did she use makeup?
Answer me that

>please Yas Forums tell me I did the right choice
You did not, I'll tell you how you should have answered the situation

>get into contact with a female
It should have been a call to begin with, not texting

>everything goes well
How so?

>ask her if she's free this weekend to go out and eat
It doesn't matter if she's free, you're the most important person in any relationship, you should have said "Im free this weekend and I want to eat with you"

>tells me she has been taking cooking lessons and that I should come to her place
You should have said "Good woman, I expect you to cook a good meal for me, I would also like to see how ypur bedroom looks like"

>basically guaranteed sex

>tells me to bring a bottle of wine

You should have said "I don't drink wine, it damages my gains" if you don't drink, if you do drink you should have said "No, I will bring Lagavulin"
>asks her what she's making so I can bring a fitting wine

Completely wrong, if you like wine you should say to her what wine you're bringing and that she needs to match that, otherwise she's not worthy

>tells me she's making some vegan shit

Any self respecting man would say something aling the lines of "Do I look like a rabbit to you? Or maybe do you take me to be a cuck?"

>look up ingredients
You shouldnt need to

>yep that's the heckin' sojerino

Soja isn't food

>reddit spacing

>assures me it's so good I won't even know it's not meat

You have told her you don't care, your body knows if it's meat or soja

>ask her to make something with meat because I don't want lower testosterone levels because it'll kill my gains

Good answer

>she continues telling me not to be so skeptical

I would have told her to shut the fuck up by now, told her grain eating slaves aren't worth of my predator cock

>"sorry gains goblin I can't allow this"

Should not have said "sorry", and add something such as "my body is a temple, not a dumpster like your vagina"

>she gets angry thinking I called her a goblin

Would tell her that if she didn't like being a goblin she should have eaten more meat

>explain to her that the gains goblin is a metaphysical metaphor for anything that interferes with your gains

Don't argue with women for fuck sake, they're dumber than children

>she calls me a fucking psycho and blocks me

Case in point

>remove her messages and uninstall tinder so I don't get affected from reading that shit or tempted to try again

Just blacklist the thot and go after a better one dummie

>from now on gonna lift until I become gay

Shut the fuck up you vermin, Im not neet whose job is to understand greentext, so I did what I could

>reddit spacing

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How would it not?

Alright that gave me a good chuckle.
Sincerely hope that was a joke though.

>Sincerely hope that was a joke though.
I wasnt joking

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Lawyers are good at making prenups count for nothing.

You're such a kidder steve

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You should visit /r/Yas Forums for a great example of how to greentext properly Forums/comments/fdu8g7/shoo_shoo_gainz_goblin/

Do NOT forget to attach an image of the green frog

Bonus points for overly compressed JPEG with visible artifacts

OP might also be not only a master 4channe(ele)r but also a master redditor who made this thread to upload it to /r/Yas Forums himself for karma whoring

I hope the reddit spacing has made it easier for your mushy brain to absorb my post

Pee pee poo poo over and out

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you did the right thing king. woman arent worth the time. if she really wants you than she will be back.

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Stop pointing that dirty finger at me nigger, else I'll break it or put it inside your third eye

>OP might also be not only a master 4channe(ele)r but also a master redditor who made this thread to upload it to /r/Yas Forums himself for karma whoring
Why would anyone be so pathetic to post the same thread on Yas Forums and reddit? Dont they have any shread of self respect?

Alright bro alright you can stop now
my sides can only take so much

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stoped reading half through. If this is true you are absolutely cringe and deserve everything bad happen to you.

Usually only protects what you come into the marriage with
Plus it’s at the judge’s discretion. They can just throw the whole thing out as unfair


>heckin' sojerino

Why cant I just marry like described in the Bible?
Get two couples as testimones, a priest, and get married
No state shit involved

>Why would anyone be so pathetic to post the same thread on Yas Forums and reddit? Dont they have any shread of self respect?
lmao not only that they posted it to two subreddits

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Absolutely based user
You did the right thing

>everything I don't like is reddit
have sex

Many a cases where it pretty much got thrown out the window.
The only way to avoid getting fucked by the system is to not get married at all and avoid kids until you know she can't leave.

Some Biology nerds explained to me that Onions doesnt literally give you estrogen, but they're nerds so I ignored it

you did good OP

just show them an image of the founder of onions, he looks 12 and has gyno from gulping down his own poison

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fucking filter meant Șoylent and not onions lol

> honest
> cheats on me

Works with making girls racist, too.

It doesn't literally give you estrogen, but it has all the effects of estrogen. That's why it's called a phytoestrogen. Despite not being actual estrogen, it mimics the effects of estrogen in the body, just like xenoestrogens.

>basically guaranteed sex
pretty much
>tells me to bring a bottle of wine
"Hey i'm not a big drinker. What's something you like and I'll just have a glass or two"
>tells me she's making some vegan shit
"oh cool, hey usually I tend to eat meat but I'd like to try it
>ask her to make something with meat because I don't want lower testosterone levels because it'll kill my gains
"Wow user, if you're so concerned about your hormone levels you should see a doctor. 1 meal won't change your testosterone production. Are your balls normal? "
>"sorry gains goblin I can't allow this"
>explain to her that the gains goblin is a metaphysical metaphor for anything that interferes with your gains
"So let me get this've been going to the gym for a few months and you're aiming for something called '1/2/3/4', and you don't engage in any sort of behaviour that will compromise your goal? And you refer to any sort of temptation as a 'gains....goblin' is that correct?"
>she calls me a fucking psycho and blocks me
Now she's laughing about this encounter with Stacey and Becky in the groupchat.

You fucking dumb cunt OP. Draining your balls into a wet and willing girl is a far higher test boost than the negatives of 1 vegetable based meal. Remember that when you're deepthroating some trannies cock in a public restroom.

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Who cares, it was just 1 girl. There are always more. You haven't lived until you've fucked with a girl who's into you

>buy into pseudoscience that onions lowers your test
>miss out on pussy
fucking cringe

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>giving a fuck about pussy this much
>being a fucking idiot
Doctors recommend high onions diets to post menopausal women since their bodies start producing way less estrogen. It's not at all a pseudoscience you fucking faggot. You disgust me.

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>1 meal
>high s o i diet
which is it, fuckhead?
you were put of this earth to lay pipe, fucked it up, and are now pretending you never wanted her anyway, like a certain fox

>99% of peer reviewed studies show it doesn't affect test
>Yas Forums says it does, scientists are scammers and jews
>believe Yas Forums
Get the fuck off my board you dyel faggot

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Not him, but if you can't appreciate a man setting aside temptation to stick to his greater goal, then you're a faggot. It's just pussy from one girl, not that big a deal.

It doesn't affect test you fucking idiot, it mimics the effects of estrogen. Goddamn you don't know shit about this or anything related to it and you're trying to talk shit.

I bet you think hormones are like a line with testosterone at one end and estrogen at the other, and everyone falls on that line somewhere. You're an embarrassment to your family.

>calls him over as a first date
>not a whore

>Justifying eating vegan shit

Not even once.

>all these dyels upset that OP wouldn't eat onions to bang a slut
Eat some real food.

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Banging a slut isnt a goal user. anyone can do that if you get 2 drinks in her.

Absolutely made the right choice.
Gains >>>>>> roasties, especially vegan roasties.

that was my point, user

Can confirm. My wife is full 1488 now.

holy shit why are most redditors so fucking cringe. i know some reddit lurkers and they are aight but the posters are all fucking carbon copies.

Pls b real

did you even read the post you replied to?
if not fuck you for succesfully baiting me

because women need to be protected from the men that obviously want to abuse them.
Even if you never get married and just live together for long enough you might STILL be fucked by marriage law and have to give up some of your shit to her

Literally just say you're allergic to soja, it's not that uncommon.
What a fucking retard

>I argued with a woman, then she got mad and I'm not getting laid
>how could this be happening to me?
You literally CHOSE to argue with a woman instead of having sex with her.

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