Is this a meme or is it actually better than using Mach 3s? I change my Mach 3 blades every two weeks and it just werks

Is this a meme or is it actually better than using Mach 3s? I change my Mach 3 blades every two weeks and it just werks.

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If you are going to use one of those you might as well use a straight razor

aren't these things way cheaper in the long run?

You wouldn't believe how severe they price gouge with modern razors. There's a reason Dollar Shave Club was able to penetrate the market with relative ease. Yeah, this will save you literally thousands over your lifetime.

These things are far less ergonomical than a regular razor

Gillette shills paying for trips

nigga the straight razor is much more difficult to use

I have one of these with feather blades. It is honestly the best shave ive had in my life. Everyone I let use it (obv switching out blades) also agree its the best they've ever used. Get it

Feather blades will cut your skin open, you can't use that without slicing your face apart.

It takes like 2 minutes to get the hang of. Also allows for much more precision.

Please stop giving your hard earned shekels to the Jews, get a safety razor with Wilkinson sword blades... Boys will be boys

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How the fuck do you shave?

Im referring to these. I even use them to shave my body, balls, and ass nohomo. My best advice for using a safety razor: USE THE WEIGHT OF THE RAZOR ITSELF. Dont add more pressure

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It is literally a million times better than the normie razors and it is also cheaper

The only reason anyone still buys the retarded five-bladed 50$ cartridges is that people are too stupid to learn how to shave (which takes about a couple hours really)

Low end handles are garbage but work just fine until the mechanisms fail. The blades are amazingly inexpensive, especially if you but in bulk off the internet. I used a safety razor for a long time with no issues. The last time my cheap handle broke, though, I just bought Equate brand disposables because they're couch change tier in cost. I shave once or twice a week these days so I don't care about baby smooth anymore. I've never had a high end handle, but I've long wanted a nice one. The cheap, thin metal from the low end ones always breaks in the twist open gubbins.

On your balls too????????? O hell nawh

yeah i like it. i feel like it shaves a bit better and you can get 100 blades for like 10 bucks. only difference is if you're completely retarded you might cut yourself but so far i've only done it once when replacing the blades

I recommend it. Although not for balls.


I've been using Mach3's for over 20 years. Granted I shave my head with them so that's a huge factor but nothing else I've tried is even close.

Incredibly inexpensive blades
They won't clog like multi-blade razors do if you haven't shaved in a while
Not as close of a shave unless you go against the grain
Easier to cut yourself at first, especially against the grain

Those are cheaper, provide a better shave, help reduce the waste you produce and most importantly, by buying one handle and then only razors you dont support the P&G and Gillette jews.

The next step is buying a brush and hard shaving soap. Same benefits apply to it as to razors.

I use the ivory one with Gilette cartridges and L'Occitane's Cade shaving cream and after shave balm. A little bit of conditioner softens my stubble up, that's my routine.

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>use a hard soap bro
that's not even remotely necessary when cream exists. Just lather it up in a bowl, fuck soap.

gel/foam in a can is bad?

I bought one and definitely like it. Can be a bit challenging on corners/edges and I probably should just buy a straight razor next. I clean up with the 5 blades though. Just depends on how hairy the situation really is (haha get it).

I got 100 blades for 16 euros. That is 16 cents per blade. I just use them once for a good shave and toss em.


>you can't use that without slicing your face apart.

YOU may not be able to; anyone with an ounce of manual dexterity can use it just fine. I've been using a Merkur Futur loaded with Feathers for 14 years now and it's absolutely brilliant. I do my face and my head with it.

I bought one to try it out and I've been using it for some months.
>about the same result as those expensive gillettes
>so much cheaper
>easier to cut yourself with it on the first times (too much pressure)
>no need to guess when the blades are getting dull, you just use a new one every time
I've been using it on my face but I'll soon start trying them out on the armpits.

I never cut myself with these safety razors, but I always have really nasty razor bumps and the occasional ingrown hair in my neck while having no issues in my face. What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?

The pros of shave soap is that it lasts way longer than canned stuff. Some might say the lather is better because you adjust the water content yourself but it's personal preference

Use warm water on a scrubbing cloth and swirl it on the areas you want to shave. It'll open up the follicles and hopefully clear some dirt/oils. Use a cleanser if your skin is really bad. Shave with the grain and take note of your hair patterns - you might want to shave straight down vertically but neck hair doesn't always grow that way. Use an astringent or antiseptic after you're done (I swear by an alum block) and a moisturiser afterwards.

Why not grow a beard out and larp as a viking? That's the end goal for all wet shavers right? lol!!

Had one for a couple of weeks now. They are great and very cheap. Used it on my face and my crotch because I'm insane like that and the results are great. I only managed to cut myself on my adam's apple once and that was all.

Seriously? Buy better blades ffs, quality > quantity. I change my blade every six months or so and the blade i use on my body every year.10 blades for 5ish euro.

100% wrong

shaving your balls with a feather blade wtf

It's better, but you can't make turns, unless you want to take your own life.

What "mechanism" does a safety razor have?

>I change my blade every six months

They are only better in that they are much cheaper than cartridges, a Baili butterfly goes for 5-7$ and you can get 100 blue Astras for just 10$ and each blade can be used 2-3 times.

You aren't going to get a better shave than with the multiblades cartridges. For me, even if I go against the grain I still cannot achieve a smooth chin but I do shave 3 times per week so I would rather have a not that smooth chin than pay 20 times extra per blade.

I switched to a safety razor a few months ago and I kinda like it. I have to shave more often but my face feels great. Don't get super sharp merkur blades as you will have more cuts. Get a nice shaving soap, brush, and use a moisturizing vitamin E serum along with aftershave.


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>What "mechanism" does a safety razor have?

I'm talking about the cheap twist-to-open ones. You turn the cap at the end of the handle to open and close the face of the guard to install or remove the blade. How have you never heard of these?

Better for sure.

>Cheaper in the long run
100 blades, $20, I change my blades every 3-5 shaves, sometimes after 1 shave if I'm feeling fancy. Shaving every other day ~ $20 for 2 years

Fuck yeah. So many. I have cherry tobacco, lilac, sandalwood, golden something, honey something, I don't even remember the names, they just smell great. 5 soaps for like $20. I go through a soap puck like once a year. I'm actually annoyed at this, because I want to try more soaps, but it will literally be half a decade before I need to buy more.

One pass = great shave, equal to a brand-new mach3 . With a new razor, one pass of a safety is better. 2-3 passes is god-tier shaving, you will never get this close with a mach 3, but I generally save that for weddings, social events, etc etc

Just much more fun to shave. It takes the same amount of time once you get the hang of it, and you're motivated to shave because you enjoy it

I think its a marketing thing about the newer razors being easier to use. I've actually never cut myself on a safety razor, even when starting out.

The biggest problem I see with new people trying out safety razors is not knowing how to get a good lather. It's trial and error, and whether your lather is good or not absolutely makes or breaks how good or shitty your shave it. Soaps require a much different amount of water and lathering than creams do; I much, much, MUCH prefer soaps. Quicker to use, doesn't leave residue you have to spend 10 minutes washing off.

I have thick as duck curly hair AKA I break razors with one go.
Should I take the razor pill?

Those are the most overpriced ones because they managed to get space in retail stores. Just get an 100 pack of anything from Amazon

I have steel whiskers. The trick is to shave frequently. If you shave every other day, its super easy and you get all of it and you're done, razor glides like butter.

If you wait 3-4 days between shaves, you get a razor-breaking amount of growth, and its shitty and patchy and no amount of razor-force will help with that.

Frequency is the key.

I like the voskhod blades, I've got a lot of facial hair and I can get 2 quality shaves out of them. makes it worth paying 10 cents per blade when others are as cheap as 6 or 7 or so

PSA: gillette is a Jew company and deserves no business. Just remember the feminist "boys will be boys" bs and they haven't apologized.

These razors have a insane markup over what these are worth because they brainwashed you into believing they are better, faster and cheaper. Don't be a sheep get a safety razor and your dignity

I will never understand how you can support a company that actively hates you, assuming you’re a straight white male.

Just use an adjustable electric razor for 24/7 5'oclock shadow. If you're not a jawcel and you don't need to grow a beard, scruff is the only choice. Clean shaven makes you look more boyish.


This t b h

absolutely not a meme. shaving with a DE for 7 years now. Razorock Gamechanger + Muhle Silvertip Fibre brush. Speick shaving cream or some fancy artisan soap when i feel like it. also get a blade sampler.

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i'm half black and these are the only razors that even have a potential of not giving me ingrown hairs

I use a straight razor with disposable blades.
Cheap as all fuck and not that hard to use once you get the hang of it. Sure, if i want a super nice shave i gotta go against the grain aswell, but then again, i've never had skin as smooth as that with a normal razor.
Only thing is that its quite uncomfortable, especially above the lip and i still nick myself with the edge of the razor atleast once, but its really not that big of a deal.
Hell i even shave my balls with this thing.

They are better for me anyway, multi-blades give me razor burn, while this just glides and gives me a good shave every time.

Yes. People say to use a new blade every time, but I get a week worth of shaves out of them.

this is the only reason I use them. It is so cheap, bought a 100 blade pack for 11€ like two years ago, still about 3/4 of the blades are in.

>tfw never learned how to properly shave because no dad

Every two weeks..? Mine last forever

You didn't understand "sóy" you illiterate nigger. I see faggots like you spamming this meme under things like people believing in god or guys trying to figure out which utils to use for daily life like OP. We're not in some faggot beard grooming thread but in a fucking should-I-use-these-razors threads you disgusting piece of shit.

Why are these so good though? Granted I only shave my neck once a week but I legit have never had a cut and it's silky smooth every time - no bumps redness or irritation.

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easier to cut yourself