Stop listening to music at the gym

Listening to music at the gym is cheating - David Goggins

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breathing is cheating, if you need something to function you're weak and cheating

Relying on nigger music is the biggest cope. Imagine not being able to workout because you can't handle the thoughts in your head. He is 100% right, what are you gonna do when you have no music? Give up?

But music increases my performance. If i increase my performance in the gym then i'll be stronger when I don't have music.

It's like retards that can't workout unless they are loaded on preworkout. Stop listening to music now

But preworkout is a physical change. You also become desensitized to preworkout. Music helps with your mindset and it works just as well no matter how much you do it. Why would I stop listening to music if it diminishes my performance?


my gym plays horrible music i hate and I don't have any music I like to listen to, I mostly focus on lifting the weights and taking a shit in the mouth of that fat black chick who sings all the music I can't stand.

You are mentally weak

It helps the time fly by for me, helps me focus. Helps me get into a groove. Do whatever is good for you. Weirdo faggot

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if you don't listen to music and take pre-workout you have mediocre workouts. I've done it both ways and it's not even comparable

I've been off caffeine for a month+ and I leave my headphones at home because I talk to milfs at my gym. But I miss those intense workouts I used to have


Cheating at what?

Why? Because music increases my performance? It does that for everyone dumbass

Why does anyone listen to this formerfat retard half cast?

I think there is some validity to this line of thought. Although preworkout isn't very healthy because of caffeine and other shit, I can't see any negative effects of music

the mental strength you gain from no music will outweigh any performance gain from music in the long run

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Why the fuck does this guy hate enjoying things. I go to the gym to get my off things fuck this guy

>using a dishwasher is cheating
>using a washing machine is cheating
>using a bed is cheating
>showering is cheating

This nigga is dumb as bricks

First of all David Goggins is mentally unwell and while that can drive him to impressive lengths that doesn't mean that he's always correct about what he says.
I can push myself to maximal effort/intensity just through internal factors. Getting into a PR or ER mindset does not require music that is correct; going to the gym does not require an automobile either and yet I still drive there for the sake of comfort and convenience. Just because a methodology more difficult and inconvenient doesn't make it inherently better.

>nigger music
>DOOM takes up ⅔ the posts in every tunes thread

Should I put earplugs to not ear the chatter and background gym music ?

No. What are you going to do when you don't have music playing or earplugs to block noise distracting you?

>nigger music
Get fucked


>Dark Viking Battle Music - Ironborn

Don't brace your core when you deadlift of squat- What are you gonna do when you have no core?

>actually larping as a viking
an hero rn pls

why do all these vikang larpers throat sing? it's completely foreign to them.


Stop listening to niggers at this board.

If he's so smart, how come he's black?

What’s wrong with being a white pussy destroyer?

I kinda agree with him to be honest, running half a marathon in nature while thinking about life is great.


I became way more focused and way better in the gym whilst removing music. You have to be very spiritually weak to need music to workout.

So we actually agree on something Yas Forums? No listening to music at the gym anymore?

There's still music playing at my gym. Stupid fucking russian radio circus music. And i don't want to hear all the sub-human russian low iq idiot-tear "advice", "secrets" and general highly vocalised bullshitting. Helps me focus and zone into the task at hand.

Why wouldn't you take gym time as a quiet meditative time, just your mind and your muscles and the weight? Plus if you're training in a public gym you're surrounded by other people, why would you EVER let yourself be that vulnerable in public with other motherfuckers around? I've tried listening to music, it's just a distraction at best. You can master yourself and your surroundings better without distractions.

>tfw saying Can't Hurt Me actually helped while running when my knee was in pain but I ran through it and it stopped hurting

i was listening to music btw fuck you

What if I listen to cute girls telling me to grow up?

I’ll still lift, I’ll just have slightly less fun doing it.

What kinda war zone are you living in where you’re in constant fear of getting ambushed while lifting?



I'm about to go run two miles to Ice Cube's Laugh Now Cry Later album.

Music virgin
>Needs to consume media 24/7 to cope with how boring he is
>Needs headphones to cope with his social retardation
>Headphones make him sweat and stink like crazy, even a 5 minute walk gives him sweaty pits
>Everyone thinks he's creepy as he never talks to anyone

No music chad
>Is more interested in his own thoughts than music
>Enjoys and is motivated by the company of others
>Doesn't sweat and stink that much, even after an intense workout
>Listening to music less has made him appreciate it more
>Everyone thinks he's a sick cunt and want to be with him


>nigger music
Anything other than Nightcore is low test.

There's a war going on outside no one is safe from.

it's another "popular thing is bad" thread

Cringe bro

Anyone else listen to audiobooks while at the gym? Usually my move whenever I’m not working out with people.

God this schmuck pisses me off
>urr muh childhood racism
>huuurrr muh abusive dad
>hurrr i was stooopid

I’ve known other people who have abusive parents, christs sakes, my dad beat the fuck out of my brother every day after school... and racism? Try being one of the 3 white kids at a majority black school of 2000. You get beat every day, you can’t date ANYONE, and you still see the same use of guns and weapons this wog only experienced once.

Besides, he talks about going from 300lbs to 197... which is somewhat impressive but ridiculously dangerous, and he was powerlifting at the time, not exactly a retarded fucking couch potato like he implies.

Haha at Yas Forums listening to a nigger

It's just like the other 'it's ok to be weak" nigger.

why would other people having similar experiences invalidate his own? and you're delusional if you think going from 300 to his physique is "somewhat" impressive

no it's because I don't want to listen to gym thots squeeling during their 40kg squats

>t. amerimutts

Stop driving
Stop cooking your food

JM Blakely did the whole weight gain and loss thing earlier and without being a weirdo about it

I dont listen to music during bjj but at the gym I'm not listening to Sara McLaughlin or whatever other non offensive BS they have playing plus the boomers, zoomers and Karen's side conversations. Some people just stand around and talk. Having earbuds in keeps people from talking to you too.

Why should anyone take advice from him? Working out is literally the only thing he's good at, fuck this guy.

>nigger music
Please, I listen to Sabaton and dark synth.