New /cbt/ because the other one hit bump limit

new /cbt/ because the other one hit bump limit
>6'2, 94kg, ??bf%
>215kg dl, 122.5kg bench, 160kg squat

also yes i have an enormous head no need to mention it

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whats ur routine so i know not to do it

that bad, huh?

Please be my gay bf

cute bulge

What if we were two cows in Minecraft and Steve fed us both wheat..? Haha, I am merely kidding my fine gentleman... lest? ;)


How long training and how old?

Ive been lifting 'seriously' about 2-2.5 years and I am 22. Ive been going to the gym casually for 4 years but spent a lot of time fuckin around

Whats you diet like? Are you getting enough protein.
Not being rude, but you are kinda underdeveloped for that amount of time spent training.

But youve got good potential, decent genetics.

Get the abs and you're greek statue mode
>5'7, 70kg
>170kg dl, 90kg bench, 115kg squat(no bulli), 1pl8 OHP

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FUCKING amazing
Thick as hell.

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Is that your sister's room?

Show your back and legs please OP

I have similar height, build and Head size (no joke my head is big, big brain amirite)

I appreciate the feedback. I have only gotten a reign on my diet the past few months. Struggled with appetite for a long time, couldnt really eat much, was stuck for a while.

183 cm
70 kg
23 old

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I just moved back home and she stored all her shit in my room while I was away

You need to lose the chest and back hair

No probs mate. You'll see great improvement in your progress if you get you diet down packed and are getting 1gram protein for ever pound you weigh.
Youre gonna make it mate.

He fat don’t listen to him.

6'4 217

Might even continue bulking the whole year despite being a BF% some would be uncomfortable at. I'm going to a wedding this summer so might do a quick 3 or 4 week cut to lean out the face and jawline even more and look slightly more lean for the summer wedding. After that will probably continue bulking.

Enjoying bulking and numbers going up too much to cut. Besides, I feel like my chest is filling out for the first time and my gf loves the bulk and is really supportive. No reason to cut yet. When I do cut, I'd like to have enough muscle underneath to cut to a blake Griffin or Chris Hemsworth type buile.

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Mirin bois

Mainly doing yoga now, think i need to work chest more though as it looks shit, what else?

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Heavy compound movements will blow you up straight away.

Nice back but damn, what have you done to your skin? Don't tell me you roided for this.

Lol no ofc
It's just my skin that never gets clear.hope it will in my mid twenties.


jk, you bulking rn?

Shitty squat but otherwise nice user keep it up

You look like this faggot

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in a good way or bad way?

Good way. You'll look amazing. You look good now, but small, you hit some heavy compounds for the next couple of months and you'll look the same but much bigger.

Cheers, will focus on doing heavy compounds and will see how i go.

See you in a couple months user. Godspeed

I wouldn't recommend that quick cut just because you will confuse your system but instead I'd recommend lean bulking or eating at maintenance 3-4 weeks b4 ur event.

>yes i have an enormous head
You don't have an enormous head, it's a normal sized head. It's just that you're lying about your height and weight.

5’6, 135lbs

can’t for the life of me flex like a fucking normal person but here goes

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What's wrong with confusing your system if you look good?

Kek what, confuse your system? U srs m8? God, imagine asking you dyel brainlets for actual advice.

A short cut of course won’t be as effective as a long one, but cutting kcals and cardio will always make you lose weight, your ”system” can’t be ”confused”, your body gains weight when you eat on a surplus and lose when you eat less.

A shame the old one's super dead, some people there had really good bods goin' on.

Currently 50kg 5'8, but I might be losing a bit of weight.

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based and diapepilled

you still look like a dude

Yeah absolutely, why would I want to be a female? I'm entirely a guy. I just don't want to gain much just yet, just looking to stay light.

Isn’t /soc/ a more appropriate place for you since you’re not working out and just want to hear NoOo nO NeEd 2 LoSe WeiGhT U sO sKiNnY from males who’d want to fuck your ass in secret but never ever be seen in public with you? Sad.

Maybe I used the wrong term but here's what i mean
Basically you said you've been bulking and you will cut for a short amount of time
Your body is like used to high calories then very low for a short of time and then high calories again.
When someone's bulk is about to end they don't go straight from 3500 to 2500. They go for a maintenance for some time and cut down calories slowly to make the body more comfortable with the changes.
You don't have to do what I said. I just recommended you a thing and it's up to you.

nice trips

A lot of it is diet and I still work out, granted not as much anymore.

Of course it’s all diet, it’s not like you look like you lift weights, but I’m just wondering why you have to keep looking for male validation on Yas Forums instead of /soc/ or /lgbt/ or whatever, where you actually belong.

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Wait what is this thread for?i lurked and all i Could guess is that this isn't. A cock and ball torture thread.

This, if you dont lift then dont post body and only shitpost about other people like the rest of the board does.

Post bussy

>tfw much stronger than op but also fatter and so look worse
lmao bulking was the ultimate meme


Current body thread you fool

Also nice trips

Tell me why she isn't coming back bros

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She knows she is not up to par with you now.

damn thicc af bro. Dunno if you're in a bulking phase or what but when you cut you're gonna be a god

I browse these threads just so I can jack off to people like you

No homo

how many cycles?

Fucken hell, not again.
Natty bruh

nice peener

this is me 2 months in

20% bodyfat

doing starting strength

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Great improvement. Whatever youre doing keep doing it.

One month in, I took a bunch of pictures today to track progress
I know I'm still a turbo ultra dyel but I thought my back looked a bit better than usual

70kg squat
95kg DL
45kg row
40kg bench
35kg OHP
62kg 175cm

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thanks, appreciate it

You went from ugly dyel to Chad-lite
Nice, it's crazy how fast some people see improvements

I dont know, i feel like its growing pretty fast on me too.

I used to workout, but I had a 3 year break - so im thinking that has something to do with the progression being relatively fast

>lost 40kg
>look half decent now apart from the loose skin
>actually good chest and shoulder insertions
>tfw didn't take any before pics

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