
Is it based or cringe?

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>based or cringe?
zoomer speak faggots get the rope


I eat two slice of bread everyday, now that I think about it, my diet is mostly startchy. I'm normal weight, slightly on the skelly side. Excellent health.

Proper bread is good. Plain white plastic wrapped loaf is shit.

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The fuck is that

I have a chicken and spinach sandwich on whole wheat bread for lunch most days. Based.

kinda crazy that so much sugar is added to white loaf, like jeez, baker bought bread will have 0-2 grams per slice while a loaf at the grocery store had about 8-9 grams per slice

This. Americans have no bread culture. Whole wheat rye bread is noble tier

One of my recent bakes. Don’t you know loaf of bread looks like?

Well, it’s because ingredients of bread should always be water, flour and salt. Nothing else. I didn’t have storebought bread for four years and honestly I don’t miss it.

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Do you actually believe that we only have wonderbread?
EU education in action.

Whole rye is pretty good as well. I bake it sometimes (mostly ruisleipä but sometimes the other nordic style breads as well) and it goes well with deenz, smoked salmon and soft boiled eggs.

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If you make good eastern block rye bread then its good in moderation but otherwise limit your exposure to breads as much as you can

Even our shitty supermarkets have a better selection than your best "bakerys"

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This looks like some grade A bread user

Lmfao only grandma's eat this. KYS wonder bread FTW

Zoomers are based.

>This. Americans have no bread culture.
kek you know your country is on the decline when you start trying to claim superiority over "bread culture". every country has rye bread.
europe is a theme park

Thanks user. It’s 50% wholemeal sourdough. It’s my usual bake for week supply of a bread.

Only old people eat non-crusty bread. Enjoy your HFCS loaf, faggot.

God I love homemade bread

based and bakerpilled

just get that non processed brown bread with nuts or whatever. Nearby supermarket makes it local and the macros are printed on it. 14% protein bread. As long as i don't stuff my face full of it and over blow my carbs it's fine.

that's pretty cringe famalam

Lidl bread is top tier desu

I mean, unless your shitty supermarkets are literally just bread then I doubt it.

I always buy integral bread instead of White. Borja cost the same.

seconding this

Not him, but that’s just a two types of bread that are usually available at every supermarket. I will try to find more.

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Another pic.

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And another. And don’t even get me started on German supermarkets.

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Thick, still warm slices with butter - one of lifes simple pleasures.

Dubs of truth. Don’t forget that the butter should be cold, for maximum contrast pf flavor.

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Here's some bread I recently made. Make your own bread or buy real bread. Store bread is terrible. If you look there's a million ingredients in that bread and loads of sugar. That stuff will make you feel like shit.

Real bread has just flour, water, yeast, and salt. That's it. You don't even need yeast, you can harvest your own starter with just flour and water. Sometimes I add different seeds and garlic into my bread for flavor, but that's optional.

Real bread tastes a million times better too, trust me. And you don't feel like shit afterwords.

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Mutt alert! Quick everyone, put the bants away before the yanks start using bad language

Why did you cut the loaf in a half but didn’t show the crumb? SHOW THE CRUMB FOR FUCK SAKE!

Your wish is my command

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6/10. Next time try to shape it little bit better (maybe work the gluten more), bake it on higher temp. Looks like you didn’t have that much of an oven spring. But who am I to judge. If it was tasty and you were happy then it’s ok and nothing else matters.

I'm brand new to bread making. Maybe it was just the angle though? Here's a better look. Seemed to have great spring. Baked at 500 for 30 in the Dutch oven turn baked at 425 for 25 uncovered. That was before I got a proofing basket though.

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Here's a white bread I made too

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cringe, peasant food that has low nutritional value and no taste

Sounds like you've been eating shitty bread

Trust me when I say that the first loaves I baked were looking terrible. It’s like with lifting, you will improve over time.
Why not bake it a bit more to get a darker crust?

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based, how else am I gonna get in my daily allowance of 300 grams of carbs?

Oats, potatoes, rice.

best thing to happen to humanity

Based. My father who is extremly jacked even eats bread with soup. Telling such a man that bread is cringe would be cringe desu. A hard working man needs bread, only children do not eat it.

Should I bake it longer in dutch oven with the lid on at 500, or during the second part uncovered at 425?

I hope that in the future we can express our opinions on all things with just based and cringe.

Uncovered I guess. I bake my loaf covered for the most of the time (which doesn’t give it the color) and then I quickly make the crust in the last 10 minutes or so. Darker crust means more flavor due to Maillard reaction.

Sourdough>Everything else

Looks like a typical bakery section at any grocery store to me. What's the big deal?

So good. I really should try this but im trying to low carb at the moment and your posts are not helping.

See I was just reacting for this dumb post.

That's what I'm saying. I swear EU faggots get all their info about USA food from fucking tabloid headlines or something. I had a guy a few weeks ago going on and on about how Americans don't know what good bacon is because he thinks all we have is cheap-o Oscar Meyer shit.
He posted a pic of some typical looking bacon that you would find in any grocery store and said "behold" as though we have no idea what real food looks like.
It'd be funny it wasn't so sad. Imagine seething so hard at your own irrelevance that you have to come up with some shit like bread to pretend you matter, and worse still to not even be correct about it.

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It wasn't a dumb post. I'm right. What you posted is only a bit better than what you'd find in a fucking Wal Mart bakery section, lmao, and very comparable to what you'd find in any regular grocery store.
Is that the best you got, EU?

Sorry about that. Have some ruisleipä then. I was trying low carb as well but I found out I miss bread and pasta way too much.

Forgot pic.

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Did you read the conversation? I wasn’t trying to prove anything. I just posted what typical shitty supermarket selection of bread looks like. I don’t care what “bread culture” you have or if the only type of bread you eat is wonderbread. The user said
>unless your shitty supermarkets are literally just bread then I doubt it
So I posted some pics. That’s it.