/mag/-Martial Arts General

Come in here to discuss: Training, technique, anything martial arts related

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any anons going to watch Mike Guthrie and Shosei in Vegas this month?

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I'm finally getting better at kickboxing and Judo and it feels so good. I don't have a gf so I can't tell anyone in just how much physical pain my body is in. Bros how do you regenerate as fast as possible so you can do this every day? I stopped getting bruises about 3 weeks ago but the first months were hell. Now it's just random body parts hurting. Yesterday I get a shoulder to the nose, still have the mark and woke up with high light sensitivity and a killer headache so I'm guessing there's some shit going on there too.

is muay thai gay if im not a manlet or is it still good?

height is one of the biggest advantages you can have in any combat sport

yeah i know just wondering if im better of doing another one since ive heard muay thai is good for smaller guys so i thought there might be better options for leveraging reach and size

striking is striking. Thai will teach you how to strike, striking knocks people the fuck out, go do it.

>Bros how do you regenerate as fast as possible so you can do this every day?

Not kidding. Why do you think that before the doping epidemic, doing martial arts 3 times a week was seen as borderline obsessive?

>height is one of the biggest advantages you can have in any combat sport

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I do it 7 times and I am not on steroids. I need it otherwise I think I'll commit suicide kek. What steroids should I research or could you tell me a bit about them? I don't care about being big, I want to be a machine and stay a machine.

>doing martial arts 3 times a week was seen as borderline obsessive?
I do 4-5 days a week and I'm fine

>train inna wrestling gym
>guy that used to come to the gym shows up in a gi and says he is going going to show us that BJJ is a man's martial art
>coach is face palming at this guy
>tells him to wait his turn, then he can roll with whoever he wants
>picks the smallest guy and says "I'll work my way up"
>smallest guy still has 15ish pounds on him
>flops on his back and says "you scared, huh?"
>wrestler just starts going in circles around the guy, who is in turn rotating to match his legs with where the other guy is
>goes on for a solid 5 minutes
>BJJ fag is obviously tired, Chad looks like he went for a walk
>faggot gets laughed out of the gym before a conclusion can be reached
I still remember when the guy left the first time, he said "grappling is for fags, you wouldn't do shit if somebody punched you"

nice larp

Best to emulate and try different things slowly, learn your body and do weird stuff to get the flow and speed going.

seems like a lot of ego on both sides. I guess a warrior without ego is not a warrior but perhaps keep it constructive?

Steroids generally don't fix tendons, bruises and injuries, and may even contribute to more injuries. Yes, they improve recovery, but sub-par muscular recovery is not what will keep you from training, it's the injuries.

You could use hgh/ghrp-6/other compounds and peptides for injury recovery, but that's a different game.

In this case, needs to take it easy. Show up when you're not too battered, go light, work on technique, go harder when your technique has improved enough to add sufficient control to keep yourself safe. Most beginner injuries are self-inflicted through spazzing, stubborn behaviour, stupidity and misjudgement - unless your partner is an asshole or equally inexperienced.

Thanks. Yeah I learned not to put force and control technique, great advice there bro, thanks for reinforcing it.

Another good way to work on technique is sparring people who are skilled enough to keep you in check and smoke you without effort when you go all out, trying to mostly rely on technique yourself. You could use some force, they should be able to control you without really hurting you.

Yeah the dudes I spar with are significantly better than me. Some of them are black belts in jj or judo so I can't get cheeky with them kek. FUck bro I'm itching for tonight, I fucking love this shit.

Don't burn out, take care of yourself and, most importantly, keep having fun.

>things that never happened: the post

Isn't it funny how in nearly all bouts, the short stocky guys are at a significant disadvantage, but out of the blue, Daniel Cormier, a 5'9 235 pound grizzly bear steps onto the scene and absolutely destroys the competition

Just goes to show how powerful an athletic wrestler can be

FUCK I love MMA so much

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Ice bath my nigga. I train Muay Thai 6x/week and am training for a Spartan race next month. Grab a couple bags of ice from the gas station and dump em in the tub fill it with cold water and sit in there for as long as you can take it. Max like 10 mins, I only do 3-5 and it eliminates soreness almost completely.
>t. 32 year old boomer

this, and anything similar to tiger balm are absolutely necessary

thanks broomer, I just had a 10 minute ice cold bath. You're right, my right foot finally stopped hurting as bad (hurt the top of it somehow) and my legs feel amazing. Was just working up the courage to go above hip level (was kinda dipping down into it up to hips) but the timer ran out. I feel like my chest could use it but fuck it seems painful.

Will do more often, thanks.

One of the songs I had on while doing it:

>Kickboxing and Judo
Instead of Muay Thai and BJJ


Also note how the chad manlet Volkanovski outkicked the lanklet Holloway

shut the fuck up

the fuck kinda cartoon world you trynna convince us you live in

>Muay Thai and BJJ
Instead of wrestling and boxing


what did i just read?

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I have been doing both Judo and BJJ for quite some time by now, and for most situations I've been in I find myself relying on Judo far more often than BJJ. Hell, even during BJJ I use quite a bit of Judo on the ground.

im 6'5 what ma should i train for real world advantages?

I would like to train bjj in the future but this is only groundwork or am i wrong?

bjj is 90% groundwork
for real world advantages you should buy yourself a gun

yes i know but im pretty sure there are ma who i could train to. Like knife fighting techniques or something. Is Knife fighting also part of krav maga?

what could you possibly do with knife fighting training
stabbing an unarmed person isn't hard and if you get into a real knife fight you're an actual moron

BJJ ranges from 50-70% groundwork depending on your gym. Even the most but scooting, Gracie oriented schools will teach takedowns, throws, and trips
>90% groundwork
Stop acting like you have any direct experience with BJJ and haven't just read about it here
Eskrima is the best choice for knife fighting. Krav Maga at it's best is just a mix of BJJ and Muay thai, and at its worst is LARPing garbage

so Eskrima = fighting & defending with sticks = long knifes? Do you have personal experience with Eskrima?

imagine being so insecure about your sport you take a small hyperbole as a personal affront
nobody said they don't teach you takedowns

steroids do not help recovery in any aspect. This is a myth that was populated by athletes caught using drugs, because the american public is retarded and is more concerned with whether you "paid your dues" aka hard work ala the protestant work ethic. So when athletes make the lukewarm excuse that steroids simply allow them to "work harder" and "train more" it sits better with mere mortals "oh theyre just suffering EVEN MORE! wow!",

In actuality, anabolic steroids are useful in sports for precisely one reason: they make athletes stronger and strength is a huge advantage in almost any sport you care to name. If i can add 5kg of muscle onto an athlete while making him drop 5kg of fat, he will have remained in the SAME WEIGHT CLASS while dramatically increasing his power. Doing this with an adult, already developed athlete without roids is unlikely to happen. Doing this with roids and a strength training program is easy and a common outcome. Yes, some athletes may take roids for any number of reasons they have been told. A lot of athletes are stupid, and the people informing them are also stupid, demonstrably so. But the actual reason for using steroids in athletics, and the reason their use delivers such stunning results is strength, pure and simple. Yes, thats the same thing going on in the 100m dash as it is in baseball as it is in MMA.

Steroids do NOT help recovery and in many ways can actively antagonize recovery. Again, this was a lie invented by athletes during the athletic scandals of the 90s. It has of course, been coopted by recreational steroid users, who would like it if everyone believed their physiques are the result of pure hard work, and not what came out of a vial.

>go into bjj gym
>shit pants

> go to bjj gym for 3 weeks
> its okay
> dont stick with it because lazy and married and kid

hey guys rate my LARP? does it have enough shitthatdidnthappen.txt?

If you're getting so hurt by training all the time you should prolly train a bit lighter. It's better to train 5 times a week then train 3 times a week and kill yourself every time.
Dunno where this retardation is coming from. Do the combat sport you find most fun. In Muay Thai you will destroy people in clinches if you're tall.
I'd say learn how to make a pipe bomb and practice installing them stealthily.
Imagine having a knife and not being able to figure out how to use it. To be honest self defense is a shit reason to learn a martial art. The only reason to train that will allow you to stick with training is that you enjoy the sport.

>exact number is hyperbole with no indication of it being such
Imagine being so unintelligent as to think people would not take your statements at face value when there is no reason not to. Nice backpedaling you stupid LARPing faggot.
>nobody said they dont teach you takedowns
No, they said its 90% groundwork, which is not the case in any gym.
My personal experience with it consists of seeing it performed a few times and training MMA with a few guys who have trained it.
They have good things to say about it, but that's all I can tell you.
If theres a place near you do their free trial.

i want to do muay thai but the only gym in my area with decent trainers is boxing

what do

Do boxing

I want to go to boxing tonight to see my instructor because he lost a fight on Saturday, but I also don't want to catch coronavirus.

Brazil bro is that you

Nah I'm from Ireland and I train Muay Thai.

If you're beat to shit or just absolutely out classed by a partner, ask if they can do french randori/1for 1 randori/ flow roll, whatever, so you can work on technique.

Essentialy one partner 'spars' lightly (25%) with sone basic movement and grip fighting while the other concentrates iin executing a clean technique against a live opponent. It removes the impetus to sloppily mong your way through everything and helps buld muscle memory for good technique.

Mix sparring up with this and harder types for best training.


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>source: your sore ass

Well said bro

>muay thai over kick boxing
>bjj over judo

>Stop acting like you have any direct experience with BJJ and haven't just read about it here
Not him, but having visited BJJ schools in 7 countries across 3 continents - for a total of about 20 schools - I can assure you that many ignore takedowns. I've attended plenty of classes where not a single takedown was done, and even if they're covered it's often more cursorily and seldom truly in-depth. Grip fighting is a lost art, unbalancing is only vaguely present, set-ups are very basic, counters and chaining techniques are rarely taught etc.

90% groundwork is therefor not quite as exaggerated as you make it seem.

I don't get why Judo isn't more popular. It's ridiculous how uncomfortable BJJ guys are on the feet and in real life if I can smash you on concrete I don't need to mount you or do any kind of ground work on you. If you want to get up and come for me again then FINE, I'll just throw you again, fuck you.

I forget who it was on the joe rogan podcast but some UFC guy was talking about how soviet wrestlers absolutely dominated the americans and it was mainly down to the americans training physically harder but they had to take rest days, compared to the soviets who would train light but every single day and as a result had superior technique

judo used to be one of the most popular styles but that changed because the first ufc editions in the 90's and now because of shills like joe rogan.
>inb4 butthurt buttscoopers
bjj is a great addition to mma but as a style bjj is to grappling what tkd is to striking, it is usefull and again a great addition to have but its overly specialized focus in groundwork makes it usefull against untrained people and people that don't know any grappling.

Judo has its own pitfalls though. The lack of leg attacks and near absence of back attacks leave people open for even relatively sloppy singles and doubles while also giving up their back way too easily. It also undervalues guard and guard passes.

But Rogan shilled judo as well, just not as much as he shilled BJJ I think. Dunno don't really watch him that often.

he doesn't have a bad opinion on judo but he pushes bjj the most, specially the rubber guard wich is what he practices

Firas Zahabi

Friendly reminder that kicks are for women who don't have a critical weak spot between their legs to protect

>back attacks
you mean like rnc?, if that's what you mean that's not true, there are plenty of back takes in judo, i do both and i find that to be the biggest similarity on judo and bjj.
>undervalues guard and guard passes
i think it might be because the judo i do is not attached to the olympic judo competiton rules but atleast in my experience that's not true either, while i can agree that bjj is better at guard retention and recovery, the guard retention in judo, atleats in the places were i have trained is pretty solid

tell that to every muay thai guy ever