Post your job and what you like/dislike about it

Post your job and what you like/dislike about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>like everything

>Coworkers are cool and I make way more money than I deserve with good benefits
>I work a literal retail brainlet job and I hate it

Occupation more than job but still
>full time student
>plenty of free time to read, write, gym
>poor company, barely anyone attractive/pleasant/funny at uni

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>Get to hear how shitty other people's lives are and help them come up with plans to fix it, its like life-coaching but not shit-tier and earns ££. have an assistant that does all the boring admin and pencil pushing while I get the joocy stuff
>profession full of fat middle aged women that hate the fact a man is succeeding and will actively try their best to bring you down

>like to serve people, conversations with good people, and good money from tips since I work in a higher end restaurant
>dislike loud people and people who aren't nice to me
>fucking hate children with an undying hatred

Radio producer. Heaps interesting, I get to meet heaps of cool (and shit) people, and people thing it's interesting
Bad parts... its really stressful, and we have to work lots of unpaid overtime

>censored slurs

Assistant Psychologist
>I had no one there for me, so now I am there for others
>The pay is garbage and not worth the shit you put up with from patients who clearly don't want to be there

Sales for a heavy machinery company
>good pay
>boring af

>Wal-Mart warehouse
>coworker are alright. Easy work >compared to last jobs
>Wal-Mart cult mentality/singing walmart >cheer shit

>university dining hall
>usually get 3 meals for free every shift, sometimes there’s steak and there’s grilled chicken every day so my bulk is going really well
>Food service isn’t always fun. Rushes can get crazy, dishroom is gross and customers can be assholes.

>university dining hall.
>usually get 3 meals for free every shift, sometimes there’s steak and there’s grilled chicken every day so my bulk is going really well.
>Food service isn’t always fun. Rushes can get crazy, dishroom is gross and customers can be assholes.

Dislike doing dishes but I get to listen to music

>cheer shit
hoooooly fuck, they actually do this? I thought that one video was just a one off store with an overzealous manager.

Security guard, I hate disobedient people. Even is your just telling them instructions about how to behave in public places. Instructions, not orders

Firmware developer
>Pay is great considering area I live in and my relative lack of experience
>Work is challenging/mentally stimulating (not always, but most times)
>Coworkers are all cool and all really know their shit
>Set my own hours as long as I'm reasonably available, time off is declared instead of asked for

>Work is occasionally too challenging, becomes stressful
>Location is in the shitty town I grew up in, if I want to live somewhere nice I'll have to get a new job

>injection molding machine maintenance
>Walk 3-5 miles during work every day due to going from machine to machine
>Reasonably active job with wrenching/torquing shit, picking stuff up, pushing heavy shit around, etc
>Lots of girls with big butts that i constantly fantasize about sniffing
>Work 90% of saturdays because retards don't show up for work and we have to make up for it
>Hr lady is peak mommy material

>working retail on Saturdays in semibig supermarket
>coworkers and boss are great
>hate being a cashier and the interaction with customers part due to autism, I just wanna fill the products in and keep it in order and tidy

>seeing the half naked schoolgirls in the swimming club every day
>everything else


They arent children retard they are seniors with insanely tight swimsuits wedged between their big supple ass cheeks

sorry dude I picked it off another user here, who probably got it from reddit

>tax accountant
>no time to spend it

Kinda feel like I fucked myself here. I should have just went to school for entemology

>sheet metal mamufacturing
>I get some satisfaction out of making something that looks pretty using my hands
>extremely disheartening that i work with high school drop outs and sometimes literal retards

due to circumstances out of my control im currently stuck working there. Feels good bettering myself and slowly working towards getting myself unstuck. Im gonna make it bros, in due time

Graduated from high school recently where I was our best swimmer, and bro, they feel as good as they look.

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Turbo nonce

Save up and start for yourself? Then maybe work 20-30 hours or something.

A promotion to manager is likely to give you more time and at least the same pay. Or you could negotiate with your manager about reducing pay to work less. Speak up about your qualm and work hard towards them

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Lucky fuck
I'm fairly sure one of the girls likes me, I'm gonna make a move soon. Already chat with her regularly. I will release my swimmers inside the swimmer.

>Ambulance Dispatcher
>General public are entitled, dependent, unreasonable, argumentative cunts

>Helped a guy deliver his baby the other day, so that was cool

>freelance graphic designer/art director
>working from home and doing what i love
>constant crushing feeling of not being good enough.

It's just because the December-April window is tax season, so we're on for about 70 hours a week during that period. Supposedly the off-season is nice and you work between 30-40 hrs but this shit is sucking my soul away.

I wish you luck friend, here have a photo of an old waifu to keep you company. Be honest with this swimmer of yours and beee yourslef

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Is that a girl(male)?

Brus is that a girl or is that you lmao

>have a photo of an old waifu
>is that you
kek, you fucking retards that's a girl

Kinda butch ngl senpai

I work from home as a graphic designer for a luxury watch dealer. I got the Job because of nepotism so I’m basically living Neet+ Mode.

Life is good frens

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hey im not hating
tomboys are pretty good

>I will release my swimmers inside the swimmer.
godspeed user

>web developer
>boring, souless,
>might drive me to an hero
>pays ok, no shortage of employment

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She was the cutest little thing, terrified of lightning and thunder, only acted tough because the prospect of being vulnerable scared her. She might seem butch to you but at heart she's as much if not more a woman than any other. Argh my feefees come back to haunt me, we're all gonna make it

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Good for you user, you're getting more grills than me anyway so keep at it

Horticultural gardener

> fairly physical job. Lift heavy bags of everyday
> Plant knowledge is a great conversation starter with women
> Basically a plant doctor to people who ask “why my cactus die?”

> My home looks like a utopian jungle and plants are great for mental health gains

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Current coom:

>Since I started I learned all about cuts of meat and how to use them, my cooking skills have been through the roof
>Clients are retarded and will buy any shit that looks good even if you advise them it's going to be chewy and dry as a mummy.

>Software developer

>Good pay, comfy as fuck, can have perfect nutrition and eat all my meals at the right time.

>Stressful at times. No women to interact with.

>drinkin on the job
>smoking on the job
>getting to meet people

dont like

Self employed as an illustrator. I'm very happy doing what I love and getting paid for it but most of all I love living on my own schedule and not having a boss.

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also how is this thread fuckin fitness related


Royal Mail Postman.

Walk 8 - 10 miles every day.
TDEE is increased by 1500-2000kcal on work days.
Cardio health is tip-top
Staying lean is easy as fuck.
No manager breathing down my neck for 95% of my day.
No stress to take home.
Really good pay for a non-qualified job.
Get to go home whenever I have completed delivery, so early finish on many days.
Provided with free good quality walking shoes/boots and raincoats.
Work in a small rural village so I am well known and liked among the community.

Cold Icy rainstorms that make my fingers feel pure agony.
Dogs biting me.

To any UK NEETs with no qualifications, this is the job for you, and the best bit is every single town in the country has an office, so jobs are always available somewhere, so if you have no friends or close family to stick around for, then you can move to wherever there is a job.

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>overnight credit card customer service rep
When it’s slow it’s super slow, and we get paid extra for overnight. On particularly dead nights I just get paid to read manga/study/watch YouTube videos. Got me to learn about credit I guess which is nice. Pays pretty decent.
Literally everything else about the job. Hate fucking talking to people, hate that when it’s busy you don’t even get a chance to think cause as soon as you’re done then another one comes in. Much rather do some warehouse job but I make significantly more and get better benefits so it’s really not worth it

Railroad machinist
Get to turn wrenches for a living, get paid over $30 an hour with no worry about commission or shit like that.
The unions are a fucking joke at this point and only stick around because the Railroad is slow as fuck to ever change. It's nice being paid damn good and having avenues to use to protect yourself but God damn these fuckers have no spine and actively whine if you bring an issue to them because they don't want to deal with it.

>get to beat minorities and get paid for it
>badge bunnies
>hours are stressful and health insurance copays are higher than I’d like.

There’s still time, user. Bugs are pretty rad.

Army mechanic
>Good pay
>Good bants
>low tempo most of the year
>Leaders are cuntbags that enjoy fucking up my own and other lads personal lives
>strain on all relationships
>have to sleep in the bush every 6-8weeks for however long
>haven't seen my good friends in 3 years
>every aspect of your personal life become the army's business, simple problems become big ones
>Have no passion for my job but can't do anything else for another 3 years

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NEET studying programming
working to become a front end web dev, then gonna see where I can advance from there
w-wish me luck bros...

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Interning and soon to become permanent assistant to an MP (member of parliament) here in Canada at their constituency office.

>Good pay once I'm permanent, especially for someone with a liberal arts degree
>Potential to earn even more because I've somehow gotten away with making them believe I know and can do IT/website admin stuff (I can't at all, I'm just not a boomer and know how to google shit. They don't know how long something is supposed to take to do/fix so I can take the whole day to figure it out, and it's cheaper to pay me more than hire someone outside to do the sporadic jobs the office needs one)
>Stable work and stable hours. I don't have to work a second more than 37.5 hours and get a salaried income
>Central, transit accessible location in the city hub, so I can do whatever I want with the rest of my day
>Some benefits/free stuff or food from events. I make them do BBQs often so I get a lot of protein in for free
>Slow days with relatively no stress, but still feel like you're helping people and making a difference
>Respect of friends/acquaintances for being in public administration

>Only ever interact with a handful of people most days, most of them boring af (occasional hot volunteer girls but that's about it)
>Painfully slow upwards mobility. You have to be extremely lucky to get promoted anywhere, and even then, you have to be open to bouncing from office to office, and be crazy about pursuing it. It keeps it interesting, so if you're the type to chase more responsibility, it's great, but you still have to be lucky. Can't expect to move up for about 5 years at a time unless you're strictly doing yearly contracts (which isn't a bad gig, but just not as stable, and I need stability/security atm to pay off debts and save up for a car, my own place, eventual marriage, etc)
>Most days are boring
>Sometimes have to do very menial tasks

Basically picture the life of Tom Haverford from Parks and Rec, but in a big city

HS English teacher

Dislike: all the bullshit politics surrounding the job when all I want to do is teach.

Likes: HS girls and Summer vacation

>respected/can punch junkies, sometimes/can eat and drive around with the lads while we banter/have time for my hobbies and college
>miss the sleep gains

Haha imagine being in a room alone with a schoolgirl you made stay for detention

>get to partake in male nurse internet defense force
>been alone and very sad for a long time but feel slightly better by caring for others
>is very tiring and the lack of sleep hurts