How often can I use adderall without bad side affects/ addiction?

How often can I use adderall without bad side affects/ addiction?

I've lost 3 pounds in the last 4 days.

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amphetamine salts are no bueno, my dude. I recommend you stick to water and natural foods.

I've lost a significant amount of weight by doing intermittent fasting. I recommend you try going 3 days without food if weight loss is your goal.

Depends on the dose. The important thing is to not take it too many days in a row consecutively because the serum levels begin to accumulate and that’s when you start encountering some of the nastier sides. Half life is about 9-14 hours so you do the math. Take 48 hours off every couple days and don’t dose too high. That’s my opinion but what do I know.

Yeah 3 days in a row here, I'll take 2 off, I dose pretty low 15-30 mg

The ole saying everything in moderation.

I take 20mgs Monday-Thursday then take Fri, Sat, and Sun off. Id say its probably not good long term to take it all the time. But the motivation to crush it at work which has gotten me huge bonuses is worth it to take every now and again.

Same, I am crushing it at work doing twice the amount of work, no procrastination.

That’s what I do as well. The first day off isn’t hard cause you still got a ton in your blood but day 2 you can really feel it lacking

This shit will FUCK you’re shit up. It’s all fun and games at first but The honeymoon period WILL wear off.

I want to get some to quit coffee. Just to ride out the first couple weeks

dude if u have the power of self control use it at MOST 3 times a week, anything more ur in a rabbit hole. speaking of expereince. just do alternate day fasting/intermittent fasting n eat whatever u want as long as its portioned to your caloric needs n keep lifting heavy bruh

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all your weightloss is probably water. shit makes you dehydrated. if you really want to ride it out, start off as small as possible and gradually increase the doses so you dont just get addicted from the start. cycle off the same way.

Daily, if you're taking it at therapeutic doses. It's designed to be a daily medication.


If you can't do what your ancestors did without using drugs then why bother living?

Just another step for humans today to take the short cut. Do it the correct way, always, build some self discipline.

3x a week??? what the actual fuck. In HS i wouldnt take more than once a week at most. That stuff is literally legal speed.
Side note: my favorite thing to do was spend 3-4 hours looking up porn videos. Wouldnt even watch them except look at thumbnail. Finally I would jerk off my limp noodle after watching maybe 5mins of video then immediately X out of my 43 open tabs. Good times.

>without bad side affects/ addiction?
once a week
protip: you will abuse it

I mean I can understand how people would abuse it but the side effects for me were too much to want to do more than once a week at most. Not sleeping or eating and being mentally/physically tired like youve never felt before. Youll spend an entire day just recovering.
I am a degenerate drug abuser but even I have the capacity to put the breaks on.

For me, I tried to be strict 3-4x a week, alternating days.
still ended up abusing it even if it turned my life around. It's good to get you off your feet. Most people will love the initial euphoric feeling and try to chase the productivity they feel.

Sticking to once a week is and being strict about it is, at least, a way to use the power of the drug to get some shit done. I didn't listen to some advice when I first started taking it, but it should never be used for work. Work will become terrible when you're off of it otherwise.

Nigga, you are playing with fire. Unless you need it, stay off that shit. It takes a while for you to unfuck your brain chemistry if you use that stuff for extended periods.

What are the actual negative side effects for this that are so bad? I've been taking this shit daily for about 2 months now, usually 20mg, sometimes more if it's a long day and I have a lot of shit to do. My side effects are an elevated blood pressure and I talk faster, that's pretty much it. Otherwise I've made significant gains in productivity and self improvement. What's the catch for this magic jew pill?

> sometimes more if it's a long day and I have a lot of shit to do.
Ok, can you go a week or two without it and still maintain similar productivity?
Can you shower without it?
Can you go to work and finish all of your work without it?
Can you finish college without it?

The catch is once you have to get off it. Addy gives your body shotgun blasts of dopamine for doing even the most mundane things. Once you stop, your motivation to get fuckall done will be nonexistent.

>get an Adderall script
>people genuinely want to know if I'm willing to sell it
Lmao you niggers I have a 2.3 GPA and this is the first semester I've been able to study for an hour or more without checking Yas Forums or jerking off.

Hate what this shit does to my appetite since I'm trying to bulk. Absolutely need it for work though. Seems like a miracle drug for weight loss

I got diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and am scared as shit of actually taking this shit as directed. Yes, I'm a real fucking spazz. I've been taking it (mostly) every other day instead. Am I fucking up lads? Should I actually listen to my doc?

I mean it’s literally speed. If you think taking speed for the rest of your life then go for it.

Not a medical expert but I've taken Adderall and variations of it for like 4 years. I take it as needed, double up on a dose if I need to, or don't take it for days at a time if I don't feel like it. Actually taking the amount you're prescribed everyday builds up a tolerance and can wreck you for a few days when you're off it.

Best used as a tool imo

If you actually have ADHD it will make your more mild and like a normal human.
If you do not, it just acts like mild meth. That being said, if you can avoid it, I'd stay clear.

I found that massively increasing my protein intake helped me deal with ADHD without the risk of addiction.

>falling into addy rabbit hole
yiiiikees.... big yiiikeess

Adderall makes my butthole sweat like nothing else. There is literally a huge visible wet spot on the seat of my pants by the end of the day. What can I do about this?

As with all drugs it effects different people differently. For me, I might as well turn into one of those meth heads that clean their entire bathroom with a toothbrush. But for my ADHD friend it just makes him calmer and focus better.
I have done many drugs (not heroin or meth) and adderall is one of the most intense for me.

I dead learn the other day that for meth users, it is not the drug itself that kills you but the side effects. Not being able to sleep...crave sugar...cant sleep even more..teeth rot....up all night...eyes get more shit gets bad. You get the pic. I wonder if adderall is the same.

Man, no one knows whats best for you better than you. Drugs that mess with your brain are a strange gray area in medicine. It's not like getting prescribed an antibiotic that will have a clear planned effect. They're designed to help improve your quality of life, but they also come with their drawbacks and everyone's drawback is different. You gotta decide for yourself if it's worth it.

Did*** not "dead"

>that 12 hours of fapping on addy fat nut

This but unironically, pulled off an 8 hour fap session on Addy once and my foreskin was swollen for a few days after

you can fap for 12h without addy
>t.done that

Yep. Don't think I felt a rush like that through my entire body since the first nut I ever had as a kid.

It kills your motivation forever, destroys your immune system, ages you cardiovascularly, makes you do stupid things and take stupid risks which fucks your life up and ages your cardiovascular system.

Use modafinil to get off it and readjust your incentive/reward, it works.

As someone else with ADHD, I would really urge you to take it every day. The dosage is designed to be an everyday medication, and the theraputic effect isn't so much from the "high" (which you shouldn't really feel at low doses) but the long-term improvement in your brain's dopamine system. Taking it on and off will mean you don't build up a steady state and your body is constantly adjusting to the changing dose. Please just take it as directed and don't listen to a bunch of randos without ADHD.

Also megadose fish oil to allow dopa replenishment.

>using as prescribed

irritability, headaches, sweating, appetite supression etc. Usually dissipates after a couple of weeks at the same dose.

>abusing it for weight loss or 'that motivated high'

you're gonna wreck yourself. It should only indirectly make you lose weight by allowing you to plan your life (and thus, meals) better.

That initial feel good period is called the honeymoon period. The euphoric elevated motivation feeling will fade, but the cognitive improvements won't (if you have adhd). Do NOT make the classic mistake of associating the euphoria with the improvement.

t. adhd haver

Yeah if you're snorting lines of it, maybe, not if taking it as prescribed.

>Ok, can you go a week or two without it and still maintain similar productivity?
Hard to say. I can skip days if I want to or feel like it, and I'd say I'm more productive on those days than I was before I started taking addy, but I got the script to begin with because my productivity and motivation was a severe problem.
>Can you shower without it?
Yeah no problem.
>Can you go to work and finish all of your work without it?
Yeah, my productivity at work was never an issue actually.
>Can you finish college without it?
Fuck no. This is the main reason I got on it in the first place. I don't take this shit recreationally, I take it as prescribed to fix my problem.

Like seriously, the feel of it working goes from super noticeable to 'doesn't feel like I even took anything, but in hindsight I didn't get sidetracked today so I guess it's still working'

THAT is the desired effect of a therapeutic dose, not to feel unusually good and motivated.

I find it really hard to take my script because I want to get huge but I absolutely cannot eat after taking this. I don't know what to do about that

Force yourself, nigger. How hard is it to stuff your fucking face?

I straight up gagged when my coworker brought in some particularly pungent Thai food today, had to play it off as a joke. I'm very sure I would throw up even if I did force myself

Lower dose

Eat a big breakfast. Eggs, bacon, oatmeal, spinach and mushrooms. Take it right before and don't eat slow.

I'm on a pretty low dose of Vyvanse, I've just been taking it after lunch

I basically stopped using it when I started bulking.

I don't have much of an appetite in the morning either, that could be because I pretty much wake up and run out the door. Got to work on getting up earlier

Americans are prescribed meth for the ADHD meme?

If you can't quit coffee without adderall what makes you think you can quit adderall

how to obtain?

i was on Phentermine 37.5mg (Adipex) in conjunction with Bupropion (Wellbutrin) while living in Indiana. and i was making strides. losing weight, doing things i needed to do on a daily basis. not a druggie. quit cigs and vape a few years ago.

but when i moved to Ohio, every fucking medical "professional" refuses to prescribe. supposedly only a "weight loss doctor" is allowed to prescribe. but every WL Dr. i called only does surgery (except one does surgery if their expensive "buy our meals and shakes" doesn't work).

heard tale that adderall helps like adipex, but also helps with study and work (trying to transition from diabetic trucker to computer programmer all self-taught).

>i'm literally begging for your help Yas Forums

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It's really just to make citizens more productive

Americans are so lazy they need to be hopped up on meth to compete with third worlders? What happened to the frontier spirit?

>quitting a mild stimulant by replacing it with a much stronger stimulant
Nigger what

>state of this board
>pic related
you surprised? this board is filled with turboretards

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>If you can't do what your ancestors
Get off your smartphone, bitch.

Your hair line is going to get so fucked for the love of god do not touch adderall. You have been warned