Teen advice

As a teenager who hasn't finished puberty what can I do to maximize how chad I become?
>> 6 foot
>> 130 lbs
>> fairly attractive, at least a 7
>> autistic tendencies
>> don't eat meat but 5 eggs a day

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Firstly, underageb&. Secondly, you're not a 7 and you shouldn't speak of yourself like that, have some modesty. Thirdly, eat meat and start hitting the weights, you fucking twink.

You're better off than me you ungrateful retard
Just lift and gain muscle

Eat and lift more

couldnt have said it better

All fair points, thank anons. As for calling myself a 7, I get your point. I normally have little/no self confidence but I'm trying to improve. A friend of mine told me he'd say I'm at least 7 I just went with that for the post.

>having modesty on anonymous websites
Posters like you are absolutely retarded and only hinder honest communication. There's nothing wrong with someone saying good shit about themselves if it's true, specially when asking for advice. There's no bragging getting done after all, yet it still triggers insecure shits like you.

but yea underage so fuck off OP

Does meat really make that much of a difference? I've been vegetarian my whole life but not for ethical reasons, just raised that way and never felt the need to eat meat.

>take growth hormone for an extra few inches while you're still young
>eat meat
>take phenibut when going out to temporarily cure autism

there you go slayer

Thanks user. What about meat is beneficial that I can't get from other sources? And what meats should I eat if I do?

Also my autism isn't really anxiety. I can talk to girls and all that, even had a girlfriend for a few months. Just existing in social situations regularly slowly wears me down over time, to the point where my parents pulled me out of my last few years of high school. Its also why I broke up with my gf, eventually I flatline and stop feeling anything for a while until I'm alone for a few months. What's wrong with me?


Thought about that but I get really bad acne if I drink milk, should I just power through for a few months?

With regards to weightlifting, meat is most notable for just being something high in protein, low in fat. If you really don't want to eat meat, you don't have to. There are plenty of vegan bodybuilding diets.

Lactose free milk is an option

Both noted, thanks.

> try and eat meat at least 2-3 days a week
> do mewing
> learn how to meal prep
> buy proper glass tupperware
> buy oversized t-shirts for gym if you truly love training wholeheartedly.
> floss at least every other day
(a good dental hygiene is for general health as well)

> buy small containers to put in school locker
(whey protein/creatine or bcaa)

> try finding a small and convenient pill case
(multivitamins, fish oil if youre not eating fat fish like salmon weekly and etc.)

> improvise & learn how to make protein bars
(oatmeal, bananas, peanut butter, eggs and etc..)
whatever examples works best for your stomach/digestion/gassyness or whatever it could be

> look at people in the gym whos got a certain musclegroup a lot larger than others
to try and mimic their form and exercises if youre too autistic to go up and talk to adults
whos big and experienced for some advice.

depending on how well off you are financially, invest in whey protein poweder to put oatmeal, peanut butter and oatmeal in a shaker cup
as a snack to school, especially if youre a burgerlander whos served literally mcdonalds dump in your school cafeterias.
Otherwise just eat whatever the school is serving you if youre scandinavian or something like that

make sure to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep, this is a must for a teenager both because youre still growing.
2nd because you need to unwind from school and homework just as much as your body needs to recover from training.

if you dont sleep enough, you wont grow and your hormones will be a mess which could result in gaining more fat than muscles and etc
if not breakouts which is more bad at your age.

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When I was 17 (I’m 19 now) I drank fairlife milk to bulk, it didn’t affect my skin or digestion as much as regular milk. I drank a carton of milk a day and went from a skinny fat 160 to a 210 pound strongfat boy in about 6 months. I was squatting 295, but I hadn’t balanced my physique enough, and in retrospect would have gained weight a little more slowly. That said at 6’ and 135 you’re hungry skeleton mode, and should 100% be drinking a carton of fairlife and a whey protein shake daily, running Starting Strength or Greyskull (make sure you actually read the book Starting Strength, especially the last 2 chapters) and don’t be afraid to get thiccccc.

whats up with americans and their damn milk lmao
at least lowfat milk is somewhat decent since its most commonly enhanced with some vitamins

Eat meat every single day and try to source it from a local high quality source if possible. Meat and animal fat are the only sources of the animal forms of Vit A, D, K, EPA, DHA, cholesterol and a couple of essential amino acids that aren’t in plants. Meat is essential for optimal function and growth of the body.

>needing to eat fortified foods

Pasteurized, store-bought milk is white water. Useless, no probiotic benefit, minimal micros. Low-fat is even worse

look in the mirror user

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Thank you this is the type of thing I was looking for.

To reiterate though I am not in high school and my parents don't care what I do so I have no schedule I have to conform to and no obligations. I am trying to make sure I don't let this make me a lazy fat fuck which is why I posted.

To respond to some of your suggestions:
> Meat 2-3 days a week
I will try but can you explain your reasoning on this?
> Mewing
I do when I remember, I'll try to be more consistent
> Tupperware / meal prepping
I can try to do this but again time isn't an issue for me. Does that change anything?
> Flossing
I normally just brush twice a day but I'll start
> Vitamins / Fish oil
I've tried eating tuna a few times but mostly I don't eat fish. I'll get these.
> Protein bars
Most mornings I make a smoothie with oats, milk, a banana, blueberries, and peanut butter. Is that enough? I could probably add protein powder.
> Gym stuff
I've never gone to a gym. I'm pretty new to fitness in general but I've mostly been doing calisthenics and some stuff with 15 pound dumbells. I know they're not the most effective methods, but I'm fine with slow gains. I can do 15 good form pushups in a row and only 5 good form pullups. Do you still think weights would be better? Should I get better at bodyweight exercises first?

> Sleep
I normally sleep 9 or 10 hours a night but it's hard for me to have a consistent sleep schedule so when I sleep varies a bit.

Thanks. I see a lot of conflicting opinions about meat and was under the impression that you could be perfectly healthy / make good gains while vegetarian or vegan, it would just be harder. Is this not the case?

Eat meat you fucking faggot. There is nothing Chad about avoiding the most manly and best food for gains. Meat is the highest quality protein and it's where you should get most of yours from.

wish you luck user

Since idk how retarded you are you shouldn't eat too much tuna a week, look into mercury poisoning and rather get deenz or mackerel.

dumb, he's eating eggs animal protein is animal protein retard he doesn't need meat

OP ignore all 'eat meat erryday' retards, its not important and it doesnt matter, just count your macros and make sure your getting enough protein (from whatever fucking source you want)

there's no literature to suggest the source of protein impacts gains whatsoever

Eat meat and be grateful for it

I'll look into it some more before I decide weather or not I should. Thanks for the input.

Thank you user, same to you.

I never eat more then a can a week. Thanks for the heads up though.

Thanks for the link, I'll watch the whole thing.

Start eating meat and more eggs, use olive oil only, you can even drink it. Eat onions and garlic. NOFAP mandatory, NOPORN IS A MUST. Lift weights and get into martial arts like muay thai or boxing. Form a strong friend group and never fall for doomer defeatism or lookism theories. Leave this place, it has nothing to offer. You can visit time to time but if it becomes daily youre heading down a wrong path.

This is essentially what I would say to myself when I was a teen.

Based. Basically this

> meat at least 2-3 times a day
in general for balance in your daily nutritional intake for one,
meat is generally the better source of protein but sure, eggs after training works perfectly
but id say that all men/women should at least have a weekly conumstion being
> salmon once a week as a bare minimum or other (fat) fish
> meat 2-3 times a week
> 1-2 apples a day
> 1-2 banans a day
> 1 liter of water a day
eggs and fish like cod should be fine almost every single day.

anything else, id say you should experiment a lot to quickly find out what works best with your digestive system wether your body/recovery/digestion works best with basmati rice, pasta or potatoes and so forth.
these types of experiments is something many adults still struggle with and its something thatll help you make gains for sure once you nail it.

smoothies, whey protein and proteinbars was just a referrence for making your quality of life as good as possible if youre studying, forget that and rather eat real food if youve got all the time in the world but whey protein once or twice a day dont hurt if youre a poor/lazy cook yet its still better with real food for gains.

> tupperware
its for mealprepping, you dont want to cook 5-6 times a day even if youve got the time to do it.

> gym stuff
get your ass to the gym, kiddo.

dont use olive oil for cooking, olive oil goes bad super quick from heat

use olive oil for salads only, use margarine for cooking because it makes the food taste better and youre not going to become fat because youre eating fat, in fact you need fat for strength.

these stats must be terribly outdated, everyones nuts about oatmeal milk, nutmilk and all kinds of variations here and theres at least over 10 brands of protein shakes/smoothies in all grocery stores.

did you even read my message ? i dont like milk.

As mentioned in my initial post, it’s more than just about protein you retard, it’s about micros that are only in and most bioavailable in meat. Eggs don’t contain every essential amino acid, nor does it contain vitamin K. Meat is essential and not harmful if from a natural source

Also, don’t listen to this guy, fake butter is extremely toxic, quickly oxidizes in the body and promotes chronic, systemic inflammation with the high omega 6 content and highly processed material.

Nothing compares to raw milk from jersey cows that were grass finished and pasture raised. Promoting any other milk alternative is ridiculous. Saying low-fat milk is decent is asinine

provide proof how my "fake butter" is toxic

I wouldnt drink milk at all, every single milk drinker ive ever seen has had shit bodies and puffy faces.

> Nofap / Noporn
I've been doing them for 2 weeks now and my sex drive is much lower than normal. Any advice as to if/when it will pick back up?

> Martial arts
I'm planning to start doing martial arts. I like boxing but I was thinking I'd do MMA for the practicality and more variety of skills. Is that a bad call?

> Friend group / doomer
I have one friend who I'm pretty close with but I will try to make more through martial arts. I get very depressed for months at a time but I agree a defeatist attitude is not the way to go. I try to not discriminate against anyone for things they have no control over or things they are trying to fix.

> Leave
I don't visit daily. I only started coming here recently to try to get some good info about fitness / life. I don't plan on being a regular for a long time.

Thank you for your advice user.

fpbp. fuckin nailed it

I will work on everything you said. You have been very helpful, thank you.

Someone said mewing but i don't think they explained why. Just watch some short videos on YouTube and read some articles about mewing. You essentially breath through your nose and let your tongue rest at the top of your mouth. Because your going through puberty it'll help give you a better jaw. Also everyone here is giving you some solid advice. Just dont forget about other important shit like schoolwork. If you can balance it all you're set. You've already got the good mindset of wanting to improve yourself so keep it up.

Thanks user. I've looked into mewing before I just haven't done it consistently. As for schoolwork, I'm not in school due to autist behavior so I'm just working on self improvement as much as I can.

Start taking your tranny pills now it's too late

>Any advice as to if/when it will pick back up?
If you were porn addict and daily fapper your body needs to heal. Give it time. Dont fall for the "I wanna see if i still got it im gonna watch some porn" mindgame that your brain will start to play. That is a sign of porn addiction, you need to conquer this and sooner you do thos the better.
It is fine. I really doesnt matter in the beginning. Get involved, get your blood rushing, get into a warrior mindset.
>I have one friend who I'm pretty close with but I will try to make more through martial arts. I get very depressed for months at a time but I agree a defeatist attitude is not the way to go. I try to not discriminate against anyone for things they have no control over or things they are trying to fix.
You sound like me when i was a teen. Only thing I can say is that the worst thing you can do is isolate yourself. Dont ever fucking isolate yourself. Yas Forums is full of these types and neet types.

And I wanna say also that you are young. Dont put yourself under too much stress of what you think society wants you to be or whatever. Youll become a young man(meaning as youll still have a long road to go) through hardship. To get started with this really try to push yourself and your limits, cultivate the warrior within. Look up goggins. Look up bugez.

heres exactly what i use in specific, now break it down how its "toxic" ?

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all though i sometimes use rapeseed oil regularly for fish and maybe if i ever add in cooked basmati rice, i feel rapeseed oil suits better too.

but eggs and meat, id use "smör" = butter made for cooking

You have my word that I will not fall for the porn mindgames, and if I do I will not use it as an excuse to give up. I will try to get out more and meet more people too.

I know of / like goggins but I'm unaware of bugez. I'll look into him.

Thank you for being genuine and encouraging user, I wish you the best.

Chances are you will easily be getting enough protein. Keep in mind, most people on this board are either consuming way more protein than they need, or twice your size and maxing out their strength. When you're getting started, I'd recommend testing your overall flexibility and strength. You want to start stretch where you have poor flexibility and strengthen where you're weak. If you're going to start improving on any kind of exercise, try to do it at least a couple times a week (as long as you aren't hurting yourself). You can always switch things up, but it's good to grind each exercise for at least a few weeks to make improvements. For you're weight and height, I'd recommend doing Muay Thai as a start to martial arts. After a couple months of doing that and working out, see about integrating grappling.

hes not a manlet like everyone else on this board
"i get enough after 2 meals because im smool"

Rapeseed is literally canola which is literally shit oil. Dont do this

Thanks for the tips user.

For what reasons do you recommend muay thai?

Indian huh. Ew

I try to eat at least 100g of protein a day, and usually get around 120 to 130 I'd guess.

White as they get.

I wish you best too brah, we are ALL gonna make it

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Underageb& vegetariancel you will never make it it is over for you, KYS virgin read the sticky.

Muay Thai is good for striking because it incorporates hits with the lower and upper body (shins, knees, fists, elbows). They train a lot of calisthentics, and you'll have a good build for it at 6ft 130lbs.

any other oils you personally would recommend and why ? i dont like using butter on fish for some reason, it just dont feel like its meant to be

Hell yeah brah.

Alright thanks user I'll see whats around me.

Ok, 35yo here.
>> 6 foot
Good for you.
>>> 130 lbs
Eat more@lift weights@do cardio.
>>> fairly attractive, at least a 7
Good for you.
Go to a good barber and ask to pick a good haircut for you. Get a haircut every three weeks, don't wait until hair start to get in your eyes or hung over your ears.
Learn to dress properly. DO NOT LEAR FROM /FA/.
>>> autistic tendencies
Fuck that shit. Go outside more, talk to people, fake it till you make it.
>>> don't eat meat but 5 eggs a day
Eat meat you fag.

Also concentrate on getting a good skillset. As an IT guy I, obviously, will recommend you to get an IT degree, but you should pick what you like and BECAME FUCKING GOOD AT IT. Just don't fell for a meme degree like social studies.