26 years old

>26 years old
>eat 3000 cals a day of clean healthy food with perfect macros
>200g protein a day
>get 9 hours sleep
>take supplements magnesium, fish oil etc

>one extremely mild workout makes me excruciatingly achy for 3-5 days
>have virtually zero energy 24/7
>just want to lie down all the time

what the fuck is wrong with me?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Low T

low t
american food
no sex
various diseases

or ur just a lazy fuck

Iron deficiency, hormone deficiency, something like that. Or you have shit genes

Stop jerking off to porn. Your reward circuit is fucked.

Sounds like you have a case of faggotitus

It sounds like you're doing all the other shit except working out lol maybe try getting started and building the habit motherfucker

all these meme answers but nobody is serious:

OP serious question...how often do you masturbate/ watch porn?

2-3 times a week

The only reason you would feel like this is if you were taking days off the gym from your set schedule, you're not actually intaking the food you think you are, you are sick, or you are low t/deficient in a nutrient.

We couldn't know if we can't follow you around, but people tend to lie about these things wihtout realizing it.

ok start there. Stop masturbating. Cold turkey. No pornography.

Every time you masturbate, you are literally depleting your body of the precious minerals and vitamins. They don't teach you this in school, aka the indoctrination center.

When you cum, the minerals and vitamins are put in the semen by your body. It takes from the brain, and the other organs. This is so that your baby can be as healthy as possible.

If you come frequently, you are draining your minerals, and are literally killing your organs. That's why you feel so tired. It's going to take some time to regain strength. Stop fapping.

Don't listen to this fucking retarded reddit poster.

Fap less you want for all I give a shit, but what is important is go to the doctor and request a blood test along with a testosterone test. Depression can also be something wrong with you, but you at least want to rule out things that science can actually prove instead of stupid meme shit you see on this fucking board.

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fucking retard, I’m sure dudes having sex every day are absolutely drained?

There's some merit in abstaining from masturbation but you no-fap cultists turn it into some voodoo pseudo-scientific bullshit. Kill yourself.

kys faggot, you fell for the kike propaganda, that's why so many males don't have any energy

it's different when you have sex with a partner. there is female energy that mixes with yours. her hormones and your hormones.

masturbating is the act of having sex....with nothing. It's not real. It's just your hand. You don't share energy with a female. You are just deleting your life force.

You don't even know that the occultists know about sperm and the power of sperm retention...found the fool

Stop reddit spacing at the very least you baiting faggot. Sage because this conversation is retarded and so are you.

Have you been easily fatigued most of your life? Do you have low motivation and energy in general? Do you ever have discolored urine after exercise?

Could be a legitimate medical issue. Consult a physician.

Many such cases. Sad.

Lmfao this is pure stoner know nothing bro science, smash your balls with a hammer and geld yourself for spreading dumb shit like this...that or please stfu at least

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unironically sounds like depression, your muscles being achy is lactic acid buildup, the best way to deal with that is to MOVE. keep lifting. if you work out once a week and are otherwise sedentary you'll feel like shit, if you work out 3-5 times per week you won't ache so much.

obligatory OP is a faggot

It looks like you might need more carbs in your diet.

Coronavirus. Sorry bro

>Hates kikes
>Uses reddit
Pick one bro

2-3 times a week probably means your not all that horny which means u have low T. Increase ur T

Sounds like a case of ultra aids

Nofap is for nerds

7 times a day for peak performance

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what sort of workout do you do and how intense is it? I had that achy feel for a day after doing full body split when the weights started to get a bit heavy for my bw

Why is there always aggressive attacks on anons who espouse no fap? Imagine getting angry and telling anons to kill themselves if they dont jerk their cocks on a regular basis. Must be something to do with (((pornhub))) calling no fap ''fascist''.

First why would you eat 200g of prot if you do mild workouts?
When did you start? It's normal to have doms even after a month on some muscles.

Sounds like iron or b12 deficiency though, the magnesium contributes to it.

You're a faggot who isn't training and isn't keeping active. All you are doing is looking for some easy optimized solutions to cheese your way to whatever the fuck you are even trying to do
>I eat X, I take Y, muh supplements, muh macros
and not a single mention of exercise outside of saying you tried to exercise and didn't have energy

All you did was google search ''how to gain muscle'' or something similar, and you are just repeating all the steps that take zero effort, like taking pills, sleeping and eating.

Because fapping 3 times a week won't make you weak or make your body lack nutriments especially before 30.
Even the taoist master don't recomand sperm retention before 30 and you can still ejaculate sometimes.

Nothing wrong with nofap but it's not op problem.

Nah, for me it's more that nofappers have become a bunch of annoying cunts who recommend it for damn near anything instead of asking any questions to lead up and have fuck all for actual evidence and blaming da jooos for that being the case.

>what the fuck is wrong with me?
carbs and grain fed animal products
no sunbathing

Start doing amphetamines.

OP I'm the same as you. Got a blood test to check my testosterone and it was low but not hypogonadal-low so doctors refuse to treat it. I fear our only options are:

A) steroids
B) finding a motivating reason to live which imbues us with drive and energy

I'm gonna go with A) since B) is never gonna happen

You really are the same as OP, a stupid faggot who is only looking for things to take and if taking something doesn't work, you must take something else.
You morons don't even consider lifting as an option. If you worked out every day and lifted hard at least 3 times a week, you would see your energy levels go up and your testosterone would raise.
People like you are never going to make it. You will take steroids and then you'll whine on Yas Forums about how you are not growing and how you need to upgrade to HGH. Once that fails you'll inject synthol.

Not once did either of you morons even mention exercise, maybe it's not efficient, maybe you are working on the wrong thing, maybe you need to switch it up a little, maybe if you train differently you will have more energy and gain testosterone. No, fuck that, I need my easy pill right now, just tell me what I need to consume to get big guys.
Absolutely pathetic.

You typed all that to be so wrong. Post body cunt

You literally said that your testosterone is in the normal ranges and that your only solution is steroids. You literally said you are the same as OP.

because they're addicted to porn and jerking it, too. period.

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Sounds like me except the aching. I went for a checkup and now the doctor suspects i have a tumor on the pineal gland. Better get yourself checked son.

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419 ng/dL isn't normal, it's the average free test of a 75 year old. If you were told your testosterone was in the bottom 7% of men your age, would you think all was good and well? OP's symptoms are textbook low T, as are mine. The old "lol just squat more bro!! eat your onions!" hasn't worked for me - wish it did.

I just want my life back. My energy. My Thumos

>female energy
Kys hippie faggot. You sound worse than newly spiritual yoga moms.

>there is female energy that mixes with yours
So having sex makes you a tranny?

You're even fucking worse than I thought. I thought you'd be at least around the same ranges as the Buzzfeed guys who got their testosterone tested, but you're higher than all of them.
No shit your doctor didn't prescribe you anything.
If you actually lifted weights and worked out every day, your testosterone would be higher than the average.
People with lower testosterone than you make gains while all (You) and OP are doing is trying to find some crutch that can be ingested.

You'd be the same sad cunt with zero gains if you doubled or tripled your testosterone.


You're a clueless whiny dyel who can't read

I couldn't give a fuck about "gains". I want my masculine energy back - spiritedness, confidence, sexual potency and the ability to go a week without wanting to kys myself

Post physique.

>clean healthy food with perfect macros

what exactly do you eat

Talk about a whiny dyel, a guy with normal testosterone levels whining that he can't get his ''masculine energies'' and ''spiritedness.'' Told by the doctor that his testosterone levels are fine, yet still calling people clueless when they agree with the doctor.
You shouldn't get any symptoms of low testosterone with your testosterone levels. Period.
Whatever low energy beta male shit you are feeling is caused by a lack of exercise. You or OP haven't even attempted to talk about what kind of exercises you could do to feel more energetic, all you are interested in is what you can consume. No shit that taking some zinc and fish oil isn't going to make you feel energetic. You need high intensity cardio training on top of lifting heavy weights. Even with high testosterone you need to train to increase glycogen storage and endurance. Having testosterone (which you already have at normal ranges) alone isn't going to make you feel energetic.

this is me too man. blood work is fine, sleep tests aren't irregular. my doctor doesn't know what's wrong with me and it fucking sucks. i think some of us just weren't meant to be functional human beings

I workout 5 times a week and lift 1/2/2/3. You don't think lifting would be the first thing I'd consider if I wasn't doing it? Holy shit lmao

Still haven't posted body so I'm gonna assume you're a twinky little pajeet redditor.

"Clean healthy food" doesn't tell us anything. What do you eat?

You could have sleep apnea. Very probable in males who lift weights, have large neck/trap size and have high BMI. Get a sleep study done - it is easy to detect and can fuck up your life.


My T always goes noticeably higher after 6 or 7 days of not releasing or looking at porn on purpose. 30 days in it's like I'm a whole different dude almost. Deeper voice. More energy. Better brain function. It's actually helped me develop a drive and I hate it all the more seeing it's consequences. Try it for 30 days and see the differences OP. You may get more aggressive, but after seeing what you could be by just not giving into degenerate lust can help you immensely.

>clean healthy food
If it isn't pic related, you aren't even trying to maximise your energy and recovery.

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Yep, vertical diet is pretty based, there are other decent carbs besides rice if you're only eating smallish quantities

>one extremely mild workout makes me excruciatingly achy for 3-5 days
What the fuck. Are you doing stretches at all OP?

The Randle Cycle

Eat carbs and fats together in any equivalence and your body is unable to effectively utilize either from diet. Which is why your energy crashes after a meal, or why people feel lethargy after eating.

Go low-carb high fat or high carb low fat to avoid this problem. However being a vegan is shit for gains, fertility or mental health and digestion.

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Start doing cardio OP, I had the same issues and it really did help, after a long run you feel so much better. Also even though you mentioned perfect macros, make sure your diet deviates from the regular sometimes. I'm only saying this because I have seen numerous people on this site who claim to have a great diet and still eat mostly the same stuff everyday. I'm not saying broccoli and chicken is not healthy, but you should switch it up with a some peppers or other type of vegetable, also some fruits would not hurt, they might give you a boost.
Suppliments that I have tried and could work for this is just basic Zinc, I take an extra 22mg almost every day, depending on what I eat. I'f im having liver, I would skip it. Anyways im rating GL

this is the truth and you know it deep down you just cant accept it

OP first try cutting out fapping, drugs and booze for a month and see what happens. If that does nothing look into elimination diet or food intolerances.

My man this happened to me
>1 year ago
>be best shape of my life
>lifting lamo body weight on all lifts (50kg OHP)
>feel kinda sick and my toe hurts after a big weekend/ lifting session
>5 days later I literally cannot lift myself out of bed
>go to work and I can’t lift a stack of paper
>sleep for 16 hours for a week
>my wrists hurt so much I cannot hold up my phone in bed
>the impact of using a keyboard hurts me
>I cannot even stand to take a shower
>my dad drives me to the hospital 40 minutes away and I fall asleep
>a week ago I was benching 70kg
>think I’ve given cancer or something
>all my tests for everything come back negative
>months pass my body and joints ache and feel like their going to snap all the time
>see 8 different specialists - rheumatology, immunologist, neurologist etc
>everything is negative
>8 months in notice patterns related to food
>notice my shits get fucking disgusting some days
>see doctor Paul Mason
> m.youtube.com/watch?v=mjQZCCiV6iA
>do low lectin pure clean meat diet
>go from struggle to work 3 hours to being able to work a full day

All this was a year ago and I’m still on the road to recovery but I’m slowly testing things I can eat and getting so much better. I’m not trying to shill carni diet. Look into leaky gut and auto immune diseases. I’ve seen literally 20+ doctors and no one knows how I got it but you can just develop this shit. I know how fucking shit and weak it feels to be a young man who’s body fails on him, nothing is worse. Please try this god speed user.