What are the most chad Yas Forums jobs?

What are the most chad Yas Forums jobs that pay well, you can be your own boss and work your own hours?

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freelance software dec
>6 figs
>work remote
>work when you want as long as you meet deadline
>literally sit in a chair and type on a keyboard

you have to be a god-tier programmer though and more than likely specialize in a language that isn't popular like Cobol, RPG/RPGLE, Ruby on Rails

How many years of school or training is this? Do you have to be good with math to.be good at programming? Can you tell me how to do this and tell.me more about what its like?

gonna have to at minimum have a Bachelor's in computer science and 10 years experience to be desirable enough for a company to hire you working remote. dont need to be great at math but your problem solving skills/logic will need to be genius tier. again, this is all if you want to work remote.

wtf my yellow fever is gone and I'm into white bitches again

literal reddit tier job

t. brainlet

Programming is for "le informed citizen" who browses reddit to get all his opinions and life advice

options trader

>make bank
>"work" couple hours a day

Male Psychiatric Nurse

Being a stay at home father

Literally try and prove me wrong

you seem jelly, bitter, and stupid. which makes sense

hes right though and everyone knows it? Like you should do what makes you happy man but that career part is literal reddit in every regard, I know many people doing similar and not a single one is even close to chad,


Dubs confirm. I'm right, you're wrong. Eat shit codebitch. Oh gonna cry? Don't want tears falling on your keyboard, bitchboy. Yeah better type an algorithm in your computer to figure out why you're such a retard. Beep boop...processing...processing...YOU...ARE..A...FAG....BEEP BOOP

Well there you have it.

Brainlet cope

ok midwit

I don't have the connections for insider trading.

oh boy the 90% of fit who are engineers and computer programmers and software developers are melting down again. wow, you're all so smart and rich and chad

lol that statement is basically nonsensical. You could be a hermit and it wouldnt make a difference

As long as you can read a chart, keep up with news/etc, and arent impulsive its not hard. Id say 95% of the population have no idea the derivatives market even exists.

Being a programmer is decent because my job is boring af. Makes me really look forward to coming home and lifting.

>work for someone else

Okayyyyy.. what does that make your boss, a gigachad?

a&p mechanic is high test, gets you forearm gains, and if you work for the airlines it can be a six figure job. only downside is long hours can get in the way of gym if you do the airline 70 hr work week. the guys where i intern go to the gym though, and one of them is definitely big.

Host is the most alpha chad job
>constantly mogging guys that come in with their female friends that they cant even look you in the eye and walk past you with head held down
>girls constantly oogling you at work
>mad social skills
>fuck hot female coworkers
>make mad tips from beta's, thots, and boomers they literally just give you their money
>boss constantly intimidated by your chadly aura and let you fuck around during shift

Only answer is to own your own company. Any other answer isnt chad. You are your own man and you alone detrimen your fate.

I'd say security guard but there's a lot of fat guys in my job. Company I work with is cool though.
>can choose on hours and days you want to work
>if no on with cameras is around during a night shift you can beat the shit out of an intruder
Are you one? I thought that was only in Japan from what I know in Yakuza.

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Idk how it might work elsewhere, but here in japan キャバクラ hosts are mostly prettyboys. They do fuck their clients after hours but its usually older buisness women, and mostly for pay or gifts. The women that frequent those places are wealthy and lonely, pretty much the female equivalent of what youd imagine a man who visits those clubs look like.
Theres no tipping culture here, they get paid well, and they also get gifts a lot, but no tips, It would be awkward at the minimum.

I'm an architect, I have my own firm

Army man

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Lets fix those planes brother


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Midwit is literally a cope word for retards who want to imagine themselves as super duper smarty pants

Lmao bs. If you think you earn 6 figure you are dumb. They make barely 40k a year while waiting for a contract.


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you pay insane fees if you trade with anything under a few million dollars. This game is rigged that only multimillionaires and banks can play the roulette with fair chances.

sounds like jewish trash desu

Learn a craft, wait for a boomer to retire, buy his workshop/company for cheap, get payed 150€/h as plumber (west euro).
Be your own boss in a market with declining competitors and reduced taxes

Basically every usefull job with bachelors degree pays that after 10 years.

Worked for small govt contractor first year out of college. Started at 104k. This was 2004

I have these skills - where does one find remote jobs that pay 6 figs? In North America btw

Culinary industry/chef
>always on your feet
>long hours
>back of kitchen so no interacting with customers
>Always hit your macro's because you know all about food
>chick dig guys who can cook
The Best part is, any tard with half a brain can become a chef, and you'll never be out of work.

same but you don't need to have fringe skills just be good at what you do.
It's much easier if you have startup experience / ran your business as you'll need to sell yourself to ppl.

I started freelancing doing "fringe" golang, but I moved to JS as it's a thousand times easier to find all types of jobs. Golang jobs tended to be always long term, with JS I can go for projects that take months, or fun mini-projects that take a week, so that I have more free time.

only if you suck at what you do

If you're in the US, just looks for remote positions on job listing websites that specify they're hiring US-only.

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Why does every thai- girl have a feminine penis

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but u wont work remote you fucking retard, learn to read

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>he thinks this as he formulates his message which was transcribed using code on a machine built using code then transmits it via a pathway that was made using code onto a virtual device that is strictly code then sits back imagining his "superiority" over those "jewish programmers" as he stares blankly into a screen of code waiting for another user to do the exact same thing

Start your own trade company eg. electrician, hvac, plumbing.

Make bank mogging beta cucks by making them pay you 200/h fixing shit they’re too afraid to touch while also fucking their women in their own home

>pays well
>own boss
>own hours

Unless you're hired to babysit a schizo teen kid of an oligarch or something, i highly doubt it

Private clinic doctor

A surgeon who specializes in male sterilization. You're literally destroying a rival's bloodline and ensuring yours has a better chance of becoming dominant in your region

Nah user, they jus ugly

It's called starting your own business user.

If you fags want a straightforward way to chad self employment.

Get a job doing some labor shit that has a low barrier to entry (siding, landscaping, roofing, building decks, tile laying etc.)
Show up on time and sober. Congrats, youre the top employeee.
Watch and learn the job. When you got a handle, get a truck + tools and go out on your own.
Be decently articulate, presentable and non criminal when you meet clients. Congrats, you're the top 5% of contractors Dont fuck over clients.
Hire beaners, teenagers and skids tto work for you. Groom the smarter ones to take over duties, leaving you more time to yourself.

Wa la

>wa la

Please be real

Assalamu akeikum abu fittu, keif halak?

>tfw making 6 figures and working from home
>be a program manager and get to travel and be social with clients
>stipend for wework location if I want to get out of the home office
>best perk is bullying the incels on the Dev team with unreasonable feature requests that the clients are willing to throw money at
Life is good, but my lifts aren't

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the one that pays the most. Done. Move on

strip club manager

I am smarter than you. Midwit bitch. You get RULED by people like me. Little fucking ocatroon

Based, thanks for not slacking off and killing us.

t. A line pilot that mostly works out in shitty hotel gyms

Male stripper.
what a shame that I'm shy

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they are definitely ladyboys in pattaya. The Thai baht proves it