
>no fph

praying for some oc stories up in here

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first for walmart shits

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Last thread got deleted. Must have pissed off a jannie.

You're getting better at these sketches user
I like them, keep going. They are my inspiration. I will find that sketch of a normal man inside me.

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There’s an entire subsect of blacks on twitter who have linked fat shaming to racism to make themselves feel better. How much longer until they link lower IQ to obesity

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a true classic.

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oh im a different drawfag user and this sketch is ancient, but thank you it means a lot.

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What is the definition of a "slur" for these people?

Fuck it, I'll bite. Explain how they think they'd "boiled the calories out".

Anything that remotely upsets their warped worldview.

>he doesn't know how to boil out his calories
How do you even cut?

I bet your dumb ass doesn't even activate your almonds?

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People with 0 discipline deserve to shit orange colored oil, fucking subhumans should be culled but since society is so sedentary nowadays that these retards get to survive

glad to hear I'm making you proud, greatx4 gramps.

>I hope you fucking know that someone's white ancestor is smiling in their grave.
Amazing point desu, I'll definitely continue hating fatties if it pleases my ancestors.

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"these people"? excuse my language but what the heck is this racist kind of language you think is ok to just throw around?

It hurts my feelings

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>be me, last summer
>had just hit my lowest weight since grade 8, 170lb (6'4), feeling very confident
>parents and lil bro are gone for a few days, king of the house
>invite her over to my place to watch anime and cuddle
>she says i should drive down to the bayfront and hang out with her + her friend
>arrive, find her
>she literally looks 80lbs heavier than in her pics, especially next to her 5'4 scarecrow friend
>realize i have been filter frauded
>whatever, her friend leaves, we walk around and just talk about our hobbies n shit
>she comes back to mine, we talk more, realize even though she's a year older shes still really immature mentally
>"omg me irl" "i wanna die xD lol" "omg thats so me" "omg im so retarded lol"
>i go out to my garage and rip a bowl then zone out to some Netflix mediocrity for a few hours
>she gets bored and leaves, i give her a hug before she goes
>she is super clingy, always texting me good morning and good night, i reply but make sure it's on my own time
>we go out on two more 'dates', walking around the escarpment and to the movies
>both times i hug her before dropping off, never go for a kiss
>after the movie, she texts me some bs about how she doesn't think we're made for each other and we should stop hanging out and never talk again, clearly upset
>"okay", remove her contact and never think of or speak to her again

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i want to snug the dogisaga

>they cry "woe is me" for being embarrassed at leaking refuse but giggle at the janitors and public places that often have to deal with the mess in their stead
I need fatty genocide now.

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fucking horrifying

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fuck this is the most useless story and boring post on all of Yas Forums. Who the fuck cares? Why would you even go out on a date with a dumb fat bitch who lied about being 80 pounds heavier then her pictures TWO MORE TIMES after finding out, let alone not leave on the spot? And she ended up rejecting YOU! Probably because you're so god damn boring, holy fuck man, go travel or skydive or something you dull fuck. You are the human embodiment of a glass of milk, never waste my time posting some inane literary drivel like this again

You sound like trying to cope with her rejection, desu senpai


easy killer

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because i thought we could be friends, we shared a few common interests, and she reminded me of how i was when i was her size


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A fatty jannie

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>The Jannies will clean it up

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I love the idea that jannies use a gaming controller to manage the board

>How much longer until they link lower IQ to obesity
They already have, excess fat fucks with mental acuity and slows down thought processes.

Calorie Intake
Fat Tits
I could name more, but I'm getting tired.

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Anyone have the fatty restaurant webm with the mukbang fag?


I've got a story. It's not much but still pisses me off to think about
>Working in fine dining as a busser
>Clientele is upper-class white ladies mostly
>Obeasts are an uncommon sight
>One lazy brunch shift, big family comes in, maybe 8 people
>Matriarch is this grey, withering hamplanet, maybe in her 60's
>Family is pretty rude and generally being snippy at service staff, including me
>At some point the leader of the pack has some medical episode
>EMS arrive
>Fat cunt is being rude to the EMS as they're loading her onto a gurney
>She's completely lucid the entire time, whatever she called an ambulance for obviously isn't a big problem
Fucking enraged me. Never felt the same about fat cunts ever since


>White fat women say that being fat is good because it's the beauty standard of ancient Europe
>Black fat women say that being fat is good because it's against the European beauty standards
I don't know what to believe anymore... Surely they're not both coping?

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I wonder what must go through an oinker's mind when they decide to ditch the 50" britches and upsize to the 75" knickers to cover their gargantuan fupa instead of sitting on their waist. 20 inches or so in one decision.


what would an actual doctor do being confronted with this bullshit. I think if I got this handed to me by a client I would just sigh and refuse to deal with them again.


He has to be absolutely jacked under all those layers of fat. Imagine having to squat >700lb just to get up. Imagine bench pressing like 250 lb just to raise your arms straight up.

i always assumed it was akin to boiling off alcohol in a vodka sauce, but maybe they do it more like putting the container in a bath of boiling water like sterilization? unsure but it’s funny

I don't know about Doctors, but I can give the EMT Verison
"Sit down, shut up, and listen up, I'm trying to save your life, I don't give a shit about your feelings"
I know EMTs should be Professional 100% of the time, but god damn Fatasses get on my nerves.

>but god damn Fatasses get on my nerves.
as they should, I mean, correct my ignorant civilian ass if I'm wrong but aren't like 9/10ths of the time when fatties need an EMT, it's either directly or indirectly caused by the fact that they can't stop shoveling food into their faces.

He's dead.

You are a fucking retard. You stuck it out for so long despite being catfished by a fat fuck and you let HER dump you. People like you are why fat chicks think they are worth more than they really are.
Fuck you, simp.

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Can you fire a client when you're a doctor? If I was a doctor and someone was so triggered about their weight, I'd be referring them to a therapist.

Hey fat fuck move I'm trying to catch the 5:22 not think about some whale in a bikini doing stereotypical "muh beauty" shit


Fresh from Yas Forums

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Today is world obese day, its to fight obesity.. fat propagandists are butthurt and use it to celebrate.

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a calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise water 1 degree
i assume they thought this meant by boiling it they thereby remove the calories
obviously this isnt the case because its the stove putting energy into the water, not the chocolate

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And yes, front thongs are the new hype

Yikes fella, are you lonely or something? There was no need to go on further dates with her.

>debate no one

well that just about explains modern culture doesn't it