What's your idea of making it?

What's your idea of making it?

Attached: wifemakingit5.webm (900x753, 1.52M)

Idk. When I'm exhausted as fuck and gotta keep going I know exactly what making it means. Get that moment of clarity and the pain is gone. Then my heartbeat steadies and I forget what it meant. Right now I have no idea.

Taking a fat shit and when I wipe there's nothing on the tp

Making it is a false god. The journey never ends and you should learn to love the process.

This is your fifth webm in the wifemakingit series? Why do this?

>Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil.
>Cook elbow macaroni in the boiling water, stirring occasionally until cooked through but firm to the bite, 8 minutes.

>Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat; stir in flour, salt, and pepper until smooth, about 5 minutes.
>Slowly pour milk into butter-flour mixture while continuously stirring until mixture is smooth and bubbling, about 5 minutes.

>Add Cheddar cheese to milk mixture and stir until cheese is melted, 2 to 4 minutes.
>Fold macaroni into cheese sauce until coated.

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When I'm finally happy with who I am.

>>I'm so glad you're home user. The kids are asleep if you want to have me tonight.
why is this filthy? it's wholesome to have a loving faithful wife.

$50 LINK

having a big loving family

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When everyone stops fucking with you

nice landscape, where is this?

please post the rest of your collection

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No one has ever fucked with me.

this man...this

>not worrying about how I’m going to afford groceries or rent this month
>my own house with a plot of land and some small crops
>strong and capable body, maybe not the most aesthetic but all I want is to be considered “strong” and “athletic” (like pic related)
>some kids (maybe 2 or 3) to raise, a faithful dog, a loving wife
>and lastly, my own band where I can finally play crust punk and thrash metal as loud as I fucking want to (fuck you cathy for calling the cops on me twice for my amp being too loud)

Financially stable with a hot wife that's as kinky as I am

Forgot pic lol

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Hotter than that for relationship.
Would still see what that mouf do tho.

Looks like San Bernardino Valley, could be anywhere though

Enough money from sports to avoid wagecucking. A sexy-ass Insta. More Tinder matches than I have time to fuck. A young fertile right-wing waifu like 10-15 years from now.

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New Mexico, Sandia Mountains

t. lives there

Not to denigrate but I'm told your pic is from gay porn material.

this some baki-esque shit

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>he thinks he'll be worthy of a tradfu after years of being a whore himself

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Financially independent to dress well.
Financially independent to be free from everyone:

i. Self-sustainable that I don't need unnecessary human contact or relationship, unless I need it, and unless it is mutual.
ii. I able to hide myself from family, friends and members of the public, state/international police and otherwise.
iii. Able to live off-grid without much hassle and issue.
iv. I can do whatever I want, anytime I want it.
v. To have my own family or clan that thinks the way I do. Also to have butler, handyman, or my own servant-salaryman working under me.
vi. Able to efficiently preserved wealth for a 100 years or beyond (multi-generational).
vii. To always be healthy, fit, literate, to be jack of all trade + self-sufficientcy.


Practicing on fallen women is how I'll learn the game necessary for marriage

death in combat

or two sons, either way

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Empty sex will leave you hollow brother, practice what you preach. Play the game sure but don't have sex with those you don't love, you're more than your urges. I wish you the best either way, be the best man you can be, whatever that means to you.

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finding a cute virgin gf, recording a couple good songs and releasing them (even if only a few hundred people hear them that’s good enough for me), getting big, cooming in gf, having babies, eradicating Jews from the planet, pretty much the same as your average guy

lock and key comparison is a cope for manwhores

even Odysseus felt bad for fucking women other than his wife

No more blacks

only a woman would write something like this
kill yourself faggot

absolutely based
I won't cheat

gays have nice taste then

does anyone have the copy pasta where a runner comes on his land and the man in the picture sprints to the runner, killing him, looks to his aryan family and smiles... you know that one... i’m begging here

Your tricks don't work here, sloppy job mossad

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>”you must procreate and have a big family”
>”nooo not like that”

Being happy with myself and my body. I don't give a fuck about whores like you fucking incels do.


It may not be tomorrow, it may not be in 6 months, but it WILL happen. Find something that actually motivates you instead of vaginas, fucking pathetic virgins

The reason to have a family is to be successful while maintaining cohesive a culture and a race, you IDF types want racial identity destroyed

Why right wing?

so his kids won't get sucked out and thrown in a dumpster after a couple months

Being fit and strong and having a son who wants to be as strong as you when he grows up

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is this your wife.?

Gib glasses sweater wife

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I wish she was

never mind

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moving cute

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It's sad to not have children that resemble you

Race mixers have children literally less related to them than random whites

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From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Sexual access to thots is a human right.

Being happy

Why do all of you faggots have to quantify making it with some sort of number/goal?

She must dance exactly like that for five incels per day, and then suck his dick with real love in her eyes

When I'm strong enough to kill a man with my bare hands, and wise enough to not have to.


Living off bodybuilding, Come home from the gym with a kiss from the old lady and dinner on the table.

I can't wait till the dems lose again. They didn't learn they need to stop being so fucking pretentious and it is going to cost them again

look another sperglord whos entire identity is based on tinder matches. jfc kill yourself for the love of god

Women should have no freedom


losing my birginity
>30yo khv

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>You will never follow a great man into battle
>you will never get into phalanx position with your bros
>your will never be anxiously waiting in the rain, listening for the sound of the enemy marching with your comrades
>you will never feel the fear and anticipation of waiting for the battle to commence
>you will never discuss philosophy and what it truly means to live with your soldierbros in your downtime
>you will never feel that high of winning a battle
>you will never feel the satisfaction that great man that made you join in the first place, put his hand on your shoulder after the battle is over and commend your bravery
>you will never have a massive feast, celebrating your victories with your bros and partying like it's your last night alive.
>you will never spot a beautiful woman staring at you in the corner of your eyes
>you will never woo her with your heroic reputation
>your will never make passionate love like it's your last hour alive, racing against the march of time and her vowing to produce you a beautiful son to carry out your legacy
>you will never march off to battle as your wife clings on to you, sobbing, begging not to leave
>you will never give her a goodbye kiss and vow you'll return safely
>you will never return home from battle and see your beautiful wife nursing two beautiful boys
>you will never cradle them for the first time and meet their gaze, their beautiful blue eyes curiously looking up at their father
>you will never touch their tiny fingers and smile at your tiny little boy
>you will never develop a rival
>you will never fight to the death with your rival and ultimately after trading blows and viewing your selves as equals, being narrowly bested and cut across the throat.
>You will never die satisfied knowing that your progeny are taken care of, earned the respect of that great man, engaged in a great battle with your rival pushing each other to the limit and finally understanding what it truly means to be alive

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