Ive been getting a pain in my lower tricep when working it, is this tendonitis?

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What exercises involving only dumbells can I do from home for shredded abs

Go to your doctor. See if it is.

My left pec is bigger than my right pec. For a while now it hasn't been as noticeable but it's now staring to get unaesthetic as fuck
I've tried doing nothing but dumbbell BP/Incline DB BP but it still doesn't fix it
How the fuck can I fix my right pec?

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Alright lads I've been increasing on bench pretty consistently since I've started out, but the past few weeks it's been a struggle to increase. For example Monday I did

2x5 165, 3x5 175 (needed some help on the very last one tho)

and then I decided to repeat it today to make sure I had it, but I couldn't even finish the fourth set this time, when a month ago I wouldn't have had such an issue. Is this normal? Anything I can do?

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If I wanna do some abs work on my rest days because I want to have abs this summer, which exercise should I opt for?

The answer I will always give for advice on Yas Forums is more cardio.

I only have some blueberries and a yogurt and a muscle milk or some bs protein shake during the day, then I eat all my other calories for dinner. I track my macros and all. Am i messing up somehow by doing this?

Is there any difference between 1x25 bench and 5x5 bench?

How important are probiotics during weight loss? Should I be taking them at any regular interval?

If I can't go to the gym and miss a day in my routine, is it better to
>use the day as a rest day and complete the full workout tomorrow
>do a "lite" home workout that targets the same muscle groups but relies on making the most out of light dumbbells and calisthenics

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pic related is not me but i took this pic from the cbt and he looks similar to me. what would be the best course of action in this situation: bulk and fill out, or cut?

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How do you get bigger abs?

brehs i got food poisoned and now i hace diarrhea, feel like shit and i cant eat enough to fill my bulking calories

how can i mitigate the gainz loss?

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How do I maintain strength while on a cut and doing MMA? Today I tried squat and failed at 350x5 when my max is 390x2 at 194lbs. I was doing this easily at 204lbs.

What can I do?

I was doing push ups a while ago and tried doing some more again but I just collapse if I try to, I wasnt even able to do one
is this normal?

are resistance band sets worth getting if im doing calisthenics shit at home?

Resting enough between sets? What about bodyweight? Getting enough sleep?

>do 50kg OHP 5 x 5 EASY last week
>can't even do 1 set of 52.5kg today (so far 2 x 3, i've done it for 3 x 4 before though..)
fucking sick of my strength stalling
after 4 months at 155 i'm stuck at 115/175/185/275 (those are all 1 x 4 when i'm at peak strength)
to top it off I feel skinny fat and DYEL
what do

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Do traps work as one muscle? When I do shrugs I get doms in the middle but nothing at the top.

Fork putdowns until failure

Holy shit i just googled this and im pretty sure i do have dyspraxia. i always feel like i walk oddly and make weird movements, i never learned how to properly tie shoelaces, i have anxiety, and growing up i had adhd. I thought i was autistic but dyspraxia sounds cooler.

>alternating swings
>russian twist
>turkish getup
>basically any unilateral exercise done standing (means you do an exercise meant for two dumbbells but only use one dumbbell, don't forget to do both arms though)
pics? human body isn't 100% symmetrical
don't bother you already hit abs enough if you lift, lower body fat if they aren't visible
make sure you get all micronutrients as well, if your dinner includes meat you should be fine
the amount of weight you can lift, 5x5 will improve strength (which improves endurance at lower weights), 1x25 will do nothing other than make you look stupid
not at all since cico always applies, eat a good diet instead and your good bacteria will flourish while bad bacteria will starve, look into prebiotic foods
post your routine, as in how many days a week you life and how you split (ppl, lower/upper.....)
gyno surgery
lift weights, most things will activate abs as stabilizer, then lose fat if you want them visible, 10-15% body fat should make them visible, depends on genetics a bit
work out at home, try to down some protein shakes although I think it's maybe not the best food since protein is the most difficult for body to digest which might worse your diarrhea but hey point of diarrhea is to flush out toxins so maybe it speeds up recovery
keep lifting and getting enough protein, not much else to do, you eat at -500kcal? try -250kcal if you can accept slower weight loss but want better strength retain
depends on how long you rest, takes minutes for muscles to completely recover
go to gym or build home gym
eat more also things like sleep and stress can affect a lot
you have one trap muscle left and one right, each is split in upper middle and lower, not sure which parts shrugs hit and which one most but yes you can at least get the doms in one part of muscle but not other

>you have one trap muscle left and one right, each is split in upper middle and lower, not sure which parts shrugs hit and which one most but yes you can at least get the doms in one part of muscle but not other
Will the top part grow or do I have to change something?

>post your routine, as in how many days a week you life and how you split (ppl, lower/upper.....)
A = Back/biceps (plus mid-workout HIIT)
B = Legs/shoulders/abs
C = Chest/triceps/neck (plus mid-workout HIIT)
D = Rest (plus isometrics)
I just repeat A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D...

I do some probably negligible calisthenics every morning (1 set each pullups, dips, leg raises, squats, bands. 2 minutes each of pushups and situps.) I also jog 0.75 miles each way to the gym on days A, B & C.

I have limited equipment at home that I've tried to maximize the benefit of, but a "home workout" still pales in comparison to the gym

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Give it to me straight Yas Forums.
Ignore the yuge arm pump, I just got done working arms, shoulders and legs

Flexing my core in this pic because it hangs over tbqh

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coomer arm

Why are you built like the coomer meme? Everything on your right side looks bigger, including traps.

no anatomy expert but it seems both dumbbell and barbell shrugs hit upper traps,this is from web search: dumbbell=upper+lower,barbell=upper+middle, also I only do pendlay and dumbbell row they seem to hit lower+middle so maybe I should add shrugs for upper traps....I actually used to do but thought rows would work traps enough but now seems I'm missing 1/3....
if you do ABCDABCD but miss B or C then you can simply do B or C on D instead of rest, with A you would get it two days in a row so here just skip rest day and reverse everything once so it becomes MBCABCAD (M=missed day) then after D you can go back to ABCDABCD,important thing is you don't work same muscle group two days in row but skipping one rest day won't do much harm

Can I work through a hip sprain? I'm so fucking scared of looking like I have chicken legs, I have such a huge desire to squat and run up hills right now

How to avoid tendonitis

Will I turn into an assmonster from Madcow Intermediate?

kek probably just the lighting and the fact you can only see half my body because my phone is in the way plus general posing woes.

I use my other arm to coom lol, i'll get my brother to take a pic of me in a bit but this was me when I was 130 2 years ago and I want to get back to a similar bf% but way bigger, think i'll be close if I cut?

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>tricep tendinitis
I literally have this at the moment, also maybe golfers elbow from spamming tiktok when I should be resting.

If it's tendinitis it will hurt even when you're not lifting, squeeze your muscles, pick something up off of the ground, if it hurts it could be the onset of tendinitis and you should rest it for 3-7 days. Use ice, anti inflammatory meds, etc.

Then start lifting at 40% for a few weeks.
>t. faggot who didn't rest and now has to lift a barbell with 40 pounds on it for the next three months making no gains and getting mogged by highschoolers

No, I think you'll need 6 months to get presentable. Mostly because your back will have fat on it you can't see.

Yes, if you're a body weight bro resistance bands are the shit. Also those dip/ pull up stations and prata (spl?) bars.

so should I start slowly cutting now to get leaner for summer? I'm not looking to take my shirt off because I have bacne scars but looking good in a t-shirt would be nice

If you're not on a bulk and over 12-14 percent body fat you should cut.

Also learn to be comfortable with your shirt off, start wearing singlets in the gym if you have too. Nobody cares about your bacne scars and they'll always be there. Don't live life being a timid faggot.

Or get a tan/ back tattoo

You will turn into a no gains monster

I'm on a bulk and feeling very fluffy but I do enjoy being a bit bigger even if it is just because I put on weight, the only reason why i'm cutting calories now is because my current t-shirts fit too tight but I could just need a bigger size now lol.

And yeah when I have a really good tan and i'm on holiday i'm less self conscious (because i'm drunk) but I don't know man, it's hard to wear a wife beater and whatnot when my back looks absolutely horrendous. That said I don't want to turn this into a pity party and I try not to think about it (haven't gone swimming for 10+ years because of it though) but hopefully if I look good in a wife beater it'll help alleviate some of the embarrassment I feel about them.

Is Fish Oil as good as it gets for a no-bullshit supplement besides regular ole Protein?

I eat fish very rarely. Eggs I consume regularly but not in big amounts and not everyday.

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Is store bought vegetables better than no vegetables?

all vegetable the same

I just went to the gym for the very first time to days ago and I'm still sore as shit even though I had a complete rest day yesterday and pumped myself full of protein. Is it okay if I just push through the soreness and go again today or should I allow myself to rest? I don't feel like I've been injured, it's just muscle soreness.

you'll feel fine once you warm up and wont have any pain after a week
the only type of pain you should worry about is a burning sensation because that means you just tore something but you'll know you fucked up when you've fucked up

Is some kind of barbell row a good assistance exercise on SS to help me keep a straight back during deadlifts? Already added chins which helped me control the bar path better but I sometimes feel my upper back round when diddlying. If yes, what kind of row is optimal? Rippetoes from the floor row, the Pendlay, the Yates or the t-bar? If no, what other exercise is better to implement?

Yeah I'm listening to what my body is telling me and it's whining rather than telling me something is seriously wrong. Just wanted to be sure. Off to the gym then, cheers user.

So my body after my bulk is jason blaha tier, compared to the shit I looked like before, I'd say this bulk was ok and my mid section went to hell which was sort of expected. My question is how in the hell are you supposed to cut to such a low bf% without outside help like DNP or something? I can't imagine how long it would take.

What exercises fill this dent out?

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Unironically this.

I am already trying and it's about cutting fat (back fat) and training legs way more. But I still have it and its likely just genetics

How do you delete anxiety and boost daily energy?

I have shoulder tendonitis but I still want to train triceps strength. What can I do that isn't dips, PU or bench? It's been like this for 6 months all I do is light PU and skull crushers but they still produce pain.

>130lbs is 59kg
How? Are you 5ft? Do you have 2 legs? Anyway, you're doing well in the coomer pic, I'd say put on a bit more then cut. Your bf% isn't all that high.

What dent? Were you stabbed?

If you look below my left pec I've been shot and on my hip, yes I was stabbed, but sadly I'm talking about my deflated ass..

>start my summer cutting end of January
>did awesome, can now see my abs when I flex (I'd say somewhere around 15% bf now)
>wanted to get to 10
>absolutely hit my fucking limit yesterday, felt sick and dizzy like I was gonna die
>decided fuck it and got some calorie dense food, felt good for the first time in over a month
I guess what I'm asking is if I do a mini bulk for March and April, then do another mini cut in May to improve muscle definition a bit am I gonna be okay or am I wasting my time?

bench 3 times a week and do 3 quality sets each time, i just hit 2plates

That pic was when I was aesthetic (by normie standards) due to barely eating and doing push ups, bench, weighted sit ups and curls every day with also a very good diet, if I can look like that again but heavier i'll be very pleased.

Guess i'll lower the calories but keep bulking this month, thanks.

I saw both scars. Any story to them?
Lie on your back and lift 1 leg up and check if your glutes are activated. It's pretty common that it won't be but check anyway.

I'm a little taller and have a similar body to that 130lbs pic except I weigh 163lbs. Did you have no leg mass?
Keep it up.

>Lie on your back
Fuck. I meant chest.

Which one then

Should I buy Arginine or Citruline?

How can I make relationship gains? Used to be fat, lost a ton of weight, got fit, my lifts are getting better, got a good career and education, but at 28, I'm still a virgin, yesterday I got rejected by a woman I fell in love with, partly due to my inexperience, and it cut deep
I feel like all I wanna do now is lift, work and sleep

just keep talking to women and making a move
it's really as simple as that

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Keep trying bro. Work on your social skills

protein supplements are a bit of a meme

studies have shown that protein can increase muscle mass about 9%, compared to people who didn't supplement with protein.

studies have also consistently shown that just having a vitamin pill or fish oil pill is much less effective than actually eating the foods containing such nutrients. In fact, multivitamins and vitamin supplements increase your chances for cancer and mortality.