Any ways to fix brain damage for a kid? Story:

Any ways to fix brain damage for a kid? Story:
>warned my brother not to vaccinate his newborn baby, at the VERY least wait until the kid is a year old
>he doesnt listen
>pumps his baby boy full of aluminium because the docters said so
>few years later
>the kid has severe low-functioning autism (less than 70 IQ, frequently bites other kids in his school, etc)
I fucking warned him. Look it up on google they recommend vaccines at 1-2 months old, and its like 6 different shots. That's way too fucking quick to vaccinate and too much. What the fuck can I do to help my nephew now

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receive coronavirus

The worst part is that the kid's uncle is retarded too.

Best thing you can do to help your nephew is to unironically and unequivocally kill yourself

maybe your brother's kid is just a retard man. wouldn't be surprised given his uncle is an antivaxxer

Sage the bait thread

ITT: redditors

based retard




They dont care about their own kids why would you think they would care about their nephew?
Kike cunt


>vaccines are perfect bro
>just pump up the 1 month old baby with a bunch of shots its all good

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>3 wise kikes bringing your kid polio, frankensteinfever and hepatitis
>all cool bro, didn't want children anyway

The same thing happened to my brother after getting vaccinated as a newborn. Redditors can squeal all day about "dumb antivaxers" but I have seen this shit happen over and over again in real life. Stop pumping shit into week old infants.

It's all good dude man bro cuz.
They'll all be genuibuses now heuheu.

He's screwed mate.

The fact leddit supports vaccines and abortion both incredibly heavily tells you all you need to know

how is a 1 month old baby going to get hepatitis exactly?

and one of the primary reasons to get vaccines as an adult is herd immunity, so that ONE MONTN old babies dont need to get three separate shots while their brain weighs only 300 grams. The difference between one month old babies and 1 year olds is huge

quick trip abroad trying to be intellectual/intercultural, eating some dodgy shit *BOOM* da hepatitis
Vaccines don't cause autism. Autists on this board do.

Have the kid try zeolites, they chelate heavy metals very effectively. Use this one and get back to us:

Um, soary ehnon. Youer ginna hef to stahpyit withh the ehntai-Semehtihsum. Yew shud serkumsizuh yeh children soe they don't get STDzuh when they start haeving sex at 2 yehs oald.

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Yeah but in what evolutionary or biological perspective does it make sense to have a baby and not stay in one place during its infancy completely taking your utmost care to cater to it? Even birds and lesser mammals do this shit with their young. If you're saying that the only reason that we can't postpone the shots until at least an age like 2 or 3 when you can communicate with the child is because some retarded hipsters decided to bring their children along on a vacation in the carry-on luggage compartment.

What's the ratio of kids who have been vaccinated as toddlers with developmental disabilities vs. the kids who have been vaccinated as infants with developmental disabilities?

if you could vaccinate your kid from Corona virus would you?

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You should kill yourself.

Fuck u critical is hilarious

>they said Yas Forums wasnt reddit
>they said group think wasnt as bad here
>they said there werent a shitload of normalfags here

I have a retarded little brother, OP, and no, there's nothing you can do to fix brain damage. However, you can do behavioral therapy with the kid specifically for kids with low functioning autism, and it helps them with basic human etiquette and dealing with sensory overload. But the kid will always be a burden on someone, so get him on the dole asap.

>yeah man let your kid die from preventable diseases it’s all good you can make more

Who is the guy in OP? I see him posted all the time but I don't recognize him, he's clearly not a fitness/lifting guy because he's scrawny as fuck. Is this PewdiePie?

Everyone in this thread must be b8ing... Yas Forums knows grains aren't natural, so by the same logic, vaccines are bad as well. I hope they know this.

I don't know, he's some stupid gaming/gaming culture youtuber my 16 Y/O bro watches.


>wahhh why aren’t you all agreeing with me
Cry more faggot

I think he said he studied nutrition in college before and he's decently into lifting

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No, if he doesn't survive it he don't deserve to live.

shoo shoo, shill! No research, no credit!

>mom gets the measles before the vaccine
>fever nearly fries her brain
>fever does fry her eyes
>wore bubbles style bottle glasses until lasic came along
>antivaxxers still spreading the measles everywhere

If you get fucked up from a immunisations you’re genetic trash that was never meant to live in this world.

You have them so you aren’t a disease spreading vermin. If you get fucked up by this test of genetic quality then again, as I said, you were never meant to live in this world.

We get immunised to a ton of easily preventable contagious diseases that have destroyed humans for thousands of years, now we have btfo almost all of them, which you get in the form of vaccines to make you immune and to stop you from being a potential spreader.

If you die or get disabled from this, you don’t deserve to exist in the world, your genetics can’t handle being immunised, therefore you’re a threat to everyone else, we would rather see you immunised and disabled or dead, then walking around as a potential spreader of diseases we got rid of already, and we don’t want it coming back because you’re afraid of your kid being the one in a million kid with trash genetics who can’t handle it.

Someone post his calves

>Destroyed humans for thousands of years
Pick one, humans are far more efficient at destroying themselves then disease ever will be
>We, we, we, we.
(You) meant I, I, I, I.

If you are afraid of someone who isn't vaxxed giving you a disease you are vaxxed for they sure must be effective and worth the potential health risks huh? Face it vaccinations only serve to prop up your non-existent immune system which is largely hereditary. You want everyone else to suffer for your flaws, get fucked on pussy. Eat the bugs.

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True as hell. Sorry bitchass bitches, you're better off dead.

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People die from heart disease, cancer, diabetes and so forth all the time in the U.S. and no one bats an eye for that aside from loved ones who visit their grave you blithering retard.

Great bait retard, I bet you dont even have a nephew

>We get immunised to a ton of easily preventable contagious diseases that have destroyed humans for thousands of years, now we have btfo almost all of them, which you get in the form of vaccines to make you immune and to stop you from being a potential spreader

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that's the whole point. you can have 10 healthy robust unvaccinated children and one will die from polio, or you can have 1-2 autistic malformed children you are overprotective of. which do you think is better in the long run?

What’s wrong with a bunch of shots. Please elaborate in detail.

>brady bunch episode S01E13

there are ingredients of the vaccine that cause side effects and babies are traumatised by the injection itself and have trouble sleeping for days afterwards

it is a cost benefit analysis where we have to decide how much side effects we are willing to tolerate for immunity but unfortunately pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars from vaccines so they keep lobbying the government and spreading propaganda and the only people fighting against them are random guys on Yas Forums and youtube so inevitably we will be injected with more and more vaccines over time

Use any Zeolites I don't care, that's the brand that worked for me and helped me greatly. Zeolites are naturally occurring and chelate heavy metals. Well known to help autism.

If the kid wasn't robust enough to handle a little heavy metal then it would have died from disease anyways
In no scenario does the retard survive to pass on its defective genes (and that's a good thing)

kill yourself unironically

I think I'm starting to understand why Yas Forums and the rest of the internet have gone to shit. People take everything too seriously. Maybe if this thread was made a few years ago we would have called OP a faggot and moved on

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You can give YOUR 3 day old babies a dozen vaccine shots in the same day. Have fun giving them mental issues because you think polio is a serious threat in 2020, even if everyone else is vaccinated the 3 day old baby without it is instantly gonna get it from staying in a crib at home. According to kike shills like you that's true. Kill yourself evil bitch

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Also nice furfag image you fucking lying kike bastard

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>t. retard

thank you for using proper non-gendered pronouns

>if the 8 hour old baby doesnt get the hepetitus shot he's gonna die! T-the baby is going to be having sex while traveling to africa! Autism is good trannies are good!

>the docters are going to have polio, hepatitus, and ebola while delivering the baby. Better vaccinate in the womb! Just insert this Heavy Metal Flushot into the woman's womb! Stay safe goyim

>my infant which was incapable of withstanding a little bit of aluminum without catastrophically failing would definitely survive in a landscape with infectious disease and definitely isn't genetic chaff
Vaccines are the modern equivalent of the wine test that the ancients used. Sorry you're ass hurt that your nephew (not even your own kid) should have been left to the wolves.


Protip: your family just has shit genes. Kill your brother and nephew, then suicide.


i got vaccinated and have 115 iq, so obviously it gives vaccines give extra iq . stupid op BTFO

>vaccinate your sperm! If your sperm cant handle mercury, aluminium, and a grafted cancer cell, then guess what you are unfit to thrive!
>*meanwhile third world countries dont vaccinate and make a shitload of children* yes goyim this is the way it is meant to be

Shut the fuck up you retarded ESL retard you type like a pajeet that shills me shitcoins on Yas Forums. Die unironically you sub 90 IQ rat.


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