Anyone got that protein ranking tier chart that Yas Forums made a few weeks back? I can't seem to find it

Anyone got that protein ranking tier chart that Yas Forums made a few weeks back? I can't seem to find it

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Thanks, wasn't this but that does the job. Post more food infographics.

I have a couple meme recipe ones saved

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Bump, wanna know too.

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that chart is a meme pushed by people who want to sell you supplements, just eat your protein from any source king


? Most of it is whole food

Fat free greek yogurt master race. Whole food ingredient list is cultured milk. Complete protein full of probiotics and free of additives.
100 calories has
18g protein
6g carbs
210mg calcium
190mg potassium
and costs ~50cents from wegmans.

>1 whole fucking onion per 1 can of tuna
Fucking madness

Attached: kys.png (2048x2048, 145.34K)

dont do this it makes nerve gas

When I made these I used a quarter of a medium white onion and that was plenty

Exactly, when I made mine I used a single shallot and instead of flour I just tore up a piece of bread, I used two cans and two eggs also.

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>stll posting this momscience infographic in 2020

is there a better nut than peanuts?

Sounds pretty damn good, but faurck, a whole onion for one can of tuna... shit man alright I guess

this particular iteration of chilli looks atrocious, not even necessarily the recipe, just this poverty tier attempt

>lots of fats
>low fat yogurt
>lean ground beef

Attached: 1521804273256.gif (480x270, 1.96M)

user added too much tomato paste desu. Do a little less than recommended and it'll be smoother.

>bioavailability of macronutrients
post body mongo
based. dont fall for "advanced science" fitness shit. stick to the basics. btw i have a science degree but the fitness shit is ridiculous.
yeah mine just ask ur girl

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Tried cooking something for the first time and it was this,used half the onions and garlic(babby taste buds no bully pls) it turned out pretty nice even though i only had shitty bread
Would recommend/10

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why are you using some faggots ripoff of the vertical diet?

that was the first pic i saw of it

dairy has estrogen in it, titty wigglejugs

>180g of weetbix: 124 carbs
>180g of rice: 50 carbs
Name a better bulking food

Attached: Weetbix.png (542x426, 137.35K)

Literally the most based food of all time

eggs are a meme

you're a meme faggot

eggs are just protein and fat
why eat more fat when you could eat protein + carbs?

Protein + Carbs lol, u love having D cups don’t you user?


*points to your immaculate gyno breasts* hehe, nothing :3

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based and eggpilled

I don't have gyno

What's the cheapest form of protein you can buy?

Why haven't you taken the /roo/ pill yet? 21 grams of protein per 100 calories.

Attached: roo.jpg (1167x693, 165.37K)

I've never had chili in my life, what's it like?

The wildfires must have fried your braincells.

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>18.8 grams of protein per 100 calories of chicken breast
Thanks for proving my point, retard.

Point was, it's a great alternative for quarter the price and is available everywhere.

tuna btfos both of those

Anyone read this book? Is it good? Trying to expand my deenz and kipper repertoire.

It's pretty weird that you've never cooked before, but you did it. Keep up the good work, cooking is fun, will save you money and be healthier.

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Anyone have that semen gains infographic saved?

whoops forgot obligatory hot chick for attention

Attached: nowthatihaveyourattention.jpg (600x512, 58.35K)

Pro-tip: Add your tomato paste first and saute it a bit. Adds a richer flavor and more depth than you'd get with just the paste alone.

Yeah i know,used to just eat whatever was in the fridge or just order some shit(or just not eat at all for almost a full day),now that i'm moving out after this summer for uni i thought it was about time i learned it

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but kangaroo has less than 5g proton/100 calories...

>quarter the price
>roo not available everywhere
Have you tried living in a good country


Attached: protein.jpg (822x713, 87.1K)

Good recipe but so much cringe

Estrogen is good for bone health and strength pleb.

Name three (3) good countries that sells roo meat.

Don't you get constipated from all the white rice?

this could be made so much better if they just changed the order of the ingredients and the technique. good ingredients, but cooked by a retard

i did the vertical meme for 6 months last year during my bulk and i didn't notice anything like that

You can’t. Based/10

Depends on the person. I eat a massive amount of carbs per day and I'm still extremely lean. I have at least one cup of oatmeal daily, usually closer to two, 2-4 peanut butter sandwiches at work every day, and at least 2 bananas a day which have like 22 net carbs per. So off the top of my head that's already over 200 but I definitely eat more. I'm 5'11 at 150 lbs.

Why did you fags spell Weetabix wrong?

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What is that at the top?

>tfw my College has an excellent cafeteria that tastes good and has all the healthy stuff I need
I'd like to cook, but damn they're so convenient here. Salads, wild rice, chicken and turkey, fruits, milks, bagels, pasta, beef, etc. It's all there.

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