Life changing advice

Life changing advice. What was it?

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>dude check out this website it's called Yas Forums
Life was never the same afterwards.


Do you regret ever coming here?

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It's all in your head

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Can you elaborate?

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not him but yeah, every day

Don't spend money on any woman who isn't a hooker or your wife

Really nice pic my dude may I ask you if I could save it?

Don't cheap out on anything that separates you from the floor


If you don't laugh, you'll cry.
Or, in the same vein: "Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone"

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Also not him but yeah. Even if it means I would've never gotten into guns or lifting or boxing, I would probably have been a more socially-developed person.

It's all yours my friend :)

You have to go back

Stop being a bitch

Cringe are the DOMS of social gains

Your success in life is directly proportional to the number of uncomfortable conversations you're willing to have.

You are entitled to nothing.

Never ask a question that Google can answer.

The more you swim against the current the further ahead you'll be once the tide changes.

Just fucking smile. Honestly it's incredible when you look around and see so many people with dead looks in their faces. A lot of folks take cracking a smile for granted. It'll make you feel happier, it'll signal to others you are content, it just makes the day seem more tolerable and in my honest opinion has done alot to make myself seem more approachable. You dont have to stand around like an idiot just smiling at nothing, but every once in a while take a pause, look up towards the sky and think for a second that life is fucking beautiful no matter what time it is, where you are, or what's going on around you. Looking around at people seeming so distraught, unhappy and down in life drains the soul out of you, but doing it with a slight smile makes things just a bit better for yourself and everyone else. Godspeed anons. We're all gonna make it.

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Fuck. Great post. You're going to make it.

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Understand how fucking mad the world is, like how crazy and unpredictable it is. And laugh at it all whilst reveling in it all.

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Who doesn’t?

It's a blessing and a curse.

I would have never been exposed to so much useful and insightful information I otherwise would have never known as well as teaching me how to communicate effectively, but at the same time it's an enormous time sink and damaged my sex life with pornography and created an addiction to getting a quick laugh.

It's a fair trade as far as I am concerned as it's ultimately my responsibility to getting over my shut-in ways.

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Sticky ricky lookin thicky

this is the perfect female physique

sex is nice but massively overrated and incels are made all the more pathetic by their obsession with it

No, been on this site for over 10 years, it has completely changed me, for better or worse, but I wouldn't have reached the 1000 lbs club nor started reading the Western canon or got into politis if it wasn't for this site.

Life Changing advice I should have heard would be :
>NEVER EVER Start watching porn and jerk off to it

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Embarassment is temporary and failure is rarely fatal

How many times do I have to practice fake smiling in front of the mirror until the depression doesn't show through?

Use a condom

I got a tip from Bill Burr, and he said "If youre young, you dont have to compromise". Its a very solid tip, and i just think about it when i think about my exes and so on.
I personally dont want kids for instance, so that reduces my dating pool with 90% immediately. I have thought that maybe i need to just compromise and get 1 kid, but no. I shouldnt compromise. If i think someones a drug addict, a whore, or just doesnt suit me; i wont go for it.
DONT compromise, atleast not if youre 30 or younger.

I have this picture saved on my phone for emergency shitposting, you tell me

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If you're making out with a girl you want to fuck and don't know how to move it to the next level just pull your dick out.
Works even if you're not making out.
>what are you doing? I'm not going to touch that
>I don't care, I was getting hard so it was uncomfortable in my pants.
She'll end up doing something eventually.

I've had a few given to me
>start going to church
>always push to improve no matter how trivial the task you're doing is/the way you do one thing is the way you do everything
>do hard things because they're hard

who's more obsessed with sex, incels or people using the word incel unironically?


It can be enhanced with eye contact.

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>If you're making out with a girl you want to fuck and don't know how to move it to the next level just pull your dick out.

I'll take rape allegations for 200$ Alex

Seriously though, a better suggestion would be to put her hand on your erect (i hope) dick.

>>It's a blessing and a curse.
well said

wtf, AWFUL advice

You make your own luck.

Dont chase woman


I bet you're either an arab or a pooer

he just has a big head dude, leave him alone

Don't listen to this retard. Don't go through like with some supercilious grin on your face just to try and appease people. Smile if you feel like smiling. Don't smile if you don't feel like it.

>put her hand on your erect (i hope) dick.
This is good, too.
>wtf, AWFUL advice
Yeah I thought so too until I did it a bunch of times.

>Just fucking smile.

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fucking lmaooooooo

pretty based


If you are new, leave. Now. For your own good.

You seem somewhat reasonable. Explain your rationale

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I always thought this painting was of a shipwreck, not a funeral

I dont. I always knew I was gonna make it and this site didn't stop me. Maybe it's because I don't spend too much time here because it gets boring. I'd rather lift or do another hobby when I have the energy.

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breh.. this is kinda good

shit, you're right.


Yes. You heard me right. We are not here forever. Nobody cares about your actions. Do what ever that fuck you want user.

oh please, you really think you wouldn't be a coomer if you never came here? go outside, they're all coomers

Im not him but idk its worked for me a bunch of times

Suffering now amplifies happiness in the future

When I was younger I just decided to test it kind of as a joke because I'd seen it happen in porn so much. The guy pulls his dick out and the chick just ends up fucking him no questions asked.
>be me 17yo on a road trip with a chick I've been trying to bang
>Friends in their trucks, me and her in mine
>touching her thigh while we're talking and laughing
>get a boner because I start thinking about fucking her
>whip my dick out
>user, what are you doing?
>sorry I got hard and it started hurting
>I'm not going to touch it
>I didn't ask you to, it was just hurting. Just ignore it.
>5 min later getting road head
Since then it's been one of my go-to moves.
It makes sense, if a chick I was into just dropped trou near me I'd start playing with her pussy, so what's the difference?

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like this

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no I'm not, my point was that it is a funeral

Now this makes more sense

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I'm not sure why casual nudity and semi-forced casual sex is incredibly hot.