cmon, i know at least one of you autists here do this.
is it possible that we're all wrong about meat, milk, eggs, rice, and in actual fact all humans need to be healthy and strong is fresh fruit?
i've seen a lot of schizophrenic black people instagram accounts who claim this, and i used to laugh at them, but it's starting to make sense...

Attached: freut.jpg (2119x1414, 700.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Look up any frutarian youtube channel

100% fruit?
High fruit? Can work if you burn a huge amount of energy constantly throughout the day. Fruit's primary energy is simple sugars so if it doesn't get processed and used it's getting stored. Eating large meals could lead to insulin spikes and sugar crashes.
You're better off adopting a balanced, nutrient dense diet with calorie density tailored to your energy level. Fruit is good for you in a certain quantity but neglecting the benefits of other food for pure fruit is silly.

>Fruit's primary energy is simple sugars so if it doesn't get processed and used it's getting stored
Only your liver can use fructose

granted most of them look fucking horrible
i did see one guy who looked good though, forget the name. ironically enough he was black.
maybe it's only good for black genes?

Your liver processes it into glucose, I don't really see what the point of your post is, would you be able to expand on what you meant?

>and in actual fact all humans need to be healthy and strong is fresh fruit?
How are you supposed to get fruit all year round in pre 1800's technology, excluding storage of apples, drying and making wine?

this further supports it being a black people thing
they would've gotten fruit all year round in tropical zones
imo the optimal diet is plenty of meat, dairy, fruit and SOME vegetables
no grains FUCK GRAINS

that's not true. the liver doesnt know what to do with fructose and stores it in fat cells

absolutely based

It's okay to do temporarily for like a week or two, but it's incredibly hard to get enough calories to even survive eating only fruit. Plus it's very low in protein, you will lose muscle mass. Most fruitiarians are skeletons that look like shit

Check em

>they would've gotten fruit all year round in tropical zones

The liver breaks down fructose and applies the derived chemicals to create glucose and glycogen as needed.
Are you suggesting the liver transports unaltered fructose and stores it in fat cells?

except yeah
different plants would have fruiting bodies at different times of year but there'd be no seasons
they'd just have to find them

yes, that's what I'm meaning. Fructose is hence the worst sugar you could eat. That's why candy is so fucking shit cause they add a lot of fructose in there.


Well fructose isn't inherently bad, people just consume too much.

Did only raw fruit and veggie last year and lost 80 lbs but made zero muscle gains until i swotched back to meat

look it up faggot. Fructose make you way fattier than any other sugar

fructose on its own maybe. fruit is different because it comes with a shit ton of fiber and vitamins

and what sugar is in fruit? fructose. you absolute faggot. Of course some fruit is good and healthy, but inherently they still contain a shitload of fructose

there's a fucking difference between eating refined fructose syrup and eating a fruit that is mostly cellulose you monumental retard
>muh all sugar bad!
your brain literally runs on sugars

yes, that's why I said some fruit is good. Listen faggot, I'm not against fruit, I just wanted to tell you that the liver stores fructose directly into fat cells

"Fruit" contains a mixture of sucrose, glucose, and fructose. Some are higher in free glucose or fructose, some are higher in sucrose.
Fructose is not store in or ass fat cells, it is broken down into lipids and alcohols and repurposed to produce energy. Fructose may provide some benefits over glucose as it does not affect insulin as pure glucose does.

The bottom line is that regardless of source, energy not utilized will be stored as the more stable fat compounds that can be then repurposed as needed into usable energy. Whether you get glucose or fructose doesn't matter for this in a way that makes one truly preferable. Most of the sugars you'll get in your diet are sucrose or mixtures of the monosaccharides anyway. Prioritizing glucose over fructose is pointless in the grand scheme, just eat a balanced diet and it won't matter.
If you're going to go full retard and eat your entire diet in fruit anyway then splitting these hairs may seem logical but to 99.999999% of the population the differences inherent to glucose and fructose are negligible.

Havn't eaten fruit in about 13 years now, never going back. smells is gross, texture is gross, no thanks.

I eat mostly fruit but I'm a schizophrenic white person with a Nietzsche fixation. (He ate steak and about 5lbs of fruit a day). You should eat things in proportion to how available they are in nature though imo, so I eat more fish than steak. No fucking way I would kill a cow to get meat when I could have milk and blood off her. Fish are easier to catch too if you don't know them.

Maybe if you lived in a country where they were freshly grown with no GMOs. If you start eating store bought fruit only then you are in for a bad time.

I have tried this. You get constant diarrhea. Its not fun. Fruit is a transport mechanism for seeds.

Absent/negligible essential nutrients on such a diet:
Just to start. That's before you take into account the ultra-low fat (unless you eat tons of coconut) will make absorbing any fat soluble vitamins you do manage to actually eat impossible.

No, I'm not a carnivore retard and I think fruit is great for you, especially active people. It's just moronic to think it should make your entire diet.

you don't understand whatever you're "looking up."

Zero protein

Attached: eod6oa45yiy31.png (2293x713, 204.79K)

just eat your own shit lmao

This man will turn 67 this year, and has been a raw vegan for about 30 years, mostly fruit based diet. He's also redpilled on the ZOG and even helps doctors overcome their health issues

Fructolysis refers to the metabolism of fructose from dietary sources. Though the metabolism of glucose through glycolysis uses many of the same enzymes and intermediate structures as those in fructolysis, the two sugars have very different metabolic fates in human metabolism. Unlike glucose, which is directly metabolized widely in the body, fructose is almost entirely metabolized in the liver in humans, where it is directed toward replenishment of liver glycogen and triglyceride synthesis.[1] Under one percent of ingested fructose is directly converted to plasma triglyceride.[2] 29% - 54% of fructose is converted in liver to glucose, and about a quarter of fructose is converted to lactate. 15% - 18% is converted to glycogen.[3] Glucose and lactate are then used normally as energy to fuel cells all over the body.[2]

Fructose is a dietary monosaccharide present naturally in fruits and vegetables, either as free fructose or as part of the disaccharide sucrose, and as its polymer inulin. It is also present in the form of refined sugars including granulated sugars (white crystalline table sugar, brown sugar, confectioner's sugar, and turbinado sugar), refined crystalline fructose , as high fructose corn syrups as well as in honey. About 10% of the calories contained in the Western diet are supplied by fructose (approximately 55 g/day).[4]

Unlike glucose, fructose is not an insulin secretagogue, and can in fact lower circulating insulin.[5] In addition to liver, fructose is metabolized in intestine, testis, kidney, skeletal muscle, fat tissue and brain,[6][7] but it is not transported into cells via insulin-sensitive pathways (insulin regulated transporters GLUT1 and GLUT4). Instead fructose is taken in by GLUT5. Fructose in muscles and adipose tissue is phosphorylated by hexokinase.


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he also thinks it's healthy for women to not have a period.

you can't subsist out of fruit because of multiple reasons

they lack protein and fat, you need those two the most

they have little vitamins and protein compared to veggies and organ meats

they are full of sugar, and I mean yeah because they are not natural wild fruit, our ancestors ate that ugly ass banana that it's full of seeds and tasted like shit, nu bananas and most fruits are 100 way more sweet and have much more glucose, so you're blood sugar and insulin are gonna spike a lot throughout the day the same way as you would if you were eating donuts and other shit

it's also unnatural that fruit was never meant by nature to be eaten frequently for the exception of avocados and berries, fruits are seasonal, humans would eat them to get more carbs so the body would store fat during winter when hunting prey were scarce, so your body isn't adapted to eat fruit, our body isn't adapted too much for eating carbs in general since we started a high carb diet only 10k years ago

so no that diet is not healthy

Prepare to lose your teeth dude.

>imo the optimal diet is plenty of meat, dairy, fruit and SOME vegetables
Exactly what I think aswell. The grain part especially.
They use to call schizophrenia "bread madness" you know.

Look up john rose on youtube if you're genuinely interested in the fruitarian/raw food diet.
Personally I think fruitarian arguments are ass because it's the old "we're the most related to animal x(being Bonobo's in this case) so we should emulate their diet" but this argument is retarded for obvious reasons. We are obviously not Bonobo's, we have completely different evolution paths same when we're compared to chimps. Absolute stupidity.

And you would be right, see this nice collection of studies for a proper indo-european nutrition:

Fruits, outside some rare saisonal treat, are nigger tier. You get all your vitamins from meat, animal fat and vegetables. Plus ALL fruits oday are breed for sugar. Thoe are simple sugar bombs completely unnatural to the human evolution.

Attached: domesticated banana.jpg (300x400, 127.82K)

Using fruit as your main carbohydrate source is probably very good. Pair it with milk, cheese and butter/coconut oil and you've probably got a decent diet.

rate my diet

Attached: Crono.png (973x926, 117.67K)

your liver is going to implode and to pieces

Why would it?

It's respocinsible for sugar storage and can only store something around 70g of sugar as fat in there. Everything above that get's puhed into organ fat instantly. Plus your insulin levels will become suicidal and you'll constantly be crashing and eating. That's how you get Diabeetus Type 2.

You got your education on youtube, didn't you?

Your liver deals with sugar like it deals with alcohol. Sugar in high amounts is basically poisonous and your liver has to filter it.

... No it doesn't. It's stored there because it's needed for other organs.
Which mom-blog are you getting this info from?

You're pushing a NWO diet, stop projecting,

To actually adress your points, if your FFA are high, obviously that's going to cause issues. Sugar and FFA compete for uptake, and the higher your levels of FFA are, the harder it's going to be to get the sugar into the cells. That's where insulin comes in. Harmless at first because your body does well at handling the stress hormones, FFA levels are easily brought down as you consume sugar. Your ability to do this changes with age as you preferentially start to oxidize FFA. This is the start of insulin resistance and how you progress into diabetes. Not because of sugar, but because your body is breaking down from stress, being less able to oxidize sugar because your cells are deaf to the insulin signal. This isn't even up to debate by the way. This is the actual reason. Cutting out sugar doesn't fix the issue, it's giving up and letting your body run on stress hormones to function. Ultimately, this leads to a severe breakdown of your body eventually causing degenerative diseases to occur.

I'm not pushing anything. But this youtube educated shit needs to stop.

Oh i'm sorry, what exactly are your credentials?

Something that's not a youtube diploma

>Cutting out sugar doesn't fix the issue
Cutting sugar at least has been shown to reverse Beetus 2. Especially on a intermitten diet low in any carbs, which fewer food inuced spikes.

Nice response, i'm sure you're worth listening to.

>Fruit only diet
Enjoy your tooth decay

>elevating FFA even more is sure to fix the issue!
Doubt it. Enjoy your degenerative diseases I guess.

>listening to
How about you read something?

Keep doubting, pleb.

Don't confuse a "may" for an "is".

Long-Term Effects of a Novel Continuous Remote Care Intervention Including Nutritional Ketosis for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes: A 2-Year Non-randomized Clinical Trial
>There was also resolution of diabetes (reversal, 53.5%; remission, 17.6%) in the CCI group but not in Usual Care. All the reported improvements had p < 0.00012.

It's not a cure for diabetes unless you can actually introduce sugar to the body without issue. Removing it is not fixing the problem.

Why would anyone willingly eat sugar when humans do just fine with ketones and gluconeogenesis?

Obviously you can't fix your pancreas after you've destroyed it with years and years of carbohydrates.