How do i get fit?

110 lbs aprox. 20 years old. 5'4 manlet

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eat big and lift big


eat 2.5k cal and read starting strength you fucking tiny monkey

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please be gay

What do i have to eat? Just eggs, chicken and rice?

not gay

Should i start with cardio?

I need to see glutes so I can recommend a routine

Loose 5 pounds, be a twink until you're 24 then go to ottermode

*not yet

not gonna help you then.

Definitely underage.


In all seriousness eat around the clock calorie dense foods while lifting good luck my man

Why do i have to wait 4 years to go ottermode? i would like to start now

please be female (male)


Most important part is eating and compound lifts 1-2x a week.

Lift in the morning after you wake up.

you 14yo max

I'm 20, Bro, i know i don't look as one, but This Is my genetic

Because at 25 you're too old to be a twink anymore, time to be a man who tops twinks

lift and eat you UFO

Do something like Stronglifts, eat a lot (mostly proteins), read the sticky.

I'll just act like this isn't a bait thread.
I was literally in the exact same position as you, 5'4 manlet (still am) and 105 lbs (now 145, going for 155).
Pretty much all you have to do is eat, lifting is not the main focus while you are still in Ausschwitz mode, but it helps. Because you are never hungry bc. you never do shit.
Waking up early and working out has increased my hunger.
If you are too retarded to eat (like I was), starting with weightgainer helps alot, since 1 weightgainer is about ~1250kcal, which is about half of your daily need.
Breakfast, Lunch, Weightgainer, Dinner, is literally all you have to do regulary, doesn't even have to be much.

much love

>20 years old
no. claiming 16 would have been a stretch.

>read the sticky
literally outdated bro science drivel

Why would be a bait thread? i don't want to get big, if i were taller i would like to get muscular, but i'm not, i just want to workout to define muscles and gain some strenght, nothing too hardcore, ottermode would be nice

> i don't want to get big
> ottermode would be nice
user did you even read what I wrote.

I was in the same exact situation.
You will not look like you will lift weights, that includes otttermode, until you atleast reach 130 pounds.
Eat, escape Ausschwitz mode, google "most basic routine" and you are good to go.

thank mr skeltal

I did read what you wrote, i was just expressing myself to make you see this was not a bait thread, thank you for helping me out

keep it up

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>posting twinkbait on /fit.
>doesn't post bussy

I'm not a fag

Yes you are

I feel you OP, I'm 23 and still look like 16, at least I'm 5'9 though
Eat 2500-3000kcal a day and you'll gain weight reasonably fast and reach a healthy weight within a few months.
Whatever you do, DO NOT start with starting strength or stronglifts, they are bad routines and won't make you look aesthetic, I can recommend Reddit PPL, if you can train 6 times a week
Good luck

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dumb retard just lift and eat more, shit aint that difficult. do some ppl, brosplit, upperlower or fullbody routine. watch "jeff nippard", "mike israetel", "joe delaney" on youtube, follow what they say.
remember consistency is the number one thing in this game. so make lifting a habit, go to the gym no matter what if its a scheduled lifting day. better to do a set of curls and go home (& build the habit) rather than just staying home.
then just eat like ur life depends on in (but don't overdo it, you'll get fat & get stretch marks, but you'll know when you're overdoing it)

just eat more and work out bro

>this is the average zoomer


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Become a rowing coxswain

Is this a blessing from Allah you are beautiful boy

Unironically GOMAD

I'm 130 lbs, 6'1, 24 year olds, what should I do?


show boipuss

Eat lots of food and do SS

Same issue here
>20 years old
>120 lbs.

Fuck everything everyone has said.
Read the sticky. Good resource.

>the sticky
dubunked bro-science tier drivel

r u a skeleton? seriously man eat food, I thought i was skinny at 155 6ft

Increase caloric intake and lift. Not that hard. Also, sure to figure out your protein intake.

Don't eat unhealthy shit and buy food that is the least processed - it may taste bland if carbs, really bitter if vegetables, and taste like wood if nuts, but it's cheaper and healthier.

Do a martial art. Commit and prove to yourself that if you set your mind to something you can do it. The gains will come and some friends with useful skills

no I'm at 14% bodyfat.

Post boipucci

my advice still stands, eat more calories, make sure you're eating enough protein and pick any one of a number of lifting programs

Im as skinny as this guy, (just a little bit higher, 5'7, still a super manlet tho) would greyskull lp with frequency method and 2.7k-3k calories would get me to 150lbs to this year end's?

honestly bro if youre like this just kys. its very obvious youre low t as fuck and likely a faggot

Work glutes 3x a week then put on a dress and let me fuck your ass.

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Well, it's kinda different, you are way more taller and there is only a diff of 45 lbs, for your height you are skinny

Why kms? I think i have a nice frame for my height, i just need some workout, i can't get taller, but i can try to get a lil bit muscular

I'm trying, you dumb dumb