Did any of you ever get a fix-er-upper gf who started fat/skinny and you got her fit...

Did any of you ever get a fix-er-upper gf who started fat/skinny and you got her fit? My gf resists going to the gym over and over and at this point i either have to resort to domestic violence or break up with her.
Pic somewhat related

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>invest years in fixing up some girl
>she dumps you once she reaches her potential
many such cases

My gf is a little chubby, and i've helped her slowly shed the weight over the past 5 months or so.

The big thing for her was begin treating most of her meals more as sustenance for work, while before every meal time was a special occasion she felt like she could splurge.

My gf really enjoys the gym, but the biggest thing is to make it as little pressure as possible, and do your best to make sure she leaves the gym and wakes up the next morning feeling great rather than destroyed and uncomfortable. And have fun with her while she does it, even if it frustrates you that she goofs off and talks too much. Your gf has likely built a nervous wall regarding fitness, and a workout at the gym is the epitome of fitness. It has to be a positive experience for her or she will just reinforce the wall.

Also you have to muster all the inspiration considering you're the one guiding her into a world unknown to her. One day she will become attuned to fitness and seek it out on her own for fitness, though for now it's a strange and awkward experience for her that she feels is for "other" other

I have never personally seen it happen. If you're already offering the comfort of a relationship she has no reason to change.

It is not unheard of, though I wouldn't want to spend my time with someone based on hope.

Hmm so what would you suggest doing then?

I was fat. She was fat. Stayed together for 5 years. Worked out and got in better shape together. Was nice. Broke up for other reasons.

>Did any of you ever get a fix-er-upper gf
Your mistake, only get with someone you actually want to be with.

Become attuned to fitness and seek it out on her own for fun* rather
This is the reason why people struggle in relationships; you feel that you have to build yourself to constantly impress the other person, and blame the other when they're not actively building themselves.

A long lasting, truly loving relationship is one where the two can be open, and work together toward bettering one another, for both of your sakes.

Life is a journey, and you must seek out experiences with this person and not expect them to continue on just to impress you. This WILL stale. The two of you need to chase and experience life together, with and for one another

gotta start somewhere

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A womans fatness and lack of exercise is a delicate subject but generally they either care or they don't. Limit yourself to dating women with an active lifestyle or who naturally don't eat much. Look at their mothers for an idea of whether they are going to balloon or not.

I hate fat bodies and won't look a woman who is chubby. I've been single a lot of my life as a result (because i've rarely maintained a ripped physique myself) but i'd rather be alone than with a "curvy" girl.

Check’d and based.

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>treating most of her meals more as sustenance for work
>while before every meal time was a special occasion she felt like she could splurge
I know this is trying to reduce the fatties and all, but does no one else see all the existential cuckoldry of this mindset? She once enjoyed this essential aspect of life. Now she needs to adjust her life in such a way so that, she removes pleasure from it in order to be a more productive wagecuck. She needs to improve her utility and efficiency for the system. This whole thing with Bernie and all, how all of those white socialists wanting what is in other countries very basic, and they are going to be denied that because the lowest of American culture is already provided with free healthcare, free uni, etc. And now, she must remove something she enjoys in life, because she needs to go back to her desk and perform better. For others, for her boss, for the shitskins. It's arguably so she could just enjoy life more, have bikini pic at beach with bf, 129 likes on insta and other nice things. But irl she could just move more, if she wasn't tied to a job and exhausted of all energy there, for the profit of others maybe more so than herself in the long run.

Really makes you think.

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>She needs to improve her utility and efficiency for the system
you're trying too hard to prove your point, just because he used the word "work" instead of relationship / hobby or whatever else they're doing together

What in the fuck are you on about
>Really makes you think
Think WHAT?

Your pic related is mfw

>resort to domestic violence or break up with her.

violence is the answer brah

But he clearly meant work. As a worker that's what she will spend most of her energy on.

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Yeah, our ultimate goal is to escape this life of wage-slavery by reducing our level of comfort/spending and having a small paasive income.

With that being said, your time at work isnt necessarily a mostly negative experience, and the mindset of 'i just cant wait for my next break' ,particularly if the next break is a shitty meal that will ultimately dampen your mood/mindset further, is dooming you to have a shitty time and gather nothing positive from the experience

though i agree with you largely, i just think your framing is unnecessarily negative without knowing the unique work situation. With thaaaat being said, I'd also argue it's fair to assume somebody with a job is unhappy with it, even to the point of feeling like a marginalized wage-slave; because for the majority of people this is the case

I work with a girl who got fixed by her fiance. I've never met him but I'm positive he's on here. She's really sweet and pretty cute after losing weight.

Honestly it's a good idea, you can find girls who are completely devoted to you but fat, just help her lose weight and more often than not she'll stick with you. You'll know if a girl is into you if she thinks you're the best she can get versus actual admiration.

I always enjoy playing the fat roulette. Speculating whether fat ppl will be good looking is they lose weight.
Not as easy as it sounds

Option 3. Cheat on her.

no it was the other way around, I started out skinny, she got with me, and she made me get fit and big, then she dumped me and went with another skinny guy

So she basically Pierce Brosnan'd you, but Yas Forums?

See, you get it entirely user. I didn't at all mean to deride you or anyone really. It's just the burdens that we place on ourselves, it's so fucked apart and strange that I feel the need to point it out lately. .

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Meant for

Next month I will be together with my soon to be wife for four years. One year into pur relationship I started working out with bad persistence and without any idea what I was doing. Starting last year I started to take lifting seriously. As I progressed I told her of my problems, progressions and of the things I learned. I knew that I couldn't just tell her to work out because all of her experiences with sport were negative. Over the months I influenced her patiently and persistently to see exercise as something positive and naturally she tried to go to a gym two months ago. With my knowledge and encouragement she is making good progress and is happy with her results and the friends she sees at her gym. She was never even chubby to begin with, but not happy either with both her body and her athletic abilities.

i wanna lick her tummy

Wow, if this what trannies look like then women are over I guess.

I Just got a GF who is a bit on the chubby side. I really enjoy her company as a person, but I'm not physically attracted to her as much as I would like. I'm hoping she's going to cut some weight otherwise I know I won't be happy in the relationship.

good approach

I feel like this question gets posted constantly. Why the fuck would you waste so much energy on someone with a shit outlook on physical fitness when there are thousands of other females who already take care of themselves. If you don't like something in a relationship and it is consistently unfixable, you don't just keep butting heads, you get a better relationship

>fixer upper gf
>describing a human being like a project house
Genuinely disgusting, famalam.

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Women are basically objects. At best they are NPCs with minimal dialogue options.

>human being

women are animals

start with yourself user. forge yourself into someone with high enough value to pull the partners you are interested in.

This is the mentality of people who don’t get promoted

Reach your potential first, then find a match

>Genuinely disgusting, famalam.
What's genuinely disgusting is being fat and/or normalizing obesity. Being overweight is a problem that needs to be fixed. Being "offended" at it being treated as such is why America is full of big fat faggots and Japan isn't.


Skinny is the goal for women user

user, I have some bad news for you... 3 years ago I was in the same boat with my ex, she was just on the right side of thick. 3 years later & she was 3 stone heavier.


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I recently started seeing a girl who seems great except shes fairly overweight. I know shes pretty active so its probably a diet issue. I feel like saying something is shitty but I also would love to see her lose some weight and be that much more attracted to her. Does trying to get a girl to lose weight ever actually work or is it just going to cause issues in the relationship?

I hope it works, because my girlfriend has potential. If she lost a few pounds of fat and built up her posterior chain, she'd be a primo 4'10" piece of ass

my gf came a bit pudgy, but all i had to do was fuck her hard all the time and maintain my lifestyle, she caught on and started exercise and dieting on her own and now she has a nice fat ass and thin body
this is not normal

I basically met the perfect girl but she was overweight also, amazing face. I was distancing myself then I eventually had a few drinks and phoned her up. The conversation boiled down to I like you a lot but I need the full package for a partner. I put it to her like either we have this uncomfortable conversation or we just stop talking but I want you and im putting myself out there and we can do this together.

She took it pretty well, about well as a girl can take basically being called too fat. I didn't mention it for over a month, she said nothing about it. I didn't want to push her or make things more uncomfortable, she seemed pretty accepting to what I was laying down anyway.

After a month I basically just asked how her lifestyle changes were going and what she was up to. She just got immediately defensive and saying shit like I told you I didn't want you to be this way with me, you don't like who I am, I was just going to start doing something, etc.

I responded saying well I initially brought it up over a month ago and since then you haven't brought it back up even a little. I have no idea if you are even interested in what we talked about, zero communication.

We talked for a bit and I could have repaired things and tried again but honestly the headache and coddling you have to do is not worth it. I am a former fatfuck myself so it probably influenced my feelings but someone has to have that inner determination and honestly some self hatred for themselves to truly change.

>"I'll find someone who loves me for who I am"
>"You are absolutely correct about that, it's not me"

would you a femcel, Yas Forums?

there are 2 wolves inside you

one is gay

The other one is retarded.

You're a gay retard

fpbp. don't do it user, she'll cuck you the second she gets hot, it's in her genes.

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What's up youtube! Meet Kevin here! Just like I always say to look for wedge deals in real estate, you should also look for wedge deals with women. You know, ones with only cosmetic damage, not actual structural issues. Fix em and boom, you just made 100k$

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I hope she reads this bro

lulz. I wanna smack this dweeb sometimes but he's on his game.

yeah.... you can eat healthy food and make it likeable too, you fat fuck. You're uncucking yourself out of years of good health by eating healthy.. the rest of your post is unrelated garbage.

Damn, I wish I could find someone willing to help me get in shape. I'm active in gaming communities and most of the people I could see myself with aren't exactly the gym types, nor know much about how to effectively lose weight. Not that I'm only looking for someone for this reason.

But I have a plethora of physical and mental health issues unrelated to being fat that can't be fixed easily with (eat less, move more). Fml

Ah, shit. Meant losing weight would be an issue because of the health stuff. Not as easy.

You don't need friends to get fit.

True, you're right. It's moreso for support/motivation. It's easier to stick to a schedule, diet, routine etc etc when someone is doing it with you. I have absolutely no motivation on my own due to being in a loooot of pain (same days worse/even more depending on weather) and having no energy.

If it does get worse, I'm just going to leave.