/GOD/ - the getting off drugs thread

Who here /free/? I mean no alcohol no nicotine no dudeweed no CAFFEINE no ephedrine no nothing, not a single mind-altering substance?

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How do I stop the sip? I got to have my caffeine, but I don't want it.


so you kinda dont want it not enough

I know man, same boat. Right now I'm just reducing. I'm down to 3/5 of my old consumption, one big mug, and I'm holding steady. Gonna stay here for like two weeks. Just until it doesn't feel weird anymore.

>quitting alcohol
>quitting weed
>quitting nic
>quitting caf

Meh, biologically almost anything you eat has some impact on what goes on in your brain, i just dont stress too much about. Seems to work fine, i drink coffe, smoke (nic and weed), some occasional shrooms, but never had a problem stopping

Apparently my body agrees with you

i quit alcohol, nicotine, porn, sugar and most importantly weed which was my biggest addiction ever. I drink coffee with moderation, caffeine is ok if you're not 13.

>thinks cancer sticks are ok
NGMI and retarded

Still on some alc & caf. No more drugs. Also slowly moving from a gallon of coffee a day to less and tea. Moved from beer to wine. slowly.

You were drinking a gallon of coffee a day?

>a gallon of coffee a day
no bullshit?

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Was a weed smoker for almost a decade, now I've been clean for a good while and I only drink coffee daily and have a beer every two to three weeks

keep it up user, proud of you, think about how stupid weed made you.
we're gonna make it

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>weed smoker for almost a decade
was getting off weird? when I quit I would have these episodes where my mind was racing and I just HAD to smoke

your mind has to race, that's what its for. you just need to learn how to control your thoughts. quit the weed and start meditating for real

Quit everything. 5 days clean from caffeine aswell. I was drinking 10 shots of espresso a day and since i quit im a new man

I think my body's getting used to the lower caffeine levels, lads. I feel pretty fuckin wired from my one big mug. Yohimbine probably helping with that.

Little hint of a headache though. My morning levels are low enough to trigger withdrawal symptoms now. Maintain, don't increase, is the plan for March.

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how the fuck do i get off weed. i dont have any friends so the only thing that makes my weekend somewhat enjoyable is having a bit of an edible and walking around at night. without it i just want to kill myself all weekend

I would have sleep paralysis and night terrors the few times I tried to quit, for some reason I didn't have them when I was smoking top shelf stuff, makes me wonder if most street weed is laced with other shit sometimes

Exact same on everything except going from red wine to vodka. Also a gallon of coffee what the hell m7+1
I don’t know how u faggots can work +8 hours a day focused without caf

>sleep paralysis and night terrors the few times I tried to quit
been. fucking. there.
>street weed
def go legal if you can, price be damned. wait this is a quitting thread. don't smoke.

but honestly one reason I want off my base addiction of caffeine is so I can indulge a bit in weed and shrooms without being anxious and manic

Take up a hobby to occupy time. I started learning about music production and have only smoked for one week this entire past year.

>I don’t know how u faggots can work +8 hours a day focused without caf
>work +8 hours a day focused without caf
>work +8 hours a day

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>10 shots of espresso a day
Fuck, did you taper or go cold turkey?

Won't lie, I'm a 19 yr old zoomer and I cant quit vaping. This is my second day off it and these temptations are hard to shake. Everytime I ate, came back from the gym, or did pretty much anything I would hit the nic. Now everytime I do anything I reach for my non existent vape pen only to be disappointed that it isn't there. My problem is that when I have it I don't want it, but when it's gone I keep fiending for it. How do you shake a nicotine addiction bros... I can stop smoking weed whenever but I can't go cold turkey with nicotine.

>I only consume caffeine

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anyone else just naturally grow out of weed? I used to love it and smoke it almost daily, but it slowly started to get less and less enjoyable for me; it would start giving me mad anxiety and intense dysphoria.

I can't smoke it these days without getting crazy violent thoughts, like gouging my eyes out or setting someone on fire. I don't even know how the fuck it started. I wish I could smoke weed like I used to but it just doesn't work with my current head

Yeah nicotine's rough. It's less
>I feel like shit without it
like caffeine and more
My recommendation is just to push the first nicotine use back a little every day. I can have as much as I want after noon...after 1pm...after 2pm...before you know it it's just before-bed /puffs/. Then one day you work out hard and feel sleepy without it and bingo bango bongo, you're off

You CAN go cold turkey, I smoked a full pack a day for 6 years. I went cold turkey 3 and half months ago. I think its just important to keep in mind that nicotine is always going to be more powerful than you, respect that, walk away with an understanding that it won.

I personally believe that the truth of getting over an addiction is forgetting the feeling it gave you. It gets easier, it just takes time.

> too autistic to fit in workplace environment
> too normie to get neetbux

Will the ride ever end brehs

how can i impose myself to not watching porn?. I feel very weak minded everytime i end up cooming when the horny takes control over my body. I just cant and i know its bad for me. I need to man up, I just need the push

That urge is way too strong for me friend, I struggle with fucking coffee

I quit everything but I drink coffee because it's good for you

tapered from a 5 year benzo addiction, currently tapering off kratom that I used to help me taper off benzos. after I'm done with kratom I'm going to hop off prozac.

I can't kick caffeine.

My co-workers think something is wrong with me if I don't drink caffeine for a few weeks.

They start saying why are you so quiet for the past few days etc.

Then I realize that its such a huge mood boost to chug an energy drink I just start back up.

My only drug is sugar. i can't stop eating chocolate for example, this stuff tastes just too good.

If it's good for u don't quit. Lower doses are ok.

Chocolate has caffeine

was on a whole potpourri of drugs up until recently when I realized I've burnt my brain receptors out and I couldn't get a single good nights sleep.

>alcohol, hardest to kick and probably fucked me the hardest
>weed, pretty easy to kick, this shit will bring your whole life to a standstill if you let it
>kratom, hard to kick, was basically reliant on it to keep my anxiety at manageable levels and sleep properly, effects ended up going away and I was just taking 10g a day to stave the withdrawals away
>phenibut, easy to kick because i was mainly taking it recreationally
>caffeine, surprisingly hard to kick but down from my 4-5 cup a day habit and my sleep and overall energy levels are getting better

Checking in, just quit coffee, day 5 or 6 now. Drink about 7 times a year and smoke a tobacco pipe once a month. Haven't touched cucks lettuce in years. Feels good

Keep it up. Are you the user that went for a hike yesterday?

Yeah boyee like four fuckin hours cuz I got lost. Might go again in like an hour if I can spray weeds fast enough

19 days sober from pot. Becoming more productive and saving more money. Going to go back to smoking pot once I formed good habits because I know it wasn't the pot ruining my life. It was just my inaction and a lot of outside factors.

try caffeine patches, then reduce the daily dosis once in a while til you are done

QRD? Did you quit stuff or were you wise from the beginning?

It just occured to me, since we are dependant on water in order to survive, aren't we all addicted to water?

BEFORE: alcoholic, caffeine reliant, porn addicted, food addicted. Both mental and physical health were a mess.
NOW: I home brew mead and have a bit from time to time, every few weeks maybe, planning to start selling it. Very little caffeine, maybe one serving a couple times per week. No more caffeine in preworkouts. I'm currently working on fixing my sleep and I'm gonna switch to sleeping on a Japanese futon. Don't do porn much, just once in awhile when I'm super horny, getting better about it. Using my cooking skills to food prep, and I've started fasting. Getting shit in order.

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>I home brew mead

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the redditor probably drinks IPA's, the phytoestrogens in hops are more potent than those found in söy. not excusing any type of regular alcohol consumption however

>/nocaff/ fasting
Nice. I mixed black coffee and IF like /fast/fags tend to do and I could feel my cortisol skyrocketing...ugh, I do not want the racing thoughts and anxiety again

Never even heard of caffeine patches

Start chewing. It’s easy to quit that

Yes but not nearly as extreme as you

Says cocacola inc.

No breh

addiction means you're dependent *and* it's hurting you

that said, if it wasn't prescribed for an illness and you're dependent on it, it's probably hurting you. and plenty of prescribed things too...

>t. no self control
i have half a serving of preworkout 3 times a week.
i dont like nicotine.
smoke weed once a month.
alcohol with friends once a week or less.

abstaining from everything makes you boring but so does relying on these or basing your personality around them. practice moderation.

>t. retard
nicotine and alcohol are the worst ones for you. faggot. caffeine and weed are not hard drugs unlike the other two

Nicotine isn't bad for you

Nicotine *apart from tobacco* is way less harmful to the mind than dudeweed

it is physically addictive and therefore a hard drug. almost all of its methods of consumption have carcinogens involved, even if it isnt directly carcinogenic. nic gum is acceptable.

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legalize ephedra

heroinChads wya? it's the physique women want
>be my brother
>sick all the time
>no money
>Hep C
>literally almost dead
>unlimited pussy a text away