Lift and get big

>lift and get big
>still have tiny penis

how do I cope bros

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Be a bottom

Post body

It's the worst feel

fix erection problems, unironically jerk off every day, ideally twice or more

I am 6.5 and I feel so small I can't even imagine the people who are smaller than me. There is no cope to this holy fuck.

Nothing you can do about stop infinitely seething about it, it gives you a small dick vibe

manlet with small penis
come on user, shit sucks for all of us, and some more

I don't know, my dick is big. I would recommend becoming okay with who you are and developing a personality.


10/10 girl i work with came to work with a choker today, what does it mean? is it a sign or just fasion?

>6" long
>completely hard when erect
>still flops down at a 45 degree angle instead of sticking straight out
Anyone experience this?
If I do a kegel while hard it goes parallel, but otherwise it just hangs there like a dog tail.
Will doing kegels routinely fix this?

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Doesn't matter no girl is ever going to see mine.

just stand like Michael jackson

This. If you're at the point where a girl is taking your pants off it doesn't really matter.

don't care, really who cares, a woman wont if you have the actual skill to be able to undress her. A woman wont care about your dick size unless she's a total whore.
Only date asian women like me and feel like a gigacock chad every time

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Mine literally points upwards when its at its most erect

It's a sign. Rape her.

Same situation bro, some dicks just point down just like some curve

why even live? no woman would want you

PHD in slobbin the knob

I used to care a lot about this but once I realized that no girl is ever going to see my dick anyway I don't care anymore.



>lift and get big
>now I have a big dick AND I’m Yas Forums
Life is good

>not doing penis curls

date someone with vaginismus

Improve your foreplay game, op. Plus learn some stroke techniques like just doing the head for the majority then going balls deep every so often.

You've ascended, my friend.

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do these gym shorts make my dick look fat?

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My big dick is a curse with my nip gf. I cant go balls deep or I'll smash cervix. Get an asian gf.

>date asian women like me and feel like a gigacock chad every time

If an Asian girl dates a white man, she goes into it expecting him to be bigger.
If you are the same size as an average Asian man, she will wonder why she even bothered picking a white man.

Nice, also whores don't care.

A big dick doesn't get you laid. I have a big dick and I haven't gotten any pussy in 4 years.

Greeks and Romans thought tiny dicks were aesthetic. Make them proud.

yes. and that is because they didn't give a fuck about women's sexual pleasure.
OP has adopted female value system NGMI

a 6.5 inch dick is objectively above average, so it must be cm

what is that? don't tell me that's your penis user, small peepee haha

fuck virgins not sluts

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7.5 inches, still wish I was 8, every girl I've been with has said it was big but I still feel like a dicklet.

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angion method, treat it like training and it'll just fall into schedule

it is. :( so tiny at 7 3/16" x 5 1/4".

>be fat and me
>lift and get big
>lose fat around dick
>fat reduction effectively increases my functional and visible length
>went from 6.5" to 7.5"

Damn it feels good not to be a dicklet.

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Start Penis Enlargement

based and gaypilled

>am pajeet
>4in x 3in

why did god make me like this bros, its inhumane

who the fuck measures their dick to the 1/16th inch

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>tfw women are never into pegging
It's not fair.

As if being Indian isn't bad enough

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>found one who was into it
Theyre out there user, don't give up hope

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How long did you have to be already be hooking up/dating before bringing it up? Can't imagine anyone leading with that upon meeting her. That's a long time commitment just to find out she's disgusting by the idea.

We were friends before, and actually had the conversation before we even went out. The topic of fetishes came up almost as a joke, but we kept talking from there.
in my experience there's actually a lot of girls who are into some pretty depraved stuff, so you can at least expect them to be ok with most fetishes if you bring them up. Its better than being a pussy and keeping that shit hidden forever.

stop watching porn and go talk with girls you utter faggot. Girls dont give a shit about your size, only faggots obsess about this as much as you do unemployed buttmunch

>girl I know/sort of friends with tries to fuck
>reject her because I'm afraid of not being able to get it up [again] and her telling mutual friends
Probably did long term damage to her self esteem but she put me on the spot and felt anxiety spike. Definitely wasn't gonna go well.

Why is everyone 6.5"? I am too. So are some of my friends. Is it like the 5'9 of dicks, where people arent 6.5 inches but they say they are?

Assume that most people are lying about dick size. Culturally we all accepted that 6" was considered the line for a decent dick so no guy under will ever admit it.

6.5 is the avg but Asians bring the world avg to 5 in

5.5x4.5 on a good day here
and am a manlet
fuck you guys who have 6+

>no one but doctors will ever see it
Fuck you guys who aren't permavirgins.

How do I stop having performance anxiety lads

Do a lot of cardio. Take viagra.