Fighting a gorilla

I have been practicing MMA for 6 years now, parallel boxing for 7 years, I could.

As well as weight training for 4 years, 1m87 for 86 kg

I have a crazy speed, and reflexes identical to my speed. I just have to wait for him to load me up, dodge him and give him some good potatoes in his head. I won't let him go at the slightest mistake, the gorilla's finished. You'll always have virgins from here to think that's impossible. Nothing is impossible with will already friends, and 2) it is not with your cowardly body that you will do anything.

Any man with a minimum of training can defeat a gorilla with a knife already. With a bare hand it's not necessarily more complicated it just requires technique.

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If this is meant be a joke its not funny at all poor poor effort,

If not your a fucking retard kys.

What about "my fucking retard"?

good luck

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You can’t beat a gorilla
They are that way literally because of their mating habits and fights for dominance
It might not even bother with you because you’d be so non threatening

SEETHING gorilla


gorilla thread

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Join the Navy SEALS.

>blocks your thread

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Outta my way sapiens fuckin shits

i can for sure take on a gorilla with just hand to hand combat but a bear would just be too much for me. gonna need a spear

hes gonna rip your arms off dude


puppet pal mitch, is that you?

Awful b8.
Get a new dress.

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And I have a gun. And I'm legally allowed to defend myself. And If a faggot like you tries to attack me. You are gonna die. Bye.

>I'm in

>I'm out

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So you're a gorilla?
Watch out because I'll curb stomp you next time I see you in the jungle.

Nice try. No curbs in the jungle. I win.

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literal brainlet
somebody turn this into a wojak kek

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this nigga did a fucking dropkick

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>U mad whyte boi?

Fight a big nigger first, they're intermediate apes. If you can easily take the groid down then I'd say you stand a good chance

>dodge him and give him some good potatoes
Unless your striking with over a tonne of force you will not be able to generate enough power to do anything but annoy the big cunt.

Holy fuck

Hi Harambe, shouldn’t you be busy chilling with some gorilla honeys in gorilla Heaven right now?

imagine if a gorilla could throw a punch

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do it then pussy, jump into the enclosure at your nearest zoo and fuck them up

mirin that zen squat form

I hate that fucking fat retarded piece of shit woman behind the glass, laughing her ass off at this caged animal that would literally tear her face off in a second
throw her in the enclosure

But they have shit cardio right Bros? All we gotta do is evade them till they has out, then we head kick and d'arce em bros.

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If you say so, man.

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Lurk moar faggot

The average dude can probably only deadlift 200-300lbs. An average gorilla can already lift 1800lbs, how much could a gorilla who trained like a powerlifter lift? It would be insane

post body faggot

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You wanna see my body, you'll have to leave the jungle first pussy.

Hey look it's this thread again

Look at that fucking banana brain?
I could easily outsmart this chimp and use its momentum against it with my BJJ

Haha imagine gorillas deadlifting, their brains are too small so they wouldn't know proper form
Enjoy snap city stinky gorillas hahahaha

Gotta get your gorilla thread reps in bro

Oh no no no

Hahaha and they're manlets too lmao
Imagine not being able to deadlift as a manlet loool

gorillas are so fucking cool, caging them like this should be illegal with how intelligent they are

With a knife, you can maybe stab it enough to make sure it bleeds out or dies of infection after it murderes you. You want at least a spear to fight wild animals and survive

Sorry tyrone, that white lady is behind glass

It already can rip a head off your body with spine attached

This is not true and a shit post
Gorillas are awful fighters and if you've ever seen a gorilla fight they are 99% posturing and flailing before one backs off and runs away with little to no injuries

>small brain minimizes weak spot
>can't even give it concussions
You're done for OP.

Holy fuck look at that dropkick and perfect landing. Human bois unironically and forever BTFO.

>Bare hands

Never, don't kid yourself


Most likely not, maybe some sick expert with experience fighting animals and other apes.


This is the way to go, pref with a shield.


I don't know man, will be hard


If you you an axe with very good quality and the immense strength to get it thorugh the apes cranium then maybe if you can time it right.

>Bow and arrow




I think a shield will be worse than a longer spear. If you try blocking an attack with the shield, it will rip it out of your hand, if not break your bones. You want a long spear to brace it against the ground and let the animal impale itself.

>Gorillas are awful fighters
Did you not see the one doing a fucking dropkick? They are more agile than humans, they could probably break a lion's bones by flailing their arms around. Of course they're not gonna attack each other, it'd be fucking suicide.

>charges at you
>drop kicks your shield
>breaks your arm
U mad white boi?

Lol cope harder Harambe.