Let the coping begin

Let the coping begin...

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wonder how tight her butt clench was for that lift. It could probably crush a strawberry to nothing but mush.


I can almost bench that though

Attached: ed.png (165x156, 37.89K)

Yas Forums is becoming more repetitive than Yas Forums

Imagine being so insecure that you have to use your "almost"s to validate yourself. Fucking pathetic dude.

>not posting musclemommy Stefi Cohen

Attached: 1582925239279.webm (1920x864, 2.81M)

Step aside

Also....this exact thread was already done like a week ago.

Attached: 1566372071757.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

Post body

did just that today and went even heavier, didnt even have to use the le sumostance

wtf that guy has the actual physique, shape, and mannerisms of a goblin

>that stream of piss as she locks out

>meme deadlift
>cope grip

Attached: bait.png (500x501, 79.66K)

>bards in the background providing morale bonus on his lifting check

I honestly wonder if she'll stick with it and dethrone megsquats as /our/girl.

Meg is hitting the wall

Attached: 20200131_120033.jpg (1080x1007, 538.89K)

It's an impressive diddly for her size, but i can double overhand that weight

>bards in the background providing morale bonus on his lifting check

Attached: 14987917.gif (320x224, 3.28M)

Don't care. Didn't ask, plus she's not pissing everywhere.

This thread gets better every time it's posted because Yas Forums is slowly running out of ways to cope with being weaker/as strong as a 100lb teenage girl.

>look mom i posted it again
The only people who find lmao3pl impressive are dyels like OP

it's not that bad for her weight but a healthy teenage boy will 3pl without sumo, chalk or a meme grip on their first day in the gym

w*men... not even once

who on Yas Forums actually cant deadlift 330 lbs...? thats babbyweight nigga

OP likes to delude himself people are seething to cope with the fact everyone is happy for this woman and can diddly more than her.

99% of people here dont actually lift. So excluding the people here who actually lift, I assume only a few of the lardasses could lift 330 untrained

0 reps

Most men could deadlift 330 on their first day.

I havent deadlifted more than 95 lbs yet, but I just started doing them and finally have the form down. Will move to 115 next.

you must be retarded

2pl8s for sure but 3pl8s is a stretch unless you're an athlete that competes in an explosive or contact sport

Yeah but I bet you have to sumo. I don't even have to.

You must be a weakling. Post body.
>fully grown man
>cannot pick up 330lbs and move it two feet in the air
Pick one and only one.

He's b8ing

post physique pussy

It's very telling that everyone on this board immediately starts attacking Serena instead of acknowledging how impressive a 3x bodyweight deadlift is for absolutely any natural. Pure, unadulterated insecurity.

330kg you mean? My 9yr old daughter could dead 330lbs

can smell your manlet cope. Post physique pussy

Point out one (1) post attacking your wheyfu whiteknight.

Is this a normal thing for ppl with neolithic phenotype?

DYEL's hated him because he told the truth

I pull conventional gayboi

>3pl8 diddly
>Mixed grip
She is impressive for her size but that's it,

what? is she coping with the fact shes a man and not feminine at all?

w-why tho?

not saying I cant do it, but how many dyel walk into the gym and pull even 315 on first day. I couldn't first day. You couldn't either. Curb your b8

There is no reason why you would be able to do that unless you're a manual laborer or a pro athlete

>no body
>i was a natural born pussy so everyone else is too
most men aren't as pathetic as (You)

Or a grown adult male. The absolute fucking state of anyone in their physical prime who cannot move 330lbs.

You have the bravado of a pussy.
t. different

I would do anything for her to force me to eat her out.

Attached: 1xq585xawy241.jpg (768x768, 50.87K)

here's my progress, been about a year. Not great but pretty good for a recovering lanklet. Let's see yours. 160->215bw btw I think

Attached: Polish_20200227_183652567.jpg (1280x1280, 1.28M)

>n-no u-u
Whoa so this is the power of r/fitness

Post body, deadlifting 330lbs is very arbitrary and by no means represents overall physical ability

>physical ability does not represent physical ability
Cope: the Post

Deadlift is a lift not a "physcial ability" fucking gymcel

>physical activity isn't physical activity
Cope: the Post

ok lets break this down for the true alpha chads
how am i supposed to be horny for a literal midget that will birth me manlets
>literally only 6 inches of rom
>no tits
>slams the weight down instead of slowly lowering
im supposed to be impressed just because she's a girl?
0/10 would not even stare at her from the gym mirror

vid of a 15 year old boy deadlifting 405 he weighs 145 any """man""" in this thread claiming 330 was beyond them is signficantly weaker than an average little boy

>retard body so no rom
>mixed grip

behold my 10cm rom

Are you a woman?

You'll never post your body because you're a troll, your whole existence is a joke.

this cunt looks stupid what are you on about?

Ya seethe lil guy? Read and watch
this then cry harder for me.

>not feeling glad for her when you see her face of happiness at the end
comparing, downplaying and overall shitting on others? you're never gonna make it

post body faggot. C'mon let's see this stunning physique

We're shitting on each other for laughs my dude there isn't one post ITT seriously shitting on the girl in OP.

>post body
>at the beginning of march
Ask me how I know you have never lifted in your life.

Still waiting on that "man" body of yours, dyel

>seething so hard you start samefagging

>Those big boi legs
You dont look good but dam am I mirin the size of those tree trunks

>fake deadlift
Do it right or don't do it at all. Fucking retarded cunt.


I already put mine up. If you're lookin thicc it's no big deal. I wont judge ya, I'm no bodybuilder. Otherwise just keep with the cope posts manlet

? I don't know who else you're arguing with, but I'm not samefagging. You going to post body or are you just an epic troll brah?

>r/fitness having a mental breakdown because some shitposter called him a weakling

Attached: tenor.gif (396x264, 1.81M)

Post the one with her pissing everywhere.

Yeah there it is lol

Is there some gravitational pull to the right where you live?

I really focused on the girth. Not big enough to cut so I'll get that powerlifta bloat going.


>Are you a woman?
No, I just never developed that part of my back. I obviously COULD do more, faggot. I just choose not to (yet).

Cool story ma'am.

I wasn't standing flat footed lmao if that's what you mean

>lifting isn't a physical activity
do you lift using your mind powers magneto?

I said ability not activity, learn how to read dumbfuck

You probly don't even lift, so...

>get called a female
>prove it in the next post

pee-pee slut

>lifting isn't a physical ability
KEK that makes it worse you fucking moron now you have to be using your telepathy to lift wouldn't want to be using physical abilities for that

and i would tongue it in and out of her asshole with my nose in her puss

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He said deadlifting 330lbs is a physcial ability, and i argued that's an arbitrary number on a arbitrary lift and doesn't represent overall physical ability, then you came in and decided to do whatever you're doing now

I'll pass on that pussy

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You couldn't tell from the snoz?

How does that not make it a physical ability?

Are you talking about dungeons and dragon skills or something you fucking retard?

i'm telling you using your fucking body is a physical ability unless you are flying the weights around with your mind like some capeshit hero. deadlifting 1lb is a physical ability.

>Caring about how much a roider can lift

Attached: 1533317269481.jpg (598x600, 68.17K)

Most modern men can barely pick up a 100 lb box without help.

330 is not hard to achieve for a beginner but it's not realistic to expect somebody who hasn't internalized proper form and muscle memory to lift it straight off the bat unless they're already athletic.

>female powerlifting

Attached: ezgif.com-optimize (1).gif (308x260, 3.63M)

I sure as fuck couldn't.

Attached: dead.png (696x108, 8.01K)

Forgot to train her kegel muscles

This is a real gains goblin wtf I thought this was only a myth

Its the deadlifting goblin.

Attached: Homo Sapiens Mortituliens.webm (640x360, 1.15M)

she can lift more than you

is that jeff nippard?

stance too narrow, not enough chalk
1/10, apply yourself

DeAdLiFtInG DoEsNt BuIlD An AeStHeTiCs PhYsIqUe

Attached: nw4xe84tdqyi15keub0uwxztffaoccnszvdoxhu2cqq8yljicsirx8dw3u4emz1y.png (1020x576, 689.13K)

>1pl8 bench for 1 rep with massive arch
Even a disgusting namefag can match that.

Why do they all piss themselves?

Attached: 79F32456-B56D-4A9F-94AF-E0F9D37EE02C.jpg (300x222, 23K)

So I can clean them

go slit your own throat, redditor

an actual gains goblin


Nice. Also that band in the band.

Truly inspirational.

Attached: eiuur.jpg (520x388, 34.32K)

I’d shit on this ridiculous form and ROM if this wasn’t the default advice to men on how to increase their bench. I’ll never trust anyone’s bench numbers knowing half of them are just contorting themselves.


Arch is the Sumo of Bench

Attached: 1561819293127.webm (640x640, 1.71M)

I literally am unable to do this.

I took a video of myself benching where I tried to arch my back as much as possible and its maybe two inches off the bench around my lumbar and that's mostly because I have a big ass.

>tfw started following serena when she had like 8k subs
>now Yas Forums is constantly spamming her


Attached: balrog.jpg (1920x1440, 267.12K)

>dat 2" ROM
How could anyone think this counts for anything lmao

pepeeee she peed peppeeeeed peeed peeeedpeepeeeed

my man built like a mf leprechaun

Shut up nerd

>immediately starts phoneposting on Yas Forums about his 3pl8 bench

Her drug stack is literally turning her into a man.

This guy barely has to bend his knees to reach down. Cheater

Post your deadlift, champ.

Attached: Extra Smug Asuka.jpg (499x564, 48.96K)

Not him but;
>160kg rm
>80kg bodyweight
>Lifted SS for 10 weeks (with poor sleep hygiene for 4 of those, not making any progress)

>Double bodyweight after 10 weeks
Mildly based
>Unironically using the phrase "sleep hygiene"
Mildly cringe