
Olympic weightlifting general, known as /wlg/ weightlifting general back in the day

Weightlifting pastebin

Apti aukhadov edition

Attached: Apti+Aukhadov+Olympics+Day+7+Weightlifting+EYXcJb1JIswl.jpg (594x371, 58.93K)

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i dont have anything to say but im bumping just so this one doesn't die again

Nothing quite like Clean + Jerk (2+3). I feel like dying.

>took me about a year to go from never having snatched to snatching bw (80kg)
Do I need a new hobby?

5x3 pause squat @ 136kg. sore as fuark. fuck im so weak brahs

Nah it's fine
Coach had us do 2 sets of 5, 80% front squat. Quite something
You mean 2 cleans then 3 jerks? Sounds absolutely awful. Hate complexes

one of /plg/s numerous back injury anons here, supposed to DL tomorrow. Should I replace it with clean pulls? I need to work on starting position anyway. what's a good setxrep scheme, 5x3 at whatever weight doesn't hurt?

what should I do if I want to start doing the olympic lifts? what program? i'm a beginner snatch 35kg power clean 50kg (with terrible form)

Powerlifting deadlifts are much more different to cleans/clean pulls than what people normally think.
If you want to get better at one of them, do that one.

That said, if your back is injured, go fix it. If you want to work on technique, you should be using weight that is heavy enough, because, for example you wont be getting any better at snatching just by using a broomstick or the barbell alone.

Ideal % to work on technique is from 80 to 90% approximately, so that may be taxing.

Lastly, get a coach. If you can't get a physical one get an online one. You can't just go to the gym and do whatever feels right. There's gotta be a program

Get a coach. Sign up to a weightlifting gym, or at least a crossfit gym that has weightlifting classes by a weightlifting coach.

to be honest i don't want a coach, i just want some tips on sets, reps rest time etc on how to increase my numbers

Why get a coach when you can just post webms to an East-Timoran claymation IRC room?

Depending on the severity of your injury. I wouldn't even dare to do in a clean pull in my current state. Reverse hyper extensions til healed. Then on to kettlebell swings, then hip thrusts. Then maybe I'll do some sumo rack pulls. You could probably do clean pull from blocks safely.

EEEEUUUUUUGH. It always feels fine within a week, then I do something thinking I'm being careful and end up re-aggravating it

Retarded question.

Is a squat jerk just the most extreme version of a push press possible or is there more to the technique?

rate yesterday’s workout
middle of a mesocycle
>6x3 clean @ 72%
>5x5 muscle clean @ 67%
>5x5 clean pull @ 110%
>6x3 front squat @ 76%
wasn’t much fun; felt like a lot of work

idk why do all that crazy shit instead of just snatching, clean and jerking and then getting strong?

Yeah, 2 cleans and 3 jerks. I decided to do a 5x5 PR on front squats before the session too because I'm a fucking retard.


>back squat 325
>front squat 275

How much should I reasonably be able to expect to c&j after a month or two of training? I'm starting with a coach soon and I've hit 195 for a clean and jerk on my own with poor form. Any of you anons have rapid gains at the beginning?

>tfw fucked knee 6 weeks ago
>Can't go ATG without searing pain on the inside of my knee

Might give up Oly lifts for a while

Any wrist strengthening exercises? Took a wider grip on the snatch and everything felt way better, but my wrists were sore the whole time

are you warming them up first?
warmup: youtube.com/watch?v=mSZWSQSSEjE

strengthening: youtube.com/watch?v=I4-U2JWhaPM

Squats are the backbone of the lifts, squat 3 times a week if possible (deadlifts arent important in wl), clean pulls and snatch pulls are important.
Do a lot of back extensions, upper back work, and strengthen your triceps and shoulders with OHP.

Generally for the snatch and cnj you don't go beyond 3 reps.
Squats you can, but probably no more than 5 reps.
Do a basic pyramid routine where one a week you build up to 90% of max, then come down to 60/70% and back up the next week. If you're eating a lot then max out every two weeks or so.

Just keep it simple, do squats and technique work and progressively overload.

I think pulls are stupid and deadlifts are important.

>Deadlifts are important
Fair enough, they're an essential strength movement and just because weightlifters primarily train competition style pulls doesn't mean deadlifts have no place
>Pulls are stupid
Pretty brainlet take there; I can't imagine anyone thinking this unless he's a Rippetoe "clean and snatch pulls are exactly like a deadlift" believer

In the push press, after you drive up you never let your knees bend again, once its off your shoulders its all arms to get it above your head, your legs and trunk are just to keep yourself stable at that point

12 reps 3-position snatch at varied % of 1rm suuuuucks, bros. Being relatively new but familiar with the movements, my shoulders, that day, felt like they had been yanked from their sockets and put back in with a baseball bat. By themselves, it likely wouldn't have been an issue. Combined with the other shit we did that day...pic related.

Attached: 1394354424013.jpg (1253x939, 169.47K)

Are push presses a good way to get used to being under more weight than you can strict press? Is there a better way getting a lot of weight above your head for practice?

you can do pin presses but they dont carry over to the jerk as much as push

I'm 177cm/5'10 with long femurs, been playing around to find my best starting position but it's been a pain in the ass, have to drop my hips lower than knees to get flat back
what do?

Have you tried standing farther away

what do you mean?

The bar should be over the balls of your feet normally, but you might have to move it out a bit based on your proportions though (but never actually past your toes)
Play around with where your foot is under the bar for the next bit

>tfw either cut my leg drive short or involuntarily push jerk
I hate push presses, I literally push press less than I strict press

goodnight /owg/, don't you die on me

I don't care to snatch or squat. My legs are enormous and grow from walking up stairs.
What's a program with a ton of pulls and lots of emphasis on improving the jerk?

got some straps. time to snatch pull again boys

just lift light and cut your depth dummy don't give up entirely

poorfag here. thoughts on powerlift 4?

I've been using them for a year now and I love them desu

Nice, should I train the cnj and the snatch the same day or should I split them? Like one day cnj the other snatch etc

how do they feel for oly lifts?
do they fit your size well?

If you're patient, wait until Reebok has a good sale on their site and you can get their legacy lifters for like $100 to $120. Really great pair of shoes.

had complexes programmed today and i wanted to fucking kill myself.
fucking one pull + 3 hang snatch for 7 sets.

Hang snatches aren't so bad when they are low hang. Regular/high hangs are brutal though haha

Not him -- but same day if you have any competition aspirations, because in competition they are done together. I train oly 2x a week super simple:

day 1: snatch 8x2, 2min rests
cj 8x1+2, 2min rests.

day : snatch max
cj max
front squat 3x3

the other 2 days of the week are for strength training.

the movements are different in very important ways, in deadlifts your positioning isn't good for approaching the second pull.

You can train them on the same day, usually begin with the snatch.

You'll find that once your technique gets sufficient, your cnj escalates more or less in line with your squat. Snatching requires more technique and can't be brute forced as much.

As a beginner do high reps (like 3) on your snatch and cnj to work the movements into muscle memory. Don't rush either of the movements, the first pull (from the floor to knees) doesn't have to be fast, only the second pull.

I don't think you're right and are just overcomplicating the movement. This discussion makes sense to me:

No he's really not. Literally every professional oly lifter sets up for a clean the way he describes. Mark Rippetoe is not an oly coach. He has never coached a professional athlete. His advice is completely out of line with literally every relevent and even irrelevant oly coach. You're being a contrarian.

i do a c&j and snatch day once a week
currently have:
>snatch day 1
>clean day
>jerk day
>snatch day 2
fwiw, i back squat on snatch days and front squat on clean days

>oly coach
pick one, and don’t pick the strength coach
if you think that a clean pull is the same as a deadlift, you will never clean as much as you could

>not reading the pastebin
anyway, expect to not touch a heavy c/j for a while with a coach. idk what's wrong with your back squat strength, should be 50lb higher given your FS

Jesus christ user


Here you go. Clean is usually 75%-80% of your back squat. And most people usually can jerk around what they can clean (if not more). And yeah, you're going to make very rapid gains when you first start, mostly due to improving technique

i think this ratio of fs/bs is pretty solid, 84%
that’s pretty good
while i agree that it’d take a while to get heavy cleans, he could muscle his way through to a 100kg clean in a couple months

Yeah theyre snug, feel perfectly fine. I wouldnt be caught dead without them

Just ordered my rehbands 5mm. Do you guys normally yse 5 or 7 mm?
I've heard people say 7mm are basically for powerlifting

>new to oly lifting, ~3 weeks in
>max testing snatch and c+j today so I know what weight I can comfortably work with for proper sets
>lose the bottom of the squat at 105lb C+J
>try to bail but only drop the bar on one knee somehow
>it's swollen as h*ck
other than that today went cool tho
340x1 skwat and 105 snatch too

This sound like a good plan, do you do any pulls? if so when
Ok should I train my pulls before or after squatting? Also is it bad that I don't do any back squat but only front squats? I hate back squats because it feels uncomfortable and awkward to go up however when doing front squats I feel like my legs are in a better position to generate force and I feel more solid

guess I'm the weird one
>200kg bs, 160kg fs
>120kg c/j :(
I think I'm just a squatting freak with a very good rebound reflex

I've used both. 7mm is fine for oly, but I'd only recommend if your knees are totally trashed. 5mm is enough if you're knees are fine and just looking to keep things working well.

Both are IWF compliant.

>should I train my pulls before or after squatting?
Either is ok, but I would do it before more often. Doing anything after back squats will force you to work in a fatigued state. You'll learn a lot about your technique but it's not something I'd do a lot.

Could be. But what's more likely is your technique is holding you back. Thats usually why people are behind on ratios

what do you use them for?