>Seeing guys with 0 traps who shrug 3 or 4 plates for reps, full range of motion, and yet their traps dont grow.
>Seeing guys Calf Raise the entire stack, and yet still their calves look like any random guys calves on the street.
>Seeing guys bench press 2+ plates for 10+ reps and still have bitch tits.
>Seeing guys doing like 50 sets per week for arms and yet have 0 arms.
What the fuck is it? Natty lifting, its a fucking meme right? The only natty lifters I know that look good, dont look good because of muscle mass, they just look good because they're single digit bodyfat, their muscular development is always trash no matter how strong they get or how much volume they do.
Don't even talk about CBT threads on Yas Forums, most of them are frauding, or they're frauding myspace 1/1000 best photo they took, Im talking about what I see in real life in regards to the natural lifter. None of what you say should happen, happens to a natty.
>"Just get X lift and you'll grow and look good" -
doesn't happen.
>"Just do X volume and you'll grow and look good" -
doesn't happen
What actually works? just get fucking lean, all this autistic routines, strength gaining, high volume, none of it does much to build your body as a natty, nattys can barely grow.
Of course there are exceptions to the rule, such as guys with amazing genetics who grow like they're on steroids (let's be real most of these guys are just frauding and dont actually have special genetics)