Dark circles under fucking eyes

How do I fix this? I'm sleeping 8-9 hours everyday but still no improvements. Wtf should I do bros I look like I got punched in the face.

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I get them to pal, fucking hate it, one of the lads got some treatment where it cleared right up last about a year, was in eu about 350 euros it cost him, minute i get a few euros up i getting it myself

I have some spare Cerave Moisturizing cream

I just ordered some on your recommendation,

Get the Neutrogena Facial Moisturizer that doesnt clog your pores.
Shit is straight magic bro.

Neutrogena has basedbean sterols and other comedogenic ingredients I think.

do you feel good after waking up? do you sleep for the entire 8-9 hours (no waking up in the middle)

I'm having good luck with Swiss basics' moisturizing formula.

Are you diabetic? I knew a diabetic guy and he had the exact same thing constantly and I wondered if they were connected.

I sleep for the entire duration but my eyes usually sting a little after I wake up
No. I'm lifting and eating decently healthy foods.

One more thing. Is staying in front of the computer contributing to dark circles?

Yeah you're right. Only 3 brands people should be considering are cerave, cetaphil, and vanicream.

yes. You need to stay behind a computer for just as long to reverse it.

drink more water, sleep more, make sure the skin under your eyes is not dry. Eye creams are a scam, just because your skin there is a little thinner doesn't mean you need sth completely different.

It's partially genetic, don't expect amazing results
The skin around your eyes is naturally thinner, so you get these dark circles due to the capillaries underneath

Moisturizing and all that stuff will only get you so far

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I don’t,advice?

My eyebags weren't that bad at all but they almost dissapear when I started using creams.
First I use some vitamin C serum, then a Hyaluronic Acid cream, and some moisturizer (aveeno maxglow). Always adding some drops of water to my hands so it sparses evenly.

Also, drink more water and use sunscreen when going out.

You are doing too much exercise

I used to have this problem. First thing I recommend is having a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I’ll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


I feel you bro, have the same thing and pretty bad aswell. I always look tired.

I will go get cosmetic surgery for it which will reduce it hopefully.

Other things you can do are: Stay away from alcohol, drink a green smoothie a day and drink lots of water, use moisturizer and a bit of concealer.

I've been waking up every morning at 4:30 needing to pee and shit. I can't get back to bed after.

alcohol definitely makes it much worse, my skin looks like shit several days after one night of light drinking

I have the opposite of this. When I've been drinking heavily and/or sleeping less than 5 hours a night I look fresh as hell under my eyes. Then when I've excersized and slept 9 hours of good quality sleep. I look like absolute shit with super dark circles and puffy bags.

>In the morning if my face is a little puffy I’ll put on an ice pack-
wait, oh

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how much time do you spend looking at screens during the day and before you go to bed?

I've had that shit since 16. Now I'm 34. It never goes away, forget about it.

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The blackpill answer is recessed maxilla. Everything else is cope

Collagen protein and some facial serums like vitamin c or something

sleep until well rested 8-10 hours, drink a gallon of water a day, use face moisturizer twice a day and especially after a shower while your face is wet, place used green tea bags on eyes for 10 min a day. pro tip drink 5 tea bags of green tea a day to help your spring cut

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Iron deficiency. Get some Fero sanol duodenal 100mg twice a week and do blood tests after a month. Don't consuem dairy within 3 hours between dosing, but ideally vit c.

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You should use an exfoliating gel scrub.When you're done, apply an herb-mint facial mask and leave it on for 10 minutes. If you really want to have a perfect skin, add then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

improve blood circulation by eating fruits, vegetables, garlic and onions(not soi).
cut the screentime until the flesh under your eyes is pink. chances are it comes from the bloody red eyes.
make sure you're not deficient in minerals, vitamins or hormones.
if you still have dark circles, it won't be for health reasons and can only be fixed with remedies that work after weeks of consistency or surgery.

it's actually your cheekbones that aren't fully developed. but that's only true in some rare cases.

bro I have almost an excessive amount of iron in my blood, I still have dark circles

for me,it was allergies. Taking an allergy pill a day completely got rid of my under eye circles

Other common causes an endocrine related. Have you checked your thyroid? Relevant measures: TSH, TSF3 and TSF4. Don't only get TSH, 3+4 will actually show long term hormon balance ad are needed to check for chronic disorders like Hashimoto.

Do you smoke or drink regularly? Are you getting enough water into your sytem?

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Mk677 helped me

You're kidding, right? That's all it took?

Consoomers make me sick

Low test

Pretty much a decent couple of hours every single day. Doing university work, browsing IVchan and other things.

It's 100% genetic.

It's caused by a thin layer of skin and a genetic disposition to having too many blood vessels underneath your eyes.
When the blood vessels dilate, they give off a bluish hue that makes your eyes darker.
As you get older the skin becomes even slimmer, which makes it look worse.

Only thing that can stop it is surgery where they remove the blood vessels from underneath your eyes.

Anyone saying otherwise is a fucking liar.

Recomending surgery when there is a shitton of causes is retarded beyond believe. Don't shill for thi shit. There is no such thing as a genetic disositon to look like a zombie. It's not GENETICS.

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you probably have seen too much shit, I recommend stop viewing degenerate things

Totally is genetics. Shit is way more prevalent in east asia. Indians, slavs.

anecdotal but my doctor told me i was vitamin d deficient and after about 2 weeks on 1200iu one of the things i noticed was they were considerably less dark.
they're still there but now i look like i'm simply tired instead of reanimated

>third world has a shitty diet and lifestyle
That's not genetics. Give me a study claiming his or shut up already.

I’ve had blue circles under my eyes since middle school. Sometimes you just can’t get rid of them. I sleep 8+ hours per night, drink plenty of water, moisturize. I’ve tried the “eye cream” garbage, tea bags, cucumbers. I sometimes wonder if it has something to do with me being a vidya addict mouth breather as a teenager.

Not the other guy, but nigga I haven't slept a straight night in fucking years. What is wrong with my body?

I started drinking Ashwagandha/turmeric tea recently to hopefully help, but it's too soon to tell. Otherwise, I eat well and stay hydrated and work out every other day

Is getting a sun lamp and looking into it a good thing or a bad thing.
They sell them in the pharmacy's

ive had them my entire life. I don't get a lot of sleep but that's not the reason I have the circles. Its an aesthetic.

Why the fuck are everyone talking about dry skin? It has to do with your capillaries.. Sleep, drink water and get proper nutrients. The best would be if you ate raw liver as much as possible. Gives you a bunch of good nutrients and a fuck ton of bioavailable iron.

the blue light spectrum fucks with your circadian rythem. You are probably not hitting rem sleep like you think you are

Dark circles are common among heavy weed users. I'm onto you, OP

Do you drink caffeine? Do you use nicotine? If so, cut that shit out.

I just live with them. Dark circles with hooded eyes and low eyebrows make me look more masculine.

Based Paulie

Part of it is genetics, my dark circled are noticeable but not the worst, while my dad has literally been asked if he's been in a fight because his circles are so dark

Use Preparation H. That’s how stars get ready for the red carpet.

Wake up at 4:30 and shit the bed

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